Thanks for those who reviewed, I mean, it really means a lot when somebody bothers to write a sentence about your (mine) work. So, do it again, or better yet: Start doing it ;P


"-Well, I'm sure all girls have at one time or another." She paused "I don't hope you're expecting a stereotype of me, confessing my undying love for you and sweeping you off your feet, on my white horse and riding out to the sunset, living happily ever after?" Hermione answered with a crocked eyebrow.

Ginny slapped the table. "Damn, my evil plan is out, how did you know…!" She said with a faked rage, "It was Trevor wasn't it? I've never trusted that toade… He kept looking at me like I was a flie…" She ranted off.

"Nah, not what I meant, it's just.. Well… you know how Snape's got that class? That… Sex Ed thing? For 5. th years?" a blush crept up her cheeks, "-and how, PARENTS enlist their kids to them?" Ginny finished, with a utterly disgusted look on her face.

Molly Weasley could find no excuse not to put Ginny in his class, since he 'obviously had knowledge about the subject'. Though she never let any of the boys attend, Ginny had too, being the only girl in the flock.

Snape had been the one to fill in the job as teacher of Sex Ed after madam Pomfrey denied to do it. It's been told that she found the whole thing very disturbing, putting condoms on bananas and all.

Snape had done a 'nice job', so far, mostly because he wasn't allowed to take any points from students, (mainly Gryffindors supposedly.)

He was teaching them all about protection charms, conceptive spells, currently sexual orientation, and in general things that left the students, (and Snape himself,) blushing.

Hermione sniggered, "Sure I do. I even…" Hermione bent down, and whispered to Ginny's ear "I copied my dad's signature on that form."

Ginny couldn't do anything but gasp.

"As if I'd have him teach me anything about sex… He wouldn't be as grumpy if he'd ever gotten any…"

Ginny smirked, but looked astonished. "On my top 5 of 'Things Hermione Granger Would Never Do Or Say´. A clear number 1."

Hermione laughed "Yeah, well… I guess your mum was just looking out for you. Didn't want any boy to have his wicked way with you." Ginny blushed again , so Hermione decided to leave the matter be.

"But about Snape's class?" Ginny looked deep in thought but quickly came out of her daze. "Yeah, well… You see he claims one can be persuaded to any sexual orientation, since it just so happens to be a part of our nature to desire." Hermione just shrugged "He's obviously deranged."

"Yep. What can I do. Well, we were forced into groups. And my group have to prove that it certainly is capable. See my dilemma?" Hermione nodded, "Yes, but what does that have to do with me?"

Ginny raised herself from her position in the comfortable couch, bent down, (she was at least a head taller than Hermione) and whispered in Hermione's ear. "Follow me, I'm curious, aren't you? Could be… Educational" She stressed the word educational, and Hermione shuddered from Ginny's breath so close to her ear. Ginny then kissed Hermione on the cheek and took the room in 4 strides. Hermione wasn't sure about the situation, but followed Ginny nonetheless.

Ginny headed up the stairs, and into the fourth floor. The 5'th years dormitories. "Where are you taking me?" Whispered Hermione, though she knew Ginny couldn't hear her.