Yeah it's been awhile since I've actually felt like writing, but uh now I do. SO! YAY!

I don't own Naruto, or the characters. Only this wee little fic idea.


Gaara currently was sitting in the hospital sipping at a bottle of sprite he had bought from one of the machines around here, his eyes staring forward with a rather blank look on his face.It was already nighttime now, as he had stayed for quite awhile doing other odd jobs given to him. While it looked like he was just staring off into space, it was quite the opposite. He was trying to make sense of everything that had gone on since he had started working here, mostly around that guy...He didn't even know the dudes name. That somehow brought a frown to his face, because if he was going to be insulting that weirdass apparition he wanted to at least know his name! With that in mind he stood up suddenly and hurried over to the elevator, stepping in and pressing the number that the boys body was on before Kitanai could notice he had gone.

He shifted from foot to foot somewhat anxiously as he watched the numbers as they flitted by at the top of the elevator before a mechanical sounding voice announced he was there and the doors slid open. He stepped out and started heading towards the room where the alluring boy was and then shuddering lightly because hallways in hospitals at night were actually kind of creepy...Wait..Which room was he in?!

Gaara let a scowl appear on his face and growled to himself before he was startled by a voice.

"You shouldn't make faces like that, you know. They might stick that way, Panda boy. "

It was full of amusement at how the other looked and Gaara let out a groan before he then turned around, glaring at him a little.

"Why do you always have have to try and scare me? It's really annoying and if I wasnt sure that I couldnt touch you I'd be trying to beat the shit out of you."

Neji tilted his head and then chuckled. "Kitanai already cleaned up here, so you have to have a reason for coming up. Could it be...You missed little old me?" He grinned.

Gaaras aquamarine eyes rolled and he just stuffed his hands into his pockets.

"Don't flatter yourself. I just wanted to come learn your name so I know who I'm cursing at."

"That's not very nice..I'm not going to show you where my room is then."

"Then I'll just have to look in every room!"

"Gaara who are you yelling at? I'm starting to seriously think you have problems, kid."

Gaara turned to see Kitanai walking towards him with a hand behind his head and then huffed a bit, knowing that the long haired boy would already be gone even if he turned around.

"Anyways, you need to head home now.I'm gonna close up.."

The red head nodded weakly and then just ran off down the hall, hearing Kitanai yelling after him to not run and have a good night.Crap, he couldnt have problems. Not again..Soon enough he was out of the building and he took a deep breath of the cool air as it hit his face before shaking his head. God he needed to see if he could just work somewhere else. This place was too troublesome...

"Wait for me!"

Speaking of troubles.

"Stop following me! I can't help you! Seriously!"

Neji pouted, because he knew it would piss the red head off, "But Panda boy, I get so lonely at night when I just have me, myself and I to talk to."

Gaaras eye twitched,"I'm NOT a fucking panda! My name is Gaara, and stop acting like a retard you weirdass ghost and just leave me alone!"

Neji blinked in surprise.

"...Okay, fine, Gaara. But I'm not going to leave this time! Just you wait and see!"

He disappeared anyways. Gaara rubbed his face annoyedly and just started walking, rubbing his temples now and trying to keep a headache from appearing. Honestly, what was up with that freak? Did he look like a patient person or something?! A pout found its way to the red heads lips and he huffed before blinking when he noticed that his feet had automatically led him back to his house. Neat. He looked in his pants for his house key and found it after some searching and then opened his door, walking inside his house and locking the door after himself.

He was just about to stretch when he paused at feeling another presence and he turned, aiming a fist at whoever was theres temple and Neji let out a yelp and ducked the blow before chuckling.

"Is that how you always treat almost dead people who visit your house?"

"Usually the ones with manners stay unseen and leave me the hell alone. Why the fuck are you here?"

"Like I said, I'm bored and you're the only one who can see me! So you'll just have to put up with me."

Gaara grunted and kicked at him lightly before he just decided to ignore him and walked over to the kitchen to see if there was anything he would find that was edible and also something he would actually like eating. He found an 'instant' chicken pot pie and just got that ready before he stabbed the crust a few times with a knife rather violently then put it in the heated oven. It'd take thirty minutes so he had time to kill...

Neji watched this all silently and tilted his head before he snickered.

"You know, it isnt a healthy desire to want to try and kill something that isn't alive."

"Shut up."

He set the timer and then walked into the living room, flipping on the tv and reclining on the couch, stretching out and trying to relax as much as someone could with some annoying spirit currently in their house, annoying the hell out them.Neji merely floated after him, looking around the place now that it was illuminated a bit more and then arched a brow as there was a bunch of junk food containers, such as pizza boxes and instant ramen bowls, laying around and he just chose not to ask. Afterall, what business was it of his if Gaaras family was a bunch of slobs.He instead just decided to explore the house, occasionally passing through the living room when he would go to look in a different place.Of course, to our antisocial protagonist this was just irritating as all hell.

Finally Gaara couldnt stand it and he jump up, turning and pointing at Neji in a rather energetic way.

"...WOULD YOU STOP MOVING? Everytime you go past the hairs on the back of my neck rise! SIT!"

Neji had frozen where he was floating but then he blinked before just sitting down on the other side of the house quietly. This seemed to appease Gaara and he sat down again, watching the tv quietly and going back to ignoring the spirit. Neji frowned a little and started playing with his hands a bit before there was a 'ding' heard and Gaara left to take the pot pie out of the oven so it wouldnt get burned. Like Temaris cooking. The thought made the red head make a face before he just cooled the thing a little before returning to the living room with the thing on a plate with a fork, and finding the room very much unoccupied. He just shrugged, figuring that the ghost probably got bored and left, and just sat down again before he started eating slowly.

Soon enough though there was a loud clatter and Gaara gave a low sigh before he set the food down on the nearby coffee table and just stood, walking over towards the room where he heard the noise. Opening Temaris door, he found an open window and also some makeup that had apparently been knocked off her vanity stand and he sighed, walking over and closing the window before he walked back over and knelt down, picking up the various things that had fallen and putting them up. Just when he had stood up though someone wrapped their arms around him, pinning his arms to his sides effectively.

"Why didnt you want to come play with me today, Gaa-chan? You know I get angry when you refuse me things I want. Un."

Deidara. Gaara relaxed slightly, but not much, and just glared forward evenly as he felt the blonds lips kissing his neck lightly.

"Simple, because my time is far to precious to be wasted on someone such as yourself. Don't you know it isnt considered good manners to break into someones house and molest them Deidara?"

A snicker of amusement was all he recieved before suddenly a hand was on his crotch, rubbing him through his pants.

"Oh come on now Gaara. You should have known I was going to do it if you refused me like that earlier. Un. Besides, you know you were saying no to some mindblowing fucking, and everyone knows you love stuff like that. You are the schools slut, and you have no morals at all. Remember?"

Gaaras hands clenched into fists at the blonde saying that and then growled out,"Leave. Now."

"Nuh uh. I know you need a good fuck at least once a day, and you know I'm more then happy to do it.Un.."

"I'm not a slut you blonde retard, now get the fuck out of my house or I'll report you."

"You won't. You never do..."

And then the blondes hand slipped in his pants, wrapping around him and starting to force the other into arousal, although it wasnt working as well as he hoped, even though he was rather obviously already aroused and ready for some fun. Gaaras eyes shut close and he started struggling against the taller males grip, trying to get free from him so he could go and at least lock himself in a room to call the police or something. Finally he leaned his head forward and slammed it back as hard as he could into the blondes nose, and that cause him to let out a yelp, but his grip didnt loosen at all. Deidara merely let out a hiss then.

"You little bitch...Fine, I'll just do it the hard way then. You always did prefer it that way. Filthy whore.." He muttered before the hand trying to bring him to arousal came up and wrapped around his throat, blocking the passage of air quite well.

Gaara let a whimper escape while he attempted to get his arms free so he could try and claw the hand away from his throat, but it wasn't working well. He was starting to become a little light headed, and he was sure that Deidara would actually get his way this time before suddenly Deidara gave a loud yell and let go of Gaara, gasping and clawing at his throat as if he was trying to get an invisible hand off of there, and it looked like his hair was also being pulled so that his head was bent at a very uncomfortably angle. Suddenly it seemed like the males feet were kicked out from under him and squirmed, giving off choking noises while his eyes were wide and frightened.

Gaara fell to his knees and could only stare at this as some invisible force dragged Deidara over to the window and the window was thrown open before Deidara was then just chucked out of there, the window slamming closed with almost enough force to break it and it was locked. The red head watched this before his body gave a slight tremble and then he finally coughed, covering his mouth and looking down at the floor. When his gaze finally rose, Neji was kneeling down infront of him looking worried.

"Are you alright Gaara..?"


He stood then and just walked out, feeling pretty weak and pathetic because he wasnt even able to fend off Deidara when the other could have raped him or something and..Ugh. He didnt feel like eating anymore. He just threw the rest of the potpie away and put the plate and fork in the sink before he headed upstairs, changing into his pajamas and just flopping onto his stomache onto his bed, his face hiding against his pillow. A gentle weight on the bed told him that Neji was there now and he let out a sigh before he rolled onto his side, his back facing the other. He wasnt very shaken up by what had almost happened, it was just that he felt pretty damn useless. He couldnt even protect himself...He didnt want to be awake right now. He reached behind him, opening the drawer on the bedside table and got a container of pills out, taking the correct number out and then putting the container back. He didnt want to deal with these annoying thoughts right now. He swallowed them easily and then pulled the blankets up, staring at the wall.

Neji was just watching the the boy as he did these things, tilting his head to the side a little before he realized what the pills were for and he leaned over, noticing that the boys eyes were still wide open and he was just staring forwards. He kind of felt that he should do something...

"..Don't worry Gaara. I'm here if he comes back..." He nodded a little, hoping that would at least make the red head feel better.

There was a long silence, but the raven haired males words comforted Gaara a little and finally he gave a little nod before he nuzzled into his pillow, his eyelids already starting to droop a bit as he started drifting off to sleep. That made Neji smile a little and he just sat back and left the other alone, letting him fall asleep without him being a nuisance and just sitting on the chair that was at the desk, looking around the room curiously. He barely heard what Gaara said next, as it was said so quietly.


The dark hared boy blinked then smiled lightly. Maybe they could be friends afterall.


Deidara cursed as he limped down the street. When he had fallen his right leg had landed on the teeth of a rake that was carelessly left in the yard, and now there were a few pretty holes in his leg and blood was seeping out of them and down into his shoe. Like hell he was going to go to a hospital, he was too busy trying to make sense of what exactly happened. He had sure he felt the hands, but there was no one there..Ugh, this was too fucking confusing. He'd see what happened the next time he saw Gaara..Because he was sure that whatever had happened was connected to that little loser. Either way, he was going to beat the hell out of that red head and then he was going to fuck him until he bled.

Unbeknownst to him, a dark figure wearing a cloak with a hood stood nearby, picking up the blondes murderous thoughts. There was no expression on his face but he reached up soon and pulled the hood back, and red head gleamed like blood against the moon. A faint smirk of amusement played on his lips though. He had been looking for a way to test that boys soul for so long, and it looks like he's finally found the mortal extension needed to do it.

This was going to be amusing.


oo...Holy CRAP where did my mind go? Seriously wtf. I started with a writing mood but then it got ruined and turned into this. -shakes head-

Where did that almost rape scene thing come from?! ;-; Oh well. R&R people. Even though I'm starting to seriously hate this fic. XD