Aka Koujou

Summary: All Neji wanted was train, if borrowing a movie for Ino was the only way he would do it. So exactly when did he end up watching Moulin Rouge with Tenten?SeeNotes for Title

Notes: Aka Koujou means Red (Wind)Mill in Japanese, and that is what Moulin Rouge indicates in English.

Disclaimer: Standard Disclaimer. I do not own Naruto, Moulin Rouge, or any of the songs from Moulin Rouge. I, uh...own chocolate milk though? (sips chocolate milk)


Let the teenage awkwardness begin!!!

The Show Must Go On!!!

Tracking down Kakashi was not terribly difficult. (He did have the Byakugan, after all!) It was approaching the Jounin that Neji found difficult.

What would he say exactly?

'Hi, I don't know if you remember me but my name's Hyuuga Neji and I need advice about asking a girl out.'

No, his pride would not allow that, not in a million years...

Maybe ten million.

He swallowed, trying hard to gulp down his pride and decided on a different approach. In other terms, he walked up to the Copy-Nin and said, "Hn."

The man glanced over the little orange book he had been reading, his one visible eye on the Hyuuga prodigy. "Oh, hello." Kakashi said casually. "You're Gai's student aren't you?"


"You're about as talkative as Sasuke..." Kakashi replied coolly (Neji could swear he could find some mischief in his eye as he spoke) before going back to his book.

Neji stayed, staring pointedly for at least ten minutes until, "Is there something you need?"

"Yes," Neji replied hesitantly, placing his words carefully, "You see, Lee, my teammate, has a crush on Sakura. Thing is, he doesn't know how to show it without...well...doing what he usually does, and he wanted me to ask you because you and Gai are such close..." Neji's eye twitched as he said the next word: "friends."

"...Hmmm..." Kakashi said, eye crinkling as he (supposedly) smiled. Then, in all seriousness: "This is about you and Tenten, isn't it?"

The amazing Hyuuga Neji almost tripped over thin air upon hearing these words.

"I figured." Kakashi continued, apparently taking the stunned silence as a yes, "Naruto always makes a point to laugh about you two at training. Something about you both liking each other and everyone knowing it but you never do anything to get together."

Neji made a mental note to beat up Naruto later.

Stupid Naruto and his harsh truth...

Alas, our hero could tell Kakashi was outright grinning with the way the man was giggling. The Copy Cat reached into his back pocket and pulled out another book, identical to the one he had been reading previously. "You came to the right place..." More giggles drifted out from under the mask as the Jounin placed the miniature, orange book in the hands of the Byakugan-user. "This will tell you eeeeeeeevrery thing you need to know."

Neji stared at Kakashi's back as he walked away, nearly full-out laughing by now.

What was with that guy?

And more importantly, who was weirder; him or Gai-sensei?

Neji's world seemed to shift around him as he realized there may just be someone out there even more abnormal than Gai.

Pushing such absurd thoughts into the back of his mind, Neji snapped back to his senses and stared at the book in his hands.

Cautiously, he opened it...

He skimmed the page. Just words. Nothing bad ever came from reading some words. Maybe it was an instruction manual! ("HOW TO CONFESS YOUR LOVE!!! FOR MEN WHO ARE SEEMINGLY EMOTIONALLY UNAVAILABLE!")

" 'Is that a mirror in your pocket,' he asked all dashingly-like." Neji murmured, reading aloud to himself. What a weird question. Who writes this stuff?

" 'No, why?' asked to ravishing secretary. 'Because I can see myself in your--' ..."

Neji turned the page quickly, not wanting to see the shameful words.

It just so happened there was a picture on the other page.

A picture that explains why Icha Icha Paradise in rated for ages 18 and up.

Anyone who had passed by and looked at the Hyuuga would simply see a calm face. But inside, Inner Neji was going ballistic.



"Neji-chan, there's something I need to tell you...It's about the bi-irds and the bees and the tre-e-es!" said Neji's dad, acting all weird.

"Okay." Little Neji answered.

"But!...There's a meeting with the Main Branch today and I have to be there. So I'll tell you later."

...And that was the last time Neji ever spoke with his dad...


Neji looked at the book, disgusted with it and threw it in the nearest trash can.

Never again would that book see the light of day.

Never. Again.

The teenaged-genin walked home, sulking (in a very Hyuuga manner, mind you) all the way.

Then, he noticed the girl who started all this.

Yamanaka Ino.

And she was motioning for him to come over...

It was not like the two of them were buddy-buddy or anything, so why would she be standing outside her family flower shop looking so anxiously at him?

His curiosity was peeked, so he decided to entertain the blonde for a while; just to see what she had to say.

"Neji!" she spoke urgently, but in an oddly hushed tone. She waved her hand at him again and all but pushed him into the flower shop before turning the sign from "OPEN" to "CLOSED".

Suddenly, twelve roses were shoved into Neji's face, wrapped up in celophane and freshly cut.

He blinked, genuinley suprised. "What are these for?"

Ino rolled her sapphire-blue eyes. "For Tenten of course!" She said, as if it were the most obvious thing. Neji gave her a questioning glance. "Sakura told me; she heard from Naruto."

He was so going to kill Naruto now.

"Thanks." Neji said awkwardly.


Later that day, in the evening to be precise, Tenten was getting ready for bed when she heard the doorbell ring.

She raised an eyebrow, wondering who would come by at this time of night.

She opened the door, the cool breeze chilling her as she noticed no one was there but herself.

She looked around for a while before her eyes reached a bouquet of red roses and her long-lost Moulin Rouge movie.

She picked both up and went back inside, smiling.

Attached to the roses was a small card:

"Tomorrow, 8:00 at the usual training grounds?"

--Hyuuga Neji.

Tenten already knew the answer. And she had a feeling half of Konoha did too with the way she was blaring her Moulin Rouge CD.


I will love you until my dying day!


Sasuke was just strolling by when he noticed something odd.

An orange thing in the trash can.

His first thought was: What is Naruto doing in a trash can?

Then, as he neared the object in question he found it was not Naruto, but was, in fact a book.

The same book his Sensei was always reading

Sasuke knew he couldn't just walk by. Not when he finally had the chance to find out what was so interesting about the book. His curiosity was itching, and he knew he had to find out quick before it got the best of him and he did something unreasonable.

So, picking the book up carefully, almost afraid it would crumble in his hands, he opened it.

'A picture book?' Sasuke wondered, then he noticed what the picture was of.

Anyone who had passed by and looked at the Uchiha would simply see a very sick looking Sasuke. But inside, Inner Sasuke was running around in circles screaming, "NOOO!!! THIS IS THAT THING MY PARENTS WANTED TO TELL ME ABOUT, BUT THEN THEY DIED!!!"


"OH, Sassy-chan! There's something your father and I need to tell you...It's about the bi-irds and the bees and the tre-e-es!" said Sasuke's mom, acting relatively normal.

"All right." Little Sasuke answered. "But I'm going out to train right now so I can't until later."

"Okay, little Sassy-chan!!! Have fun playing!!!"

"I'm not playing mom, I'm practicing!"

...And that was the last time Sasuke ever spoke with his mom...


Sasuke dropped the book and ran in the other direction as fast as he could until he reached the Uchiha Compound.

3 3 3

This story is about love.

The End