Theresa Lopez-Fitzgerald and Ethan Crane have never meet. The show has been going for six years now and he is married to Gwen and is unhappy. Gwen is unable to have children and she failed to pass the doctor's test and were turned down for adoption. Theresa's parents are still together and Theresa was given a scholarship to a school in Paris when she was 12 to study. It took a lot of begging but her parents let her go. She study hard and is now a fashion designer and life is good. She has a three year old son named Kale. He is the center of her universe. Theresa is returning to Harmony for Luis and Sheridan's wedding. She is also designing all of the dresses and tuxes for the wedding. She is excited to be coming home and can't wait to see her family. They plane touched down and Theresa put a sleeping Kale in his stroller, then made her way to luggage. It took a minute then she got it all. She made her way to the awaiting car and piled in. She gave the driver the address and they headed out. Half way there she got a call. "Hello?" Theresa answered.
"Theresa, it's Luis"
"Oh, hi, I am on my way to the house." "Well we are up at the Mansion. Can you come?" "Sure, let me drop off my bag and then I will be right there."

They arrived and the driver helped her get all her bags into the house and then drove them up to the Mansion. They arrived ten minutes later and she paid and got out of the card with Kale, his diaper bag and her bag. She paid him and gave him a good tip and he left. Kale was starting to wake. She moved to the door and knocked. A maid answered the door and showed her in. She walked into the living room and saw Luis and Sheridan and several other's she has never met.

"Luis?" Theresa said.

He was in awe. He hadn't seen her since she was twelve.

"You look so different." "Luis it has been eleven years." "And Kale looks so much bigger too." "I know, he is three now."

Luis and Theresa hugged. Then Sheridan and Theresa.

"We have a late birthday present for him down at my house." "Ok, that is very sweet of you." Theresa said. "Theresa I would like you to meet my brother Julian and his wife Ivy." They all shock hands. "And this is their son Ethan and his wife Gwen." "Nice to meet you." Theresa said shaking hands. "You too." Ethan said. They all sat down. "So Theresa how was your flight?" Ivy asked. "Good, Kale slept the whole time so it was peaceful." "That is nice." Julian said. "If you will all excuse me I have work to do. Theresa it was nice to meet you." Julian made an exit. "So, Sheridan how would you like to see you dress?" Theresa said. "I would love. Come one we'll go up stairs." Sheridan said. Gwen and Ivy joined them leaving the boys. They made their way up to the spear room with Kale. Theresa set him up on the floor with some toys and he played happily. Theresa opened her bag and pulled out the sketches and showed them to them. Sheridan loved what she saw. "Theresa this is my dress?" "Yes, come on you're marring my brother and we have our tradition too. This dress is a little old world so mama and her family can be happy and a little new world so you like it." "Theresa I love it. I have been picturing this dress since I was a little girl. It is like you drew this from my memory." "I am glad you like." "It is very beautiful Theresa." Ivy said. "Oh, I have bridesmaid and maid of honor dresses too." She handed them the others and they were in awe. "Theresa they are beautiful." Gwen said. "Thanks." Theresa said smiling. "So Theresa you get paid to design clothes like this all the time?" Ivy asked. "Yes, I do fashion shows, personal wardrobes and wedding parties." "Do you have the tuxes?" Sheridan asked. "Oh, yeah." She gave her the last of the sketches and they were in awe again. "I take it you like?" Theresa said. "Theresa you are truly a miracle worker." Sheridan said hugging her. "So you can do this and take care of your son?" Gwen asked. "Yes, my clients back in Paris understood that I had a son and he comes first. Most loved him so Kale came along on appointments. He is really well behaved." "I can't wait until Luis and I have kids." Sheridan says. "Going to give Kale some cousins?" "That is the plan." "Ok, well we should get back down before the boys run off. We have wedding plans to go over." Ivy said. "Is there somewhere I can change Kale?" Theresa asked. "I'll show you." Sheridan said. Ivy and Gwen left to make sure the boys were still there. Sheridan and Theresa gathered all of the toys and Theresa changed Kale and then they went to join the other. "Are you happy to be home?" Sheridan asked. "Yeah, it has been a long while, but I think it was time. Kale should grow up around his family." They walked into the living room and found the others. "So, is all good?" Luis asked. "Everything is fine." Theresa said. Kale started to get fussy. "Is he ok?" Ethan asked. "Yeah, he's just been coped up all day and wants to run and play." "Why don't we go to the park?" Luis said. "You have wedding plans." Theresa said. "It would be nice to get out." Sheridan said. "Why don't you guys go on. I have a meeting with the girls." Ivy said. "Ok." Theresa said.

So they others headed to the park. Kale was happy to be outside. "Kale you want to run in the grass?" Theresa asked. He shock his head yes and she sat him down. He didn't go to far. The others sat in the grass. "You are doing really good Theresa." Luis said. "Thanks. Kale is my life." Kale ran back over and grabbed Theresa away. She ran around and played. Soon Sheridan and Luis joined them. "Sweetie do you want to join the others?" Ethan asked. "No, I don't feel much like being around kids." "Do you want to go home?" "I think I will go. You stay and enjoy yourself. Besides I have some paper work to do for Collier and I should get it done so I can help out as much a possible with Sheridan's wedding." "Ok, well call if you need me." He kissed her and she left.

Sheridan and Luis took Kale to get an ice cream and a balloon. Theresa saw Gwen leave and walked over. "Is everything all right?" "Yes, she has some work she wanted to get done so she could focus on the wedding." "Ok, Luis and Sheridan took Kale to get an ice cream and a balloon. They are going to pick up some water too." "Ok." So they sat in an awkward silence for a minute. "So, Theresa are you happy to be home?" "Yeah, so many things have changed but I think in it will do Kale good to be around family." "If you don't mind me asking what about Kale's father?" "Marcus was a dirt bag who raped me. I became pregnant with Kale and I didn't have it in my heart to get rid of him and once I gave birth to him I realized he was a part of me and I could love him." "Tuning a bed thing into a good." "I had to. What Marcus did to me will remain with me forever but Kale is not his father and never will be." "I am sorry if I pushed." "You didn't. My family knows so there is nothing to hide." "Well, I am glad you trusted me enough to tell me." "I have nothing to be ashamed of and Sheridan and Luis say you are a great guy." "Luis said that?" "Yes, he was telling me about how you and Gwen were having trouble adopting a baby." "It has broken Gwen. She feels like she isn't whole anymore." "I understand that in a way. Time will help ease the pain, but it will never really be gone." They saw the others walking up. "I think he looks a lot like you." "Thanks." The others reached them and they sat. Theresa placed Kale on a towel and took a bottle of water from Luis. "Thanks." They sat talking until Kale was finished. Theresa cleaned him up and he ran around warring off his sugar buzz. Ethan ran around with him and they had a good time. Theresa loved seeing her son so happy. Sheridan and Luis left when Luis was called by Sam. Kale was having a great time. Ethan looked like he hadn't smiled in a long time. She was happy he had some fun. She felt bad because he couldn't have children with Gwen. She seemed like a nice person. The sun began to sink and Theresa called the boys over. "Kale baby we should get home." "Play." Kale said. "You can play tomorrow. I still have to unpack and you need to eat." "Ethan stay?" Kale asked. "Ethan has to go home to his wife. But he'll see you later." "Ok," Kale said pouting. "Hey buddy I'll tell you what. If it is ok with your mama you can bring some swimming gear and you can go for a dip tomorrow afternoon." "I think we can do that." "Yeah." He hugged Ethan and Theresa took him home.

Everyone was waiting for them. Pilar had already unpacked for her and had a big welcome home dinner waiting. Everyone hugged and sat eating and talking.