Loving the Sandman

What was this safety she felt?

Sakura angled her neck upwards to peer at the shinobi's calm, still face. Dark circles encased his now closed eyes. A pale face with no marks or scars, fitted with soft lips light bruised from their earlier entanglements. His red locks brushing against her wide forehead making her shiver feverishly.

Passion? Desire? Lust? No, this feeling was—love.

His embrace held her tightly not wanting to ever loosen. Here, she lay in the lean yet strong arms of the man who once aimed to kill her. 'I don't understand'. The attraction that pulls her in his arms feels so alien yet so familiar. Tears were brimming at her eyes. 'What if this feeling was to leave her? Who would she hold forever?' Sakura rapidly blinked them away.

'When have tears saved you? When did tears make you stronger? When did tears bring Sasuke back'! She mentally slapped herself but the pain was all too real.

Ha. Sasuke. 'Why on this blessed earth am I thinking about Sasuke when I have Gaara in my arms? Gaara has always protected you. He was there when you needed to be saved. Gaara has been training with you to make you stronger muscles and heart. Most of all, he has never left my side'!

The pink haired kunoichi smiled and snuggled even closer, if that was even possible, and took a deep breath of his intoxicating scent. Oranges with a hint of pineapple, no longer the dreadful bloodbath it once was.

Sakura quietly chuckled at the red-haired shinobi and gently twirled his hair away from the once covered kanji on his forehead. She softly but passionately kissed his love kanji, while caressing his chin and neck.

"I –really—love you".Sakura whispered between kisses.

Sakura pulled away. Moments passed between the two. Gaara's eyes, still not opening made no reply. Their breaths began to synchronize with each other. Sakura tensed for she felt a rise in her heart, waiting for an answer. Her eyes were pleaing for a reply. Nothing. She untensed and relaxed once again. The kunoichi was about to turn away on her other side when a rather small hand took hold and brought her near again.

"You know," the sand man said barely audible. Sakura's eyes lit up once more. Gaara continued. "I really love you too…" he said softly but surely.

"I really, really mean it…"

I'm not sure if I should make this a multi-chapter fiction or not…you tell me because I have a possible continuation in my mind.