Our Little Secret

●◦○●Disclaimer: I do not under any circumstances own Inuyasha!●○◦●

Chapter 1

Summary: After Kagome closed up the well for good; she finds out that she is pregnant with Inuyasha's child. Eight months later she gives birth and it turns out to be a girl. Sixteen years later, Sakura is angered by her mother what will Kagome do? R&R! Rated T, for Teens.

She woke up with a huge yawn and starred up at her ceiling. She got up and walked over to her dresser. Opening the top drawer she took out her tank top and jean shorts. After putting them on she looked in the mirror. She gazed at her long silver hair then traveled down to her two amber eyes that sparkled in the sun's rays. Her name? Sakura. Sakura always wondered why she was different from everybody else. Her hair was silver. 'What human has silver hair? Well except the fact when they get old it looks silver.' 'But that's old people. I'm a teenager.' Sakura walked out of the bedroom and spotted her uncle coming up the stairs.

"Hey Sakura." She stared at him for a minute until realizing he just said something.

"Hm? Oh hi." She replied. He smiled then walked past her into his room.

"Uncle Sota. Have you ever wondered about how come I look different then everybody else?" She asked inquisitively.

He just stood there for a minute and before he answered she interrupted. "Are you even listening to me?"

"I don't know ask your mother." He replied instantly. She rolled her eyes behind his back and walked down the stairs.

"Mom…?" She called.

"What?" Her mother asked returning her call. Sakura smiled and saw her mother sitting on the couch watching tv. Sakura walked over to her mother turning the tv off as well. Kagome knew that this was important, because when ever Sakura turned the tv off it either meant its an emergency or its just something important for me to know.

"Mom, I have a question." Sakura began. "Why am I different?" Kagome froze at that. She never expected this day to come but knew it was going to happen eventually.

"What do you mean? Your not different." Kagome spoke softly.

"Yes, I am. Look at my hair!" Sakura yelled in frustration.

Kagome could sense that her blood was beginning to boil. "Don't you talk with me with that temper young lady!" By this time Kagome was standing and looking down on her daughter. Sakura growled and then realized what she had just done. Kagome realized it too, and began to explain that she was of course right. She is different from everybody else.

"I knew it!" Sakuro exclaimed. "But how?"

"Follow me I have to show you something." Kagome demanded. Sakura willingly followed her mother up stairs into her room.

"Seventeen years ago, when I was fifteen. I was on my way to school when my brother. Who you know, Sota. Well he was looking for our cat." Kagome explained.

"You mean the fat cat that died when I was six years old." Sakura laughed.

"Yes." Kagome giggled at her daughter. "Well as I was saying, he was looking for him. So I went to go help him find our cat and it turns out he was in the well house." Kagome paused when she noticed Sakura was confused about the well house. "The well house...here come with me and I'll show you." Kagome ordered.

They were at the well house and that's when Sakura spoke. "You said this was your grandfathers sacred place for his spiritual junk."

"I lied." Kagome replied. She opened the doors and revealed an old well. "He said when I was fifteen that this well has mistical powers. Our ancestors called it the bone eaters well." Kagome walked into the old well house and sweeped up all the cob webs and dirt that laid on the steps and on the ground.

"So how does this relate to how I'm different?" Sakura questioned.

Kagome finished sweeping and began to answer that question again. "When I found Buyo, I heard a long blast come from behind me. It was a huge centipede demon. These demons are not those little red imps called devils, if your thinking that!" Sakura nodded then moved to where her mother was. "I was dragged down into the well by the demon. It talked to me too." Kagome looked up at the ceiling trying to remember. "It said something like this, 'I want the jewel where's the sacred jewel.' "The jewel is called the Sacred Jewel of four souls. Known as the Shikon no Tama. The four souls were Aramitama, which meant courage. Nigimitama which means friendship, Kushimitama means wisdom and Sakimitama which is love." Kagome paused and remembered that Aramitama was Inuyasha, Nigimitama was Sango, Kushimitama was Miroku and Sakimitama was her. Together they were the jewel of four souls. Kagome missed them but didn't want to admit it.

"Anyways, the jewel was intrusted to me to be its guardian. My job was to protect the jewel from evil. That's when I noticed that I was 500 years into the past." Kagome lead Sakura to the sacred tree. " That is how I met a half demon named Inuyasha. He was pinned to this tree by a sacred arrow, used by spiritual people like priestess'. I am a priestess, Sakura."

"So wait what happened to the mutated centipede?" Sakura asked in confusion.

"I kind of attacked it. I told it to go away, then this light came out from my hands. Then the centipede was gone and I climbed out of the well." "This time I was shocked to see that I didn't climb back out to my time. As I said before I was 500 years into the past, in feudal Japan." Sakura oh'ed and told her mom to go on to what happened next.

"Well I walked until I was in the forest. I then saw Inuyasha pinned to a tree. He wasn't dead, but was under a spell. See, this is a sacred tree. If you shoot an arrow at it and pin a person to the tree they will be taken into a spell, unless someone breaks the spell they will awake and the spell would be broken."

"So let'me guess. You broke the spell off Inuyasha?" Sakura obviously stated.

"Yes, but I'm going to explain in detail, since there are still important piece of information you need to know." Kagome explained.

"Fine." Sakura retorted.

"When I was checking if Inuyasha was alright I was spotted by some villagers and a priestess named Kaede. They tied me up and took me as hostage, probably because of my weird high school uniform." Kagome guessed. "I was at their village and told them my story, they believed it and untied me. They also explained some information about Inuyasha. They said that he was a malicious half demon that was seeking for the sacred jewel. At this time I wasn't born yet but, the guardian was another priestess named Kikyo." Kagome shuddered from the mention of her name.(AU: Ew... I shuddered from her name too! Sorry Kikyo fans!) "Kikyo met Inuyasha and threatened that if he dares to go near the jewel he shall die! Kikyo knew that Inuyasha would eventually go for the jewel, so she kept a close eye on him."

"But one day they fell in love and Kikyo wanted Inuyasha to become human, so she told him to come in the morning and she will turn him into a human with the sacred jewel." Sakura felt really anxious about what happened next so Kagome again continued."But evil lurked and Kikyo found a bandit injured with two broken legs, and pitied his severe injuries. The bandits name was Onigumo. Onigumo lusted for Kikyo and as well wanted to gain the power of the jewel. So when Kikyo left, Onigumo was devoured by countless demons. Then became the evil demon, Naraku. Naraku is a demon that doesn't care on killing people. But anybody who stands in his way for the sacred jewel will die."

"Naraku, set Inuyasha and Kikyo against each other in minutes. All he had to do was make Kikyo think that Inuyasha betrayed her and vice versa. So he disguised himself as Inuyasha and injured Kikyo for the jewel. He took the jewel and put it back for the real Inuyasha to get in Kikyo's hut. So he disguised himself as Kikyo and went after Inuyasha. By this time Inuyasha was at the place where he'd meet Kikyo. So he waited there and five minutes later, he decided to leave. But before he could leave Naraku which was disguised as Kikyo shot arrows at him but missed on perpose. Inuyasha thought Kikyo betrayed him and so he attacked the village and stole the jewel from Kikyo's hut. Then he ran off with it back to the forest and run away. But before he ran away the real Kikyo shot Inuyasha agaisnt the sacred tree and put him in a deep spell." "After Kikyo did that, she knew that she was dying so she told her younger sister Kaede to burn her body with the jewel. That is when Kikyo callopsed and was pernounced dead and the villagers burned her body and the jewel as that was her wish."

"Huh?" I didn't get some of that." Sakura laughed. Kagome sighed and moved on to what she was going to say.

"That is the story of how Inuyasha and Kikyo were set against each other." "Now, the story on how I set Inuyasha free. Again the centipede demon came back and terrorized the village and it was after me so I ran as fast as I could, yelling help. That is how Inuyasha was broken from the spell. When I reached the sacred tree, I saw him awake but still pinned agaisnt the tree. He said for me to remove the arrow from his chest, but before i was going to do exactly that; the demon attacked my side and took a chunk of my skin to get to the jewel. Since the jewel was implanted in me that is."

"So the centipede swallowed the jewel and then wrapped me against the tree with its body. I was now agaisnt Inuyasha.(Au:Not as sick thoughts people!) So I removed the arrow and broke the spell. Inuyasha then killed the centipede demon with his claws. By that time Kaede was there and saw the jewel in the centipede. So she went to get it and then she purified it again. Kaede gave the jewel back to me, shocked that the jewel indeed was back in the feudal era."

"That is when Inuyasha demanded the jewel or else he would kill me. So I said, 'no I will not give you the jewel.' Inuyasha flexed his claws at me and began to try and attack. But I kept dodging his attacks." Kagome boasted. "I ran onto the bridge and heard Kaede cast a magical beaded necklace and chanted some words and the necklace flew onto Inuyasha's neck. Kaede then yelled for me to say a trigger word then I looked at Inuyasha and he was ready to fling at me. So...I decided since he's a dog demon I'll say, Sit!"

"So whenever you say sit he does...?" Sakura asked.

"He would crash to the ground adn make a crater beneath him." Kagome answered. Sakura was laughing her head off at this. "Your kidding?" She asked.

Kagome shook her head then smiled.

"Ok...I'm done. Keep explaining." Sakura giggled.

"So as I carried the jewel and demons were after me still I was kidnapped a day later and by perverted guys. So I was wearing a skirt and they would try to take 'sneak peak' but I would of course not let them. So Inuyasha came to the rescue only for the jewel because I was holding it."

"What a jerk!" Sakura shouted.

"That's what I thought, too!" Kagome smiled. Noticing that that was her attitude that Sakura just did.

"Anyways what happened next?" Sakura asked excitedly.

"A bird demon, like a crow except with three eyes stole the jewel and swallowed it." Kagome explained instantly.

"Mom! How could you be so careless?" Kagome thought about it and decided that that was not her attitude but Inuyasha's.

"Then we went after it and Inuyasha gave me a bow and arrow and said to shoot the bird with it. I sadi that I could not shoot an arrow if my life depended on it. Then Inuyasha said if Kikyo did it then I could do it, because I am Kikyo's reincarnation."

"So I tried and missed, then we kept following the bird with Inuyasha carrying me on his back. Then I saw a kid drowning in the river, so I saved the kid by diving into the river and swimming over to them. I saved the boy and then took a bow and arrow from a guy and shot the stupid bird."

"That's when trouble began?" Sakura guessed. "I've seen too many movies, that's how I know when trouble starts and junk."

Kagome nodded then explained what else had happened. "Well when I shot the bird I got it but I also cracked the jewel open. Million of tiny lights shot out of the bird and flew all across feudal Japan."

"I stand by what I said. How could you be so careless?" She asked bewildered by her mothers clumsy habit.

Kagome just shrugged. "Just give me a break. I didn't know how to aim at first, it was meant to happen."

"Feh, whatever." Sakura replied. Kagome was taken back by the reply. 'That's Inuyasha's feh...'

"That is how we met Shippo, a little kid fox demon who could transform into stuff. Then we met a lecherous monk whose favourite line was 'would you bear my child' to every beautiful women he saw."

"Really?" Sakura laughed. Kagome again just nodded.

"Then we met Sango a demon slayer with a cute adorable demon cat named Kirara." "They all had the same story about Naraku tricking them or casting a curse on them."

"Later on after we killed Naraku, Kikyo was still alive, because before she got resurected by Urasue an evil witch. Then whenever Inuyasha scensed that Kikyo was around he would run after her. But everytime he did that, he kept breaking my heart!"

"You fell in love with Inuyasha?" Sakura asked bewildered by the fact.

Kagome again nodded.

"Kikyo then was still alive after we killed Naraku but, she disappeared after a while. Then one night Inuyasha turned full demon because of the jewel. I told him not to use it to become a full fledged demon and that he was fine the way he was. But he didn't listen and went too far!"

"He showed his love towards me and..." Kagome was stopped when Sakura started to finish her sentence.

"That's how I was born? You probably sealed up the well so he couldn't come to your era anymore. Then I was born...and you tell me this now?"

"Yes. I know I should have told you a bit sooner." Kagome regretted.

"Just a bit? All these years I thought my father died in a car accident and now you tell me he's living, but 500 years in the past." Sakura's head narrowed down and tears started to drop down her cheeks and fall down onto the ground. "How could you?"

"Sakura, I didn't mean to, I just didn't want to hurt you!" Kagome explained placing her hand on her daughters shoulder. Sakura shook her hand off of her and replied, "how would you hurt me? I would be sad but I would've gotten over it eventually."

"I guess you could say that I just didn't want to tell you, because I didn't want to feel hated by you!" Kagome knew how her daughter must hate her now.

"Hated? I wouldn't hate you if you said that. Sure I would've been mad but never hate. But now I don't know who I am and I'm a freak of nature!" Sakura got up and was going to run when her mother stopped her.

"I'm like that too, Sakura. I know how it feels! Don't you dare make it look like I don't know how it feels, cause..." Kagome placed her hand on Sakura's head and a blue and pink glowing light surrounded them. When Kagome finished with Sakura she then took the spell off herself.

"I will take you to see him, but you have to promise me that you won't go near him! I don't want anything happening to you!" Kagome calmed down and saw that Sakura as well calming down a bit.

"Fine." Was her answer. Kagome nodded then walked back to the well house and re-opened the bone eaters well to go back 500 years in the past.


(AU: Yeah how was that first chapter of the story? My fingers are tired from typing! I hoped you liked that chappie, ne way please review...cause if you don't review I'll be really mad..and when I'm mad...jk..) please review though! Comment about it...I don't want anything lk this chapter sucks! I'm just finishing on chapter 2 so stay tuned to read the next chapter on Our little Secret.!