Theresa woke and saw Kale's bed empty. She jumped and saw Ethan wasn't there either. She threw the door open and there stood Ethan with a tray of food. "Theresa are you ok?" Ethan asked coming in.
I was worried after last night." Theresa said shutting the door.
"Don't worry Kale is with your mom and they are taking him to get resized for the tux. He's grown a bit so they need the pants lengthened. Ethan said sitting down with the food. "I figured you could you some relax time this morning so Pilar said she and Martin would take him"
"Thanks, I guess I am still jumpy after last night." Theresa said sitting on the bed. "I understand, so eat, take a long shower and relax. Nothing but a wedding will happen today." Ethan said. Theresa smiled and she sat eating with Ethan.
"So about last night?" Theresa said. "I don't know what I am going to do, but when we came up here and fell asleep I felt the safest I have ever felt in a long time"
"We have time to discuss everything later. Why Don't you go hop in the shower and I will clean up and change." Ethan said. "You are to sweet to me." She kissed him on the cheek and left. Ethan smiled and knew that no matter what he wasnlt going to give up on Theresa and Kale. He would fallow them around the world if he had too.
He cleaned up their breakfast and went back to her room with his tux and undressed. He was in the process of putting his boxers on when Theresa came in. "Sorry, I thought you would be done by now." Theresa said turning. "Theresa it's not like you haven't seen me completely naked. We do have a son together." Ethan said. Theresa turned around and came face to face with him.
"I know, it's just we have this agreement and I don't want to be tempted." Theresa said trying not to check him out. "How's that working for you. I know I am having a hell of a time with it. Every time I look at you I want to be with you." Ethan said. Theresa smiled blushing as Ethan ran his arm up her arm.
"I know the feeling but Ethan you are still married to Gwen and no matter what promises we made to each other we can't be together like that." Theresa said trying to step back but she fell on the bed her towel opening. It was as if lighting struck them because they were on each other in no time and they were making love. They were bonding themselves together and neither new it. After the passion subsided Theresa lay in Ethan's arms knowing that what she had to do was sure to break his heart and maybe even his spirit. Ethan thought this meant Theresa was going to stay and it put him on cloud nine. Theresa didn't have the heart to break his mood so she let him be happy.

The wedding started and it was beautiful, Both Luis and Sheridan were in tears by the end. The reception was wonderful. Theresa and Ethan danced and she allowed herself to be filled with the joy of that time for she knew it was going to be a long time before she ever felt something like that. Still uneasy about going to Sheridan's cottage Pilar, Martin, Paloma and Miguel went instead giving Theresa, Ethan and Kale the house for two weeks. That night Kale slept in Miguel's room while Theresa and Ethan slept in hers. Theresa allowed him to make love to her until he was so exhausted he fell asleep. Theresa they moved from the bed and got dressed. She had already packed their bags so she got them out to the car, then Kale and she left a note on the foyer's table. Theresa was gone with her sleeping baby in the back seat.

Ethan woke the next morning to find Theresa not in his arms. He figured she might be getting Kale breakfast so he dressed and went down to the kitchen. But no one was there. He walked into the living room and still no one. Thinking that they might have gone out and let him sleep he started to look for a note. He went into the foyer and that is when he found the letter she left. Thinking not to much into he opened the letter but soon his feeling turn bad.

Dear Ethan,

I know we have made such progress, but I see now that we can never be. The threat of us being together is to much for my son. Yes I know our son and you have every right to be part of his life but I can't out his life in danger. As his mom I need to do what I can to keep him safe. I know you wont agree with me, but as the fate's have it, we were meant to find each other when we did and I think we are meant to find each other again. Never forget that I love you and that Kale loves you too. I hope some day you can forgive me and maybe someday we'll be a family. I'll miss you always.

Theresa Lopez-Fitzgerald

So like that Ethan's world ended and Theresa and Kale were gone in the dead of night. What will happen next for Theresa's family.

I hope you've enjoyed this story, look for a fallow up There and Back Again in a few weeks. chantel