Chapter 7: Warning

Wake up, my dear Eliza, wake up…They're searching for you, for Elizabeth Carter…you will be called Eliza Jane for a time, but do not worry, I will take care of you…don't be afraid when they come for you, I will protect you…wake up…

My eyes snap open as I gasp for air. Oh, my head does hurt terribly so. I cradle the side of my head in my bony grasp. I blink to allow my eyes to focus on my surroundings. I am, not surprisingly, in the hospital room on the examination table. That was you speaking to me, wasn't it, God. I do hope you'll explain things a bit better to me. Who is searching for me?

"Elizabeth, I am so glad you are awake," Professor Xavier says with a sigh of relief.

Eliza Jane…

"Eliza, please, call me Eliza," I say as sudden as the name is whispered in my mind, "Eliza Jane."

"Why on earth for?" He questions me.

"Because, God said so," I say simply.

"…God told you so," he says back to me, again with a hint of curiosity in his voice.

I give a reassuring smile and say, "Please, just trust me."

"I do," the Professor replies, reflecting my smile, "I do."

"I have a question, though," I say, "Is there someone searching for me?"

"Searching for you? I—"

The door opens suddenly, and, with a bit of trouble, emerges Dr. Grey and Michael. It seemed they were trying to keep other students from coming in. I thank you, God, for giving me such friends. Such I know do care for me. I sit up with no difficulty whatsoever, and swing my legs over the edge of the bed, really quite content with myself. Although, I have no idea why I am here. My headache is gone…God, it would great if you explained a bit more. I know, I know, be patient.

"Elizabeth—Sorry, Eliza, do you not know what happened to you?" the Professor asks me after reading my mind.

"…No, why exactly am I here?" I ask.

"You mean you don't know?" Dr. Grey asks, walking up to stand beside Xavier.

I shake my head in reply and look at her, waiting for an answer. My legs are still swinging beneath me.

"Elizabeth, you've been unconscious for the past three hours! You don't remember anything?" she says to me, bewildered.

"Unconscious? What are you talking about?" I ask, completely lost.

The Professor stares into my eyes for a moment.

"Are you sure you don't—"

"Jean, she doesn't remember anything, it is all right, I will explain," the Professor says, assuring Dr. Grey and I, "Eliza, in Chemistry, you were experimenting with pure, liquid mercury. As soon as the protected mercury was in your hand, you dropped the vial and fell to the floor in convulsions. Soon, you lost consciousness and the convulsions stopped. You've been in this unconscious state for three hours now."

God, this doesn't make any sense. What is—Oh my! My eyes open wide and stare straight ahead as memories soar through my mind. That explains the headache. Thank you God.

"There are not many mutants out there with one real weakness, but you, as I've said before, are special," says the Professor, then turning to Dr. Grey, "Jean, will you please call an emergency meeting in my office with all of the X-Men, including those few students in training. There has been a disturbance, and I hope to correct it before it goes any further."

Dr. Grey nods and replies, "Yes, sir."

Michael now looks as lost as I was just a few minutes ago. I stand up as the Professor turns towards the door, and Michael and I follow him out.

"Emergency meeting?" Michael whispers, "What's that about?"

"I'm not sure, but I'm guessing it has something to do with me," I answer, "I don't know for sure what's going on, but, Michael…" I stop walking and turn to him, "While I was unconscious, God actually spoke to me clearly in my mind. The message he gave me was this; someone is searching for me and I am to be known as Eliza Jane for a time. I don't know anything yet, I don't know why the name is Eliza Jane, and I don't know who is searching for me…I don't know."

I am so foolish, God, why am I so foolish? Every time I don't know exactly what's going on or what's going to happen I start freaking out and press you for information! Please, God, give me patience! Please, God, grant me peace and… patience! My eyes wander everywhere in distress, I can't exactly focus on my surroundings, and I start fidgeting with my hands and arms. I need you God, I need you right now, please calm my nerves, I need…I need you, God, help me…I need, I need, I need…you…my nerves are just…and I can't stop…help me!

"Elizabeth," Michael speaks to me.

We are all of a sudden on the ground floor and walking towards the Professor's office. How did we end up here so fast?

"Elizabeth?" Michael says my name again with a bit of force.

My eyes wander back and forth and then up at him, my mind is in a whirlwind of confusion and nerves! But I whisper, "What?"

"Elizabeth, stop!" He says to me, seizing my arms and suddenly his grip relaxes and the tension building in my neck ceases, "Take a deep breath, now exhale…Good. Now stop and let God."

I sigh a breath of relief. Thank you God, forgive me, please. I do hope they didn't hear or see anything that just happened, I'd hate to get more attention than I already have, it is really quite unpleasant. We walk into the Professor's office where we find, well, a whole lot of people. The adults are all here, along with my new friends and a couple of students that I haven't met yet. Michael and I stand together in front of the door. The Professor looks at me strangely and immediately a look of worry crosses his face.

"Elizabeth, have you just had a nervous breakdown?" he says, thankfully, to me in my mind and I—I don't really know what to say.

"Now that we are all here," he says, this time audibly, "I must introduce you to our newest students, Miss Eliza Jane and Mr. Michael Goren. As some of you may know, Eliza's real name is Elizabeth Carter, but from now until further notice she is to be called Eliza Jane and nothing else. We have received information of someone searching for her. There is no reason for us to be alarmed, just be on your guard. We must keep Eliza safe and out of reach of those hands that oppose us."

"Who is searching for me?" I ask.

"Magneto," I hear someone say.

I turn and find that it was Logan who spoke.

"I'll bet you anything that Magneto wants her for some crazy experiment of his," he says to the Professor, but maintains eye contact with me, "She might even be used as a weapon."

"Oh," the Professor gives a distressed sigh and speaks slowly, "Magneto might be planning to strike humanity. He believes there is war brewing between mutants and humans, and is trying his hardest to take over the human race at any cost. Who knows what would happen to you, Eliza, if you were to be captured by him? What would happen to the world?"

I take a deep breath, the words are waiting in my throat ready to escape…but will they listen to me? Will they trust in what I say, God? Please, give me courage…give them courage to believe…

"Nothing," I say, "Nothing will happen, because Magneto will not find me. And even if he does…God will protect me. He will take care of me in any way he sees fit. It might not be lightning bolts from the heavens, or random warrior Angels soaring through the sky to my rescue, but I know that something will happen to stop Magneto."

A strange and cynical laugh emerges from Logan and he says, "God? Who is 'God'? What makes you think he's real and 'protecting' you? That's a bunch of bull—"

"Faith," I cut him off, "Have faith, Logan, I know it's extremely challenging for someone with the brain capacity of a four year old," I say with a bit of annoyance, "but at least try to trust and believe. I mean that's what God wants. He wants us to come to him with the innocent thinking of a child."

Logan frowns at me with a ticked off look in his eyes. Okay, I'm sorry for being a jerk and saying that about him, God, I have a short temper at times…okay, I have a short temper most of the time, but I really am sorry. I look around the room to see some eyes with hope, some filled with fear, and some with question, but there is one pair of eyes that smile at me. Dear Michael, I'm going to need your help in this, aren't I?

"Innocence of a child," Logan says, mocking me, "Look, we don't need to sit here and listen to the obsessive ravings of a Christian while we've got Magneto on our hind end waiting to kidnap that same Christian for his own personal issues."

"Yes, we do," Michael cuts in, standing up in front of Logan, and, to my surprise, looking down to him…My, he is tall, "Beth knows what she's talking about, and it would do you best to listen to her."

All of a sudden long, claw-like blades snap from Logan's knuckles and he points them under Michael's chin! God, please protect him!

"Maybe you should shut yer mouth and go back to mommy and daddy, got it bub?" He whispers with a low growl.

"Logan!" the Professor says sharply, "Let go of Michael and sit down!"

Logan glares into Michael's eyes where he finds something other than fear: anger and annoyance. He then let's go of Michael, half shoving him away and sits down in his original spot. Michael turns and stands by me again, giving me a smile before he turns. Thank you, God, thank you so very much. With one last warning of my identity he asks the rest of the students to leave. As Michael and I are about to exit as well, the Professor stops us and asks us to sit down. I look at Logan who is, in turn, drilling his eyes into mine. The hair on my neck stiffens as I feel the anger from him soaring my direction. Logan, you do need help desperately…and I aim to give it to you, that is, if it is your will, God.

"Elizabeth, don't worry about Logan right now, he is the least of our problems," says the Professor to me in my mind, "He will learn soon enough, have patience."

"I would be much obliged if you could get along with our two newest students, Logan," he continues out loud, "You need their help more than they need yours. We can't fight this divided; we must stand together against Magneto if we hope to accomplish anything."

I raise my hand as a brilliant question enters my mind, "Question…what's a Magneto?"

Dr. Grey gives a slight smile and answers, "Magneto is a very powerful mutant who can control all forms of magnetism and is an expert on genetic manipulation. He is the head of the Brotherhood of Mutants, an evil gang of mutants set out to destroy humanity. If we're not careful, he will kidnap you and use you as a weapon. Whether against your will or not, he has the power to do so."

"Oh," I say and sit back again.

"Alright," the Professor says, "Now that we have that cleared up, Eliza, I believe it's time we have our lesson, if the rest of you will excuse us. Jean, you can take Michael with you."

"Yes, sir," Dr. Grey answers.

The team of X-men all leave the room, Logan is the last one to leave. The Professor stares at him intently and he looks down and walks out of the door. He seems ashamed, almost…

"Now, Eliza, let's have a little chat about self-control," the Professor says to me.

What on earth could he mean by that, I wonder?

A/N: Sorry if this chapter seems a bit...intense, I was listening to Prokofiev's Romeo and Juliet...:) Hope you like this chapter...I would greatly appreciate reviews!