Title:The Maid of Honor and the Best Man

Summary: They had met 15,000 feet in the air on the flight from Tokyo to Kyoto. They sat next to each other and to top it all off they couldn't stand each other. As the plane landed they thought that they would never have to see each other ever again. To bad they were completely unaware that they were both to be apart of the same wedding. InuKags, MirSan

A/N: Hey everyone! I know what ur thinking why am I staring another story? Well cuz the idea just popped into my head and I had to write it. Don't wrry I will still continue Seducing the Enemy. Pleaz R&R! Well on with the story!

Chapter 1: The plane ride

A raven haired girl stepped out of her limo as her chaufer grabbed her luggage. Her chocolate eyes wandered over the many people in the parking lot. Her name was Kagome Higurashi and just by looking at her last name you knew she was the rich and successful journalist who wrote for The Tokyo Journal.(How creative. NOT! Well give me a break I'm only 14!) If you lived in Japan you would also know that her family owned the hottest club in Tokyo, Pure Shard.(Again with my creativeness.) Surprissingly though this Tokyo beauty was modest, decent ,and hard working. You would never know she were rich because she never came across as a snobby rich girl. The only thing that gave it away was her last name which she rarely told people until she could trust them and until she knew that they wouldn't just like her for her money.

Which brings us to the airport. Why is Kagome their you ask? Well her best friend Sango is finally getting married to the perverted man of her dreams. His name Miroku Houshi. The two love birds decided to have their wedding on the country side of Kyoto. Kagome was happy for her friend well friends because Sango was like a sister to her and Miroku and her have been close friends ever since she had first met him. Sango had asked Kagome to be her Maid of Honor. Of course the wedding isn't for another two months but, Miroku, Sango, Kagome, and whomever the best man is are staying in a lake house together to help put the final touches on the wedding. Of course Kagome was helping her friends with the fees I mean what's good about having money that you don't spend.

Kagome and Sango have known each other since high school and have been best friends ever since. Of course the two rich girls attended a private school but, that doesn't mean that they still didn't have fun. As the years passed the two graduated college and both went onto grad school. Sango going to medical school to become a doctor where she met her fiance' who is studying to become a doctor as well. Kagome who went to a journalism school to perfect her passion and get her masters degree which she is still working hard for. The two shared an apartment and split the rent. A few more years passed and Miroku is now working at a local Tokyo hospital as is Sango both loved and cherished by their co-workers and yes ingaged. Kagome a respected single journalist loving her life so far...that is until she meets...


A silver haired man stepped onto the plane that was boarding. He had cute little triangular dog ears placed on the top of his head as his silver hair dessended past his mid-back. He was no doubt a Hanyou. His name was Inuyasha Takahashi of course the heir to Takahashi corp. His brother Sesshomaru and himself helped their father run the corp. and both would own it, or you could say have to share it once their father died. He was without any question rich very very rich.

Inuyasha usually never takes a plane anywhere. He usually takes a private jet to where he pleases but, he is on his way to be the Best Man at his best friend Miroku's wedding. He decided just to take a regular plane and his brother needed the family jet this weekend for a buisness trip. He thought the plane ride would be just as ordinary as the day had been... he was also as wrong as the raven haired beauty. He now made his way to first class.


Kagome was carrying a a small leather bag which contained her laptop to write since she was working on a novel, an Ipod for something to listen to when she got bored and a few books. Of course as she always did she was daydreaming while walking and before she knew it she was in first class on the plane and ran into something hard. She rubbed her forehead as she looked up only to see angry golden orbs.

"Watch where your goin wench!" the man yelled angrily

She had a slight blush on her face and he took notice as his angry exspression was replaced with a smirk.

"You like what you see?" he asked her as his smirk grew wider

"What?" Kagome asked

"I said do you like what you see?" he repeated

"Uh." she replied as she rolled her eyes walking to her seat

"Hey, wench get back here!" he yelled

She rolled her eyes again as she sat down in her seat.

"Wait, don't tell me your sitting here." the man asked again

"What if I am?" she replied annoyed with him

"Well, I'm sitting here too." he replied as he sat into the seat on her left

She was in awe until she regained her speech

"This...has to be..a..mistake." Kagome said as she looked up and locked eyes with him

"Afraid not." he said as he began to close his eyes and slouch in his chair when the plane began lift off

"Great...just fucking great." she mumbled as she too began to close her eyes


Two and a half hours later...

Kagome began to here voices waking her from her slumber. She remembers falling asleep but doesn't remember using a pillow. She felt something soft below and on top of her head as she opened her eyes she saw that she was...

"AHHHHHH!" she screamed

"What's y-your problem you loud mouth bitch!" yelled another voice as his ears were ringing.He opened his golden eyes and saw that her head was on his shoulder and that his head lay softly on his

"GET OFF OF ME!" he yelled

She moved her head and the fight began



"UHHHHHHHH! YOU ARE SUCH AN EGOTISTICAL, ARROGANT, STUBBORN JERK! she yelled as she made her way to the bathroom

When she finally made her way out of the bathroom from trying to cool of before she killed that man she heard a female voice over the intercom.

"Excuse me everyone, we have reached our destination. We will be landing shortly so if you would all buckle up and prepare for our landing and we thank you all for choosing the international airline service." the voice said

"Great now I have to see that ego maniac again." she mumbled to no one in particular

"I heard that you stupid ass bitch!" he yelled angrily as she made her way to where he was seated

"Whatever, it's not like I care." she mumbled again rolling her eyes as she sat down and buckled up

She only heard him mumble something about "stupid bitches!" as the plane began to come to a landing


Kagome made her way off the plane and out of the small airport as the night breeze softly blew her raven locks. She began to look around for her awaiting chaufer for another limo ride. Minutes passed as the winter air made her shake slightly. She spotted her chaufer as she read her name on the card in his hands she soon made her way over to where he was standing and helped him place her luggage in the trunk. He opened the door for her and she stepped in. She waited as he made his way to the front of the limo to the driver's seat. As the airport became less and less visible until it finally disappeared Kagome sat in the back and looked out the window and saw nothing but empty land as she made her way to the Lake house she wpuld be staying in for the next 2 months.

"At least I will never have to see that arrogant pigheaded jerk EVER AGAIN!" she thought to herself...if she only knew


Inuyasha placed his bags in the trunk of his mercedes benz.(He's so rich that he had a new car waiting for him in the parking lot of the airport!) He pulled the keys to the car out of his pocket as he opened the door and stepped in. He began to drive away in the night on his way to the lake house that he would be staying in for the next 2 months.

"At least I won't ever have to see that stupid wench EVER AGAIN!" he thought to himself...if he only knew


A/N: So what did you think? Pleaz review and tell me! O and don't worry the next chappie will be way better and more interesting! Until next time!
