(What a side effect Blitz has, huh? Bad enough Nack got affected, but now it looks as though Sonic and Mighty's recently dead buddy is about to reanimate… They'd better watch out. I don't own Sonic and the SEGA crew, but I do own Tiger Pill.)


"What!?" Lady Claw's voice roared over the cellular phone that Janelle held in her hand. "WHAT just happened!?"

"Our "delivery boy," Nack had so much Blitz in him… That when he died, he…he just reanimated, coming back from the dead!" Janelle had not strayed far from Sonic and Nack's fight. In hiding, she could see everything that went on…including Nack's revival. Now she was retelling her story to Lady Claw and Tiger Pill.

"So…now our little drug is also a biological necromancer, hm?" Lady Claw stroked her chin in thought. "What an interesting side effect… There must be a way we can use this to our own benefit…hehehe…"

"Ma'am?" Janelle spoke.

"Yes what is it?" Claw responded.

"Sonic and his two friends managed to survive, unfortunately."

"It doesn't matter. I'll contact Bullworth. He'll get the job done. Not even super speed can match a mountain of muscle." Claw cackled. "Besides…there's still our first casualty… That squirrel boy… Perhaps he can pluck off some of that speedster's friends."

Meanwhile…back at Central City Police HQ…

"Is there anyway to stop this stuff from flowing?" Mighty asked as he gazed at the computer screen.

"There's been no way that we know of." Officer White told him. "We finally had to wrap Ray's body in towels to stop the gunk from leaking out. Modern science is just defied in this boy's body."

"Man…" Mighty grumbled. "Tiger Pill's really screwing around with life and science, not even caring of the consequences! The more I hear about them, the madder I get!" He stomped the ground hard, causing the whole building to shake a bit.

"AH!" Officer White clutched her chair as the ground shook.

"Whoops." Mighty blushed a bit as he realized what he did. "Sorry. Didn't mean to cause another man made earthquake there…"

Officer White grunted as she tried to get her chair back in position, but waved a hand in dismissal. "No, no. It's perfectly ok. I can understand you'd want to vent off some frustration because of-"


"Right; because of Ray and what happened to him…"

"No!" Mighty's voice was frantic. "Ray! Behind!"

"What in blazes?" Officer White turned around…to see the reanimated corpse of Ray the squirrel, moaning and opening its arms out in a menacing manner. "What the hell!?!?" She exclaimed in shock and fear.

Ray stared at Mighty and White with blank, Blitz-tear ridden eyes, as the white slime oozed out of his tear ducts. He let out feral how before making a clawed grab at White.

Mighty, however, acted fast and too a big swing at Ray, knocking the zombie squirrel into the autopsy table. "We've got to get out of here and warn everyone!" He told White frantically.

But Ray had other ideas as he lunged forward and grabbed the female skunk cop by the waist of her skirt and belt, causing her to trip, and tried to pull her towards him.

White screamed in fear as she held on tightly to Mighty, who held onto her and pulled, trying to pull herself away from Zombie Ray's grip. She let one arm go free and she quickly reached for her gun. She pointed the magnum directly at Ray's face, her hand wavering slightly as she fought to keep from getting pulled away. Thankfully, White was able to quickly steady her hand long enough to aim at Ray, right between his eyes.


Two quick shots fired out of White's gun, and two bullets shot one after another into Ray's face, causing the zombie squirrel to stagger backwards, falling onto his back, but also taking all of White's skirt with him and causing White to fall right on top of Mighty.

As soon as Mighty heard the sound of gunfire, and the ripping of fabric, he went from pulling on Officer White to being full of her as she fell on top of him. The armadillo now had his face right in the skunk girl's breasts as she lay on top of him, which tended to fill; his mind with…rather racy thoughts.

White grunted unladylike as she landed on top of Mighty. "Umph! Even as zombies, some guys can't keep their hands to themselves…" She muttered to herself as she went to put her gun back in its holster. But as she went to put her gun away, she realized her holster wasn't there, nor was her belt, OR her skirt. She quickly lifted herself up off of Mighty to look behind her, to find that the struggling tug-of-war game between Mighty and Ray, with her as the rope, had cost her policewoman's skirt and left her pink and white striped panties on display. "AH!" She shouted and stood up, unintentionally flashing Mighty.

If Mighty's eyes had widened and his face turned red just from being in White's cleavage, now his eyes were the size of dinner plates and he looked like a cherry as he got an eyeful of White's underwear. "Wow… C-Cute stripes…"

White blushed madly herself when she hear Mighty's words. "Mighty! Put your eyes back in your head where they belong!" Growling in embarrassment, White tried to pull down her blouse over her exposed underwear, before finally wrapping her tail around her hips and butt.

"Ehehe…" Mighty rubbed the back of his head and laughed nervously, his cheeks still red. "I don't mean to be a pervert… But they DO look good on such a cute girl like you."

White blushed more at being called cute. 'H-He thinks I'm cute!?' She thought excitedly. 'Does this mean…' But she never got to finish that thought.

"URGH!!" Ray suddenly lurched back up with Blitz and blood pouring down his face from the gunshot wounds between his eyes, which glared blankly at Mighty and White.

"Oh shit… RUN!" Mighty grabbed White by her hand and they bolted out of the room, and into the hall way, with Ray on their tails.

Police officer all throughout the hall stopped and looked in shock and confusion as Officer White and Mighty ran right past them, but their looks became ones of horror as soon as they saw Ray lumbering down the hall, snarling and flailing his arms around. Some officers ran for cover and hid, while others took their guns and opened fire on the zombie squirrel, managing to stun/stop him briefly, before having to run for safety when Ray immediately reanimated and started to give chase to them as well. Some officers escaped and hid with their lives. Others were not so fortunate.

One unlucky lynx cop was huddled up under his desk with fear and shaking, trying to remain as hidden and secretive from the zombie as possible. He gulped in fear as he heard the grunting and panting echoing into his office, and cowered away as he saw a pair of bloodied, yellow furred legs shuffling about in the room. 'Please…Please…don't sniff me out and just give up and try another room…' The lynx commanded mentally as if it would do any good. Suddenly, to his relief, Ray seemed to just shuffle by, not bothering to look under the desk. When the lynx saw the yellow legs shuffle off, he breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that the worst was over.


Oh, how wrong he was. The next thing he knew, the entire table was thrown over him, and he was staring right at the threatening, undead form of Ray. The lynx had enough time to gulp in fear, before Ray pounced on him and ravenously sunk his jaws into the poor young policeman's flesh, and fresh blood splattered against the wall… The fatal scream of the young lynx could be heard through the hallways of HQ.


Sonic, Amy and Knuckles had just arrived outside of the police station, after Sonic realized that Ray might have reanimated much like Nack did.

"Doesn't look like anything's happened yet…" Sonic observed. "Maybe…" Suddenly screams of terror were heard from inside the station. "Shit…spoke too soon."

Police officers, both male and female, scurried out from the front doors in terror, some with their guns out and firing behind them, the latter being Officer White, with Mighty right at her side as they ran into the street.

"Mighty! Officer! What's going on???" Sonic asked. But his question was already answered as he saw what the officers had been shooting at. To Sonic's horror, the undead form of Ray the Squirrel burst leapt right through the doors, followed by a few more zombies, which only moments before were police officers. The whole group was groaning and growling eerily with blood and Blitzed soaked jaws dripping and arms hanging limply at their sides. "Damn it… Ray… That damn Blitz!" Sonic growled. "Blitz… It's no drug… It's a virus in a capsule, that's what it is!" His eyes were filled with fear and rage as he gazed at the undead, drugged up foes in front.

Officer White shook her head with worry as she gaze at their enemies. "This… This is no longer a war against drugs… This is a war to stop a plague…!!"

"Shit! I bet even Tiger Pill didn't count on this!" Mighty exclaimed. "Those guys are almost small potatoes now with Ray on the loose. If we don't stop him…"

"I know…" Sonic stated to add. "This city's gonna be overrun with an epidemic even worse than the Black Plague…"

Meanwhile, in Westopolis…

Tails and Rouge were flying high in the air, looking down on the streets below, looking for any sign of Tiger Pill members. So far the search had turned up nothing and they were about to head out of the area.

"Well this isn't going well…" Rouge sighed. "We've been up here for 2 hours, and not even a sign of a pill… For all we know, we might even be looking in the wrong area…"

"Yeah, we should've seen something by now… I don't- Hey! Look down there!" Tails pointed below his position. Down below, a large bull in a tuxedo was seen, talking to what looked to be a few resident junkies. On closer inspection…he seemed to be delivering small bags of a familiar white pill. "I think we just found our man…"

"I'll go check it out!" Before Tails could say anything, Rouge was already swooping down stealthily, keeping a low profile as she hovered in the air carefully above the bull, before choosing a window sill to perch upon and watch from a safe distance until the time was right. Keeping an ear open, Rouge listened in on the conversation going on.

"Glad I could do business with you junkies." Bullworth chuckled as he dealt out the handfuls of Blitz.

"Yeah…thanks for hookin' us up man…" A spaced out beagle drawled out. "Hope muh sister's diamond necklace is payment enough."

"Yuh, and muh old man's pocket lighter." A grungy looking rat said.

"Oh I think those will pay for more than enough…" Bullworth chuckled.

"So, same time tomorrow, man?" The beagle asked.

"As long as you boys got the money, I've got the pills." Bullworth said with an oily smirk. "Now if you'll excuse me… I've got some other customers to serve on the street." He began to walk away.

'That's what you think…' Rouge thought as she watched him leave. She closely followed behind, hovering from window sill to window sill, until she saw him turn into an alleyway. 'Gotcha! You've heard of citizen's arrest? Well let's try some citizen's entrapment!' She hovered down gracefully and clicked her heels against the pavement to grab his attention, along with a smooth, sultry voice. "Hey there handsome…"

Bullworth froze on the spot and turned around, to find a foxy looking bat girl smiling at him and batting her eyelashes. A sleazy smile crossed his lips. "Hello darlin'…" He began to undress the bat girl with his eyes. "What's a nice, sexy girl like you want with some guy like me?"

'UGH! That pervert's already ogling me… Well, I can't back out now. I just gotta lure him in, and spring the trap before he even TRIES to grope.' Rouge thought, willing to put on an act, but NOT willing to sell her body. Taking a deep breath, she carried out the trap. "You looking for a good time, sugar?"