A/N: Eh, one of you asked which chapter this is after. This is well beyond anything that's come out in America or even any scanlations out there... it's after the Chao arc, in this particular fic, they came to a compromise with their enemies and the world now accepts magic as self-evident. It doesn't really show because this is more than a month after the matter... of course, there will be more on this later. Also I'm not entirely sure if this is going to turn out to be Negi/Eva fic to tell the truth ; I honestly have no idea how this will turn out until my fingers start moving... so none of us, including myself, the author, will know the actual pairing until we get there... otherwise I would've already posted what the pairing was, ne?

Oh, a little note, since Negi is an English teacher, English will be within brackets as well as "quotation marks" so English will look like "this".


Schola Femina Liber Amor

Chapter 2: Invidia Femina Liber

"Hurry up, hurry up!" whispered Haruna excitedly as Yue's fingers danced across the keyboard expertly.

"This takes time, it's not like hacking into a website..." explained Yue calmly as she finally finished her last of coding and hit the enter key.

The moniter flashed black and white a few times before a video feed slowly appeared. Suprisingly it was very decent quality, not to mention in full color. The girls crowded around the monitor to watch. It seemed that Negi was laying on the bed, giving his body a break from the strenuous activity. His mouth was moving, but no words came out.

"Hey, hey! Can't you do something about the sound? I can't hear a thing!" asked Haruna frustratedly as she pressed her ear to the speaker.

"Camera's don't work like that..." said Nodoka, too entranced with the video to turn to look to her friend.

"That's right 3," Konoka agreed, turning to Haruna, "Some camera's just can't record sound. Not only that, the hotel manager might want the sound recording off to save a few pennies per camera in electricity."

"Besides, if there was any sound it would be playing through the speakers already." Said Yue, "Hey, Eva-san's coming out!"


The 10 year old girl walked out from the shower, stretching. The only thing she was wearing was her underwear, simple white cotton. She had never been one to be shy, especially around Negi. At a hundred and sixty five years old, she had experienced too much to worry about something as trivial as someone seeing her naked or under-dressed.

"What a long day..." she said before smiling at Negi, who was beat red and flailing uselessly, "I have to admit you wore me out, and... I... had fun..."

Negi's panicky face disappeared in an instant at this. The Dark Evangel, the Puppet Master, his harsh mentor, the very same vampire who had threatened to suck every last drop of blood out of him just admitted to having fun. The boy gave a bright smile to her as she conjured a nightie out of the clothes she had worn that day, slipping it on.

"I'm glad that you had fun, Eva-chan. One of these days, I'll break that curse and you'll be set free to do things like this whenever you want!" he said joyously.

She smirked, knowing that that day probably wasn't too far off. He had already succeeded in breaching it temporarily. He knew how, all he needed was the extra power. Her smirk turned into her usual evil one as she slipped onto the bed, crawling on all fours towards him.


"E-Eh! What is she doing!" yelled Asuna, startling the thinning crowd of the internet cafe. She blinked and smiled sheepishly at them, muttering an apology.

"It looks like... Evan-san is making a move..." said Yue, gulping.

"Aaaauuuuu!" was all Nodoka could let out, she looked like she was about to cry.

"She... she looks so passionate!" muttered Haruna, her eyes glued to the screen.

"Wow." was all that Konoka could say.

"Hmn? What are all of you doing crowded around that computer?" came a voice from behind them. It was nother than the class president, Ayako herself.

Everyone looked at her in pure horror.

"This is bad," thought Yue as she turned off the monitor, to no one's objection, "If she sees this she will most likely go into shock... and when she comes out, whoever's closest will be a target..."

"It's nothing." Said the long-haired girl casually, "We were just leaving."

Deftly, she hit a couple of keys, the computer shutting down. Other's gave her some sharp looks, but a quick nudge from the ones who understood what was going on got them to shut up.

"Ah... I see..." said the class president, not fully convinced but, there was nothing she could do if the computer was really off, they could make up anything and she would never know whether it was right or wrong, "Well I'll see you in class Monday."

The blonde girl took a seat at a nearby computer, and cool as ice Yue stood to leave, the rest of the girls following her without a word, though any one with the perception of the rock could see that they were all thoroughly lost within their own thoughts...


"You know you're really not so bad..." she said as she came closer and closer to the Negi.

The boy in question was flailing as he always did in embarassing situation, his eyes wide and his entire face a bright red.


"I could get used to you..." Evangeline continued as she advanced, her smirk turning into a smile as his back hit the headboard of the bed, she crawled over him, her hands on either side of his waist as she looked right into his eyes, "I wonder if you're any good in bed...?"

At this the boy's look of horror got even worse, his entire body freezing as she asked that question.

"E-E-Eva-chan we're teacher and stu--" he started, but was cut off when her serious look vanished, replaced with a smile and the sound of her laughing.

"Hehehe! You should have seen the look on your face!" she called out between fits of laughing, holding her stomach and rolling on her back before him.

Negi let out a sigh of relief before chuckling along. He didn't want any complications like that to arise. What in the world would he say to the other girls if they found out as they always did? What would he say to his sister? He was thankful that she was just kidding.

"Eva-chan-" Negi started.

"What's with the Eva-chan thing? You've been calling me that all day... whatever happened to Master or Eva-san?" asked the mini vampire.

"Well... since this is a date, I wanted to be really casual and on very close terms... would you like for me to call you Master or Eva-san?" he asked

"No, no... it's refreshing actually." she said, smiling again, "It makes me feel young again."

"Speaking of that... you seemed a whole lot more... well... relaxed and loose today. Even in your resort you always kept those very sharp edges. I don't think I've ever seen you smile so genuinely." the boy pointed out, sitting on the edge of the bed, "Your laugh is almost a giggle, you haven't glared at anything the entire day, and I haven't heard any condescending remarks since we left Mahora. Not to mention you're usually actively trying to be evil... today you seemed just like... a normal girl."

"Yes, I guess that's true, isn't it...?" said Evangeline thoughtfully, not at all suprised by his perceptiveness, "I guess I'm just so happy to finally be out of that place. It's hard for a caged bird not to feel happy when it's finally set free, even for only a short time."

"I'm thankful to see you so happy Eva-chan." the young sorceror said, genuinely smiling at his student's... and his teacher's... happiness, "One of these days I'm going to lift your curse completely, and you can spend your days however and wherever you want."

"I know you will." said the not-so-dark-anymore mage, "Don't think that changes anything though! I'm still a bad mage!"

"You're not." Negi said simply, "You've been outside of Mahora all day long and you haven't caused even a single bit of chaos or destruction..."

She couldn't reply to that. Not even once did the thought of destroying things, killing people, causing any kind of mischief cross her mind. No one viewed her as a monster anymore, to them she was just a normal little girl... no one except her class and teachers even knew about her being a mage, either. Back then... the only reason she had to really fight was because people rejected her. She needed blood for sustenance, but in today's day and age it would be no problem to just buy a bunch of blood packets. Then there was Negi, who held out his arm for her whenever she looked fatigued or drowsy. She could get blood whenever she pleased and no one in the entire world would ever know about who or what she was... she had a whole new shot at life after all this time. The mere thought made her heart leap with joy... she owed a lot to the 10 year old boy.

"Eva-chan... Eva-chaaan...!" said the boy, waving a hand in front of her blank eyes, "Evangeline!"

"Huh? Oh! Sorry I was just thinking about something," she replied, giving him a small smile.

"Yes... you're definitely different today... far different from who you usually are..." he said, a little concerned, "Are you sure you're okay...? We're gonna go to bed soon so you can have some of my blood if you need it. I'll have plenty of time to replenish."

She smiled at him once more as he held out his arm in front of her. She took hold of his arm and bit down, Negi flinching a bit... he could never get used to the feeling. He could feel his blood streaming into her mouth. She didn't drink much, just a little taste.

"Ahhh, I missed the taste of your blood," she said with a small laugh, "It's sweet."

"Really?" he asked, suddenly curious about blood and vampires, "How can my blood be sweet?"

"Yes. You're blood... how should I put this... when I draw blood from someone, there are four types that I'll get: bland, savory, salty, or sweet. Bland and salty blood are both very common... Savory blood you'll find every once in a while... but sweet blood is very rare. Blood drawn from a person usually reflects their personality. Bland blood just tastes like normal blood... slightly metallic with no real taste... a lot of adults have this kind of blood. Salty blood comes from... bad people, people who are obsessed with things or mad at the entire world. Savory Blood is pretty rare, good people have savory blood... like Takamichi or the Principle or the girls in class, the type of people who lead an honest and happy life. Sweet blood is extremely rare, though... and until you let me have some of your blood I've never tasted it. Sweet blood comes from people who care about everyone, people who are truly selfless and giving. To put it simply... your blood is like candy to me." she summarized as she lay down on the mattress, resting her head on the pillow. She didn't need to sleep while outside the barrier, she was just going through the motions, she had gotten used to sleeping as a mortal.

"I see... well you're welcome to have some of my blood any time... just don't drain me completely," he said with a small laugh.

She let out a scoff as she snuggled into the pillow. It was a soft and comfortable bed, and even though she didn't require sleep as a vampire, she still felt like nodding off. She was about to, when she felt Negi's weight lift from the mattress, causing her to sit up, watching as he walked to the small couch in the decent-sized room.

"Where are you going?" she asked.

"To sleep on the couch, sorry did I wake you?" he asked as he sat on the couch.

"Nuh uh, you're not getting away that easily, you're sleeping in the same bed as me tonight, remember?" she said, patting the spot next to her as she slipped underneath the covers, "Don't worry, I won't bite you again."

Negi blinked, looking away and silently wishing he had never agreed to doing everything she said... he slipped into the bed next to her. The boy was startled when she rolled over, half laying on him and hugging him, one arm around his chest waist and one of her legs over his as she lay her head on his shoulder, shifting until she found herself comfortable.

"Goodnight," she said over his sputtering before closing her eyes, using his shoulder as a pillow.

"G-Goodnight..." he said, blushing beet red as he reached over and turned out the lights.

He looked at her in the darkness after setting his glasses aside... she was smiling softly as she held on to him, and as his blush slowly faded as he became accustomed to the feeling, he found the warmth of her body comforting, like when he slept in the same bed as Asuna or his sister. It was nice to feel the warmth of someone else. Slowly he wrapped an arm around her shoulders, being careful not to stir her enough to wake her up, before resting his head on the pillow and drifting off to dreamland himself.


"Jason the flower was getting married. All of his friends were jealous. They all wanted to be the wife of Jason, but they could not be mad at Jason because he was so kind." read the 10 year old prodigy, yawning for what must have been the 10th time that day before continuing, "So all of them went to talk to Jason's fiance. Now, as some of you may have noticed, there's a word here that most of you don't know..."

"That's the 8th time he's yawned while reading this passage alone..." thought Asuna to herself as she watched the boy begin writing on the chalk board, "He must have been up all night with Evangeline."

Thr thought angered her, and she really didn't understand why. What that Negi brat did with Evangeline was his business, right? Still, Asuna wondered what had happened between them. Could it have really been that forbidden act? She thought that Negi would be far too honorable for that, but then again he had promised Evangeline an entire day under her command, and Negi always kept his promises. It was just something he did. She didn't seem to be the only one who was lost in thought. Yue, Nodoka, Haruna, even Konoka looked extremely preoccupied.

"Asuna-san!" called out Negi, who was standing a mere foot and a half from her, book in his hand.

"Huh?" She asked, drawn out of her own thoughts, "Oh, sorry, what is it?"

"It's your turn to translate." he said with a smile. The girl had been making very decent progress lately, and he was eager to let her show off her skills, "Please translate from where I left off."

"Umm... okay..." she said as she stood up, looking over her book to what he had read, "Umm... Jason the flower... has a new... girlfriend...?. Uhh... his friends are upset because they wanted to be Jason's... umm... lover? Jason is kind, so they aren't mad at him... and they all went to talk to Jason's... umm... umm... lover?"

"Very good, Asuna-san, you changed a few words, but it means almost the same thing. You don't understand the exact words, but you get the meaning, which is far more important if you ask me." he said with a bright smile, making Asuna blush a little at the compliment, "Would someone else like to try to translate?"

As Asuna sat down she couldn't help but smile. She was actually starting to understand Negi's English class, she was very proud of herself at this moment.

"Alright, Evangeline-san, please translate for the class." Negi said, breaking Asuna from her daze as the vampiress stood.

"Jason the flower is going to get married. All of his friends are jealous. They all wanted to be the wife of Jason, but they cannot be upset with Jason because he is very kind. So instead, they're all going to talk to Jason's fiance" she said without pause. After spending nearly 16 years in this school, there wasn't a single subject she could not ace, and now that she new Negi was not far off from setting her free, she was making a very active effort to graduate this year.

"Very good Evangeline-san," he said with a smile, "I'm glad you actually pay attention in class now."

"After last night, how could I not?" she said with a small shrug before seating herself once more, leaving the entire class in shock at her words, all of them assuming the worst, of course.

"Oh my- Eva-san!" called out the class president, "What exactly did you do with sensei last night!"


"Sensei! What is she talking about?"


"Negi-kun what did you do last night? Tell me!"

"This is a huge scoop for the paper, did you and Evangeline actually do THAT last night! I need all the details! Tell me everything!"

"S-settle down everyone-- I--" started Negi, holding his hands up and backing slightly away from his now chaotic class. He didn't know what to do when they got like this.

"Sensei! What is she talking about?"

"Sensei! Answer us! You didn't do THAT with her did you?"

"Geez... what am I going to do now...?" he thought, looking helplessly at Evangeline, who was also being barraged by the other half of the class that wasn't hell bent on getting information out if him. It seemed she was starting to regret what she had said, "I wish I had that time machine right about now."

"Negi-sensei." said Evangeline, who had walked up next to him, "I think you'd better tell them everything before they start getting the wrong idea."

"Yeah... if only I could get their attention though..." said the boy as he was still being barraged with questions and comments.

"HEY! ALL OF YOU SHUT UP FOR A SECOND AND LET SENSEI SPEAK!" called Evangeline over the noise of the crowd, shutting them all up almost immediately.

The boy nodded his thanks to Evangeline before turning to the crowd.

"Alright, about what happened yesterday..."


A/N: Again it takes a long time due to many issues arising around the house. Sorry my wonderful audience. I hope that Evangeline isn't too OOC, considering thecircumstances. I ended here because I suddenly got writers block once I got here.