Prima Ballerina
Chapter 1

Mai's Opening Notes: So you've stumbled onto another one of my fan-fictions, and or you are just browsing my work. Well, let me tell you that this one is going to be different from anything that I have written. I think I am going to take a more serious tone with this. As you would have guessed this is not going to follow the series, I thought I'd give it a twist.

The Rundown: I figured I'd tell you exactly what you're getting into. Himeno ditzy yet poised well-known ballerina. She knows what she wants and knows how to get it. She doesn't let herself get tied down easily. Bad boys are not her thing, which is until she meets a certain raven-haired man who has her eating out of the palm of his hand and seeking passion. Will she let him drag her into the coils of love or will she fight it?

Disclaimer: All the characters from Prètear are copy written to ADV and thus I do not claim any ownership over them. I will not write this in upcoming chapters.


She stood in the middle of the dancing studio. She had taken her form and was beginning her second set of stretches. It wouldn't be long before she was off into one of her routines. She was used to this already, after all; her stepmother had made sure she was dancing since Himeno joined the family. It has been seven hard years since then, but she had loved it from day one. It was the only thing she would ever thank for mother for. She began to pirouette as she began a routine she knew like the back of her hand. Tomorrow she would have another audition. She wanted to start a life on stage, not as a dancer but a full-length performer. She was tired of the high life, the fancy tights and her star role in Swan Lake. Her short reddish-brown hair bounced, against her glistening skin, as she leaped into the air. She was sure that she would get a good role in what she was auditioning for; there was no doubt about it. After hours of practice she reached in her duffle bag for a towel. Damping at her face she looked at the other dancers as they scattered around slowly exiting the studio. "Oomph" Himeno looked down at the short woman who slumped on the floor. "What a workout" She muttered as she reclined on one of the long mirrors against the wall.

"Yayoi" Himeno let out in a low and friendly voice, "that's not very ladylike"

"So what, I'm beat." She let out a sigh of relief as she let her feet rest. "So what's on the schedule tonight Himeno?" Himeno eyed the woman and smiled.

"I thought we'd end it with a little dancing and a few drinks. She knelt before her and smiled in a wicked manner "Unless you're tired" Yayoi quickly rose to her feet, her duffle bag at hand, and saluted.

"I, Yayoi, never tire" The two women chuckled as they headed towards the door. "I live all the way across town though. I'd have to bum off some of your clothes."

"No worries, I have plenty to spare" And that she did, she had a whole walk in closet to prove it too. She gave Yayoi a small bump with her shoulder as they proceeded to the showers. What really got her through the day was knowing that whatever devious plot she was conjuring Yayoi would be there to back her up. It had been this way since the two were small children. Wherever Himeno went it was known Yayoi was there too. So when Himeno was enrolled in Ballet Yayoi went along for the ride. After the big move to the city Yayoi decided to continue classes but she soon learned that Art was her passion. Himeno chuckled as she washed her hair.

"What's so funny?" Yayoi asked from the stall beside Himeno.

"Nothing, just thinking about stuff."

"I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad one." With a chuckle the silence took them over, with the acceptation of the other dancers.


The music soared loudly as the two women entered the club. It was dark, though there were blinking lights and spotlights all around the dance floor. Himeno was wearing a simple strapless pink silk dress, which was snug and short against her slender form. She had a single pin of a butterfly holding back her bangs on the right. Yayoi had chosen a pair of white slacks and a purple silk blouse, it was more of her style. "I'm going to the bar" Himeno let out over the music.

"Yeah, go ahead. I'm going to go see who's here" With that the parted ways. Himeno found a nice spot towards the edge of the bar. She felt the eyes of an older man's on her and tried her best to ignore it. You're a performer, She reminded herself, Eyes are always on you.

"You're going to burn a hole through the lady's dress, Ken" The bartender hollered as he approached. She could feel the eyes look away and a snort came from the man beside her.

"I only wish" He let out with muffled words and rose from his stool, walking away.

"Foreigners" The bartender let out as he shook his head. His scarlet eyes fell onto her milky white face. A smile formed as she met his gaze. "So what can I get you miss?" She smirked and looked him over. Spiky black hair with red highlights, quite a rebel. She thought to herself as she straightened in her seat.

"Let me get a screw driver" She said in a melodic voice.

"Coming right up" He said breaking their locked gaze. He hustled behind the counter mixing the vodka and orange juice. She couldn't help it, she took a peek at his butt as he filled a glass with ice. Pouring the substance into the glass he brought it over and placed it gently in front of her. "I hope it's to your liking." She took a sip and eyed him once more. With a smile she stirred at her drink.

"I like" She almost purred as Yayoi took a seat beside her. Himeno looked over as Yayoi adjusted her glasses. "Anyone we know?"

"Everyone's here" She said as she eyed the bartender. "Can I get a lime margarita?"

"Coming right up sweet cheeks" Yayoi chuckled at the nickname and returned her attention to Himeno.

"Cute isn't he?" Himeno asked in a whisper as the two observed him.

"Not your type"

"I know, but I'd like to taste-" She was interrupted as he returned with Yayoi's drink. The two blushed as he smiled. Setting the drink down he leaned on the counter.

"You know it's bad to talk about the person mixing your drinks." The two chuckled and Himeno ran a hand through her hair.

"I was just telling Yayoi what a nice butt you had" The bartender quirked a brow and answered with laughter. "The name's Himeno."

"It's nice to meet you both. I'm glad my buns of steel could entertain you" A giggle escaped Yayoi's lips as he continued to speak. "My name is Go"

"The pleasure is all ours" Yayoi said with a bright smile as she sipped at her drink.

"Are you new here? We come here all the time and we haven't seen you around."

"The owner is my father" he started as another one of the bartenders scooped ice beside him. "I used to work at his other place, so I guess I'm new"

"Yaten never mentioned he had a son"

"I think he's still in denial" He chuckled slightly as he scratched at he head. "So you girls are clubbers?" He scanned the silk they both wore in question.

"We might not look it but we are." Yayoi smiled as someone tapped her shoulder and asked her to dance. "Be back in a jiff" She said scurrying off.

"So I have a nice butt, huh?" The two smiled at each other, making Himeno chuckle. "What's so funny? I think I do too" He said eyeing his butt jokingly. "So Himeno, what do you do for a living. You look way to classy to be any old clubber."

"I do ballet. Right now I have the lead role in " She smiled at the astonishment in his eyes.

"I didn't recognize you without the long blond wig" That made her smile. To have someone not recognize her. When she was on stage she made it a habit to take everything about her and throw it out the window. She was devoted to the role.

"I can't picture a punk like you at the theater." He winced and patted her head in a friendly manner.

"Just because I'm a punk doesn't mean I can't enjoy fine art." They both smiled,

"Are you talking about me or the play."

"Both" He winked and she pushed at his face.

"You know, Yayoi is a painter. That is if you like fine art you should check out her work at the gallery next week." She took a small card from her handbag and handed it to him.

"Will you be there?"

"I'm her muse" She rose and picked at her cash. He placed a hand on hers and smiled.

"Drinks are on me" With that she canted her head to the side and smiled as she walked into the crowd and disappeared. "What a woman." She looked over to one of the customers, who only nodded in agreement.


Last night had been a blast; she had to admit her idea did her good. Now she was ready for her big audition. She was moving out from routine and souring into a new stage in her life. She was going to change everything, all she had to do was get a call back. She walked into the dance studio. There were people already auditioning in the center of the room. She looked at the others stretching to the sides. They'd go one by one, that was a first. She sat in a corner and began to massage her feet, she'd move on to other stretches once her feet were pampered. She listened to the soft music that was being danced to. She tugged at her tights as she searched her duffle bag for her cd. With a sigh of relief she held it in her hands, then placed it back. Today she would do something different, a routine she had put together. Hopefully that would be enough for them. As time passed she stretched and rehearsed the moves in her head. Her name was called and she handed them her tape. It was played as she made it to the center of the room. She eyed them behind the table as they scribbled on papers and whispered, she figured they'd be talking about her old work. They probably were, no doubt about it. She smiled as she prepared to dance. Closing her eyes she let the music flow through her. She reminded herself that she had to sell what she had and they had to love it. She moved slowly in a sassy manner. She wasn't doing a normal routine, or what everyone else would consider normal. She was letting her body and soul into the music. She moved like a snake, her body seducing. The other dancers were astounded as they watched her. As the song ended she leaped into the air and landed on all fours. Slowly she peeked out at everyone in front of her, and the applause began. She bowed her head slightly and walked up to the people holding the audition. "I hope that wasn't over the top."

"It wasn't" Said a man as he returned her tape. "Expect our call" He smiled as he patted her hand. "We will call" He winked, making Himeno smile. She had caught their eye, a call back. Things were moving quicker than she ever thought. Soon her name would be bigger than big. She'd be able to dance in whatever type of play she wanted.

"Don't get your hopes high" She murmured as she left the studio. She didn't want more fame than what she had, honestly all she wanted was bigger roles. She smiled as she went down into the subway. Passing the toll she began to run as she heard her train arrive. It was crowded around this time and she didn't want to wait for the next one. She pushed through the crowd and made it inside on time. Yup, on time to be trapped in the corner of a hot musty train. It started and the passengers gently shifted back.

"Sorry," came the voice of a man as he unwillingly pinned her to her corner. He looked over his shoulder and swore at the man behind him. His gaze lowered to the petite red head in front of him. "I'm really sorry" She giggled slightly and their eyes locked.

"You're forgiven" She said in a childish voice as she observed him. She, she was an observer. Himeno wouldn't deny it. Every time she met someone new she couldn't take her eyes off of him or her. This time she froze, right smack down on his deep blue eyes. Such mystery, passion and excitement. She shook at her head and tried to look away, but instead closed her eyes.

"That's good." As the train came to a stop Himeno looked up, the stranger was gone. It was too bad. She noted, he was gorgeous. He was the type of guy she could fall for.

Mai's Closing Notes: Wow, that was long. Yup, I felt inspired. Anyway, I hope you all liked it. I really wanted to write this story because I wanted to show the passion that dance can bring to people. I don't know if I worded that correctly, hopefully you understand! Anywho, I have no idea about anything having to do with ballet. Personally, I like my Latin flavor XD . . . that and jumping around like an idiot at a rock concert. So, any reference here to a ballet move was gotten from a friend. I don't even know what the damn stick they stretch on is called . . . . it starts with a b right . . . . anyone know? See you soon! Next chapter is called Dance to My Beat