Its been like six years but if you give me another chance (school is over for a while!) to put up her chapters I will and regularly. This is actually two chapters but I figure anyone whose still willing to read and review this story deserves it!

Allycat ( who doesn't own anything except a new car!! and by new i mean new to me!)

Title: This is the Life

by: FearandLoathing (presented by AllyCat)

Chapter 9: Alright (by Supergrass)


"Please tell me why I need a swimsuit? I have a perfectly good one at home."

Sharpay shot Gabriella a dark look. "Do girls need an excuse to shop?"

Taylor and Gabriella glanced at each other at the same time and rolled their eyes. Sharpay huffed but otherwise ignored them. They both giggled when her back was turned but eventually went back to perusing the racks.

"Ooh! What about this one?" She held up a piece of material on a hanger for inspection.

Gabriella's nose wrinkled. "That looks like a headband!"

Sharpay muttered something that sounded suspiciously prude but Gabriella didn't care enough to ask.

"This one says Taylor all over it!" She squealed seconds later. Gabriella shoved it in Taylor's hands before she could say anything and then pushed her in a dressing room. Sharpay walked over to the dressing room and stood next to Gabriella, who was already waiting outside the door.

Sharpay looked interested. "What did it look like?"

Even though she had just seen it a couple of seconds ago, Gabriella had to think for a second. Her forehead screwed up in thought for a moment. "It was a cute one piece. It had ruffles, had a neckline like this" Gabriella drew an imaginary straight line across her chest. "and I think it was violet!"

Sharpay clapped her hands together excitedly. "We should all get one pieces!"

Gabriella gave her a weird look. "Isn't that a little matchy?"

She laughed mockingly and said, "They wouldn't be the same colors silly."

Gabriella was about to respond when the door swung open. Taylor strutted out of the dressing room looking gorgeous. It was violet with one strap making the one piece a halter top. There was a ruffle going down the center of the swimsuit with ruching. (link on profile) She held her hands up in a v and turned around slowly. "You like?"

"We like!" They shouted loudly together while jumping up and down. The commotion gathered attention in the small shop and soon all eyes were on them. They both giggled when they noticed the attention but Taylor ran back into the dressing room.

"You are going to get that if I have to buy it for you and force you in it!" Sharpay called threateningly through the door. "And this is for you!" She held out a white one piece that, to Gabriella, had appeared out of nowhere.

Gabriella's head tilted as she grabbed it and held it in front of her. "It's a little revealing," She bit her lip for a moment, mulling it over. "But what's the harm in trying it on?"

"Here, here." Taylor seconded it from the dressing room.

Gabriella hit the door threateningly when she passed it but went in the next one anyway. Taylor slowly peeked her head out of the dressing room for a sign of Gabriella. But when all she saw was Sharpay, she opened the door fully and strolled out with the swimsuit in hand. She glanced around Sharpay, noticing she had a pink suit in her hand. "When did you try that on?" She asked, surprised.(on profile)

"I am not an amateur like you two." She replied with a sigh. "I know my size."

Taylor just shook her head and then faced Gabriella's door. The moment between the new friends was slightly awkward and Taylor searched for something to say. Just as she had opened her mouth to ask a question she really didn't care to know the answer to, Gabriella's door opened a crack.

"I need runway music but I will improvise!" Her musical voice floated through. She started humming the Pink Panther theme song and then swung open the door. Her footsteps punctuated each beat and her hips shifted from side to side making her walk more sinuous than normal. Or it would have been to anyone but her targeted audience who only thought she was acting like a dork. She shimmied her shoulders and giggled. "How do I look ladies?"

Her tan skin, though it was still cold outside, contrasted with the white in the suit. There was a slight dip in the front between her breasts and there was a gold belt around it. The back was bare and resembled a bikini except for the gold belt. In simple terms, she looked stunning. (On profile)

After a moment, Taylor spoke, "I think Troy might start crying when he sees this." They all dissolved into giggles. "I cannot wait to see his face!"

Gabriella rolled her eyes at the teasing. "You're going to have to wait a long time because I am not getting this suit." She replied. "It's not my style and it's a little too bare."

Sharpay waved her reasons away literally with her hand. "Puh-leeze!" She practically spat. "You have got to get it! It's like a crime against humanity or something if you don't!"

Gabriella went back into the dressing and shut the door. "I do not have to get anything!" She threw the suit on the hanger over the door at Sharpay. "And while we're at it, why are we shopping for swimsuits anyway? It's freezing outside!" Gabriella asked, interested as if it had just occurred to her.

Taylor laughed. "You never told her?"

Sharpay sent her a conspiratorial wink before replying loud enough for Gabriella to hear, who was still changing. "I'm having an indoor pool party! And your lover boy is invited! It starts at 2," She looked at her watch and giggled. "I mean started at 2."

Gabriella grabbed her cell phone and turned it on. She had forgotten she had never turned it on. She rolled her eyes when her phone showed that it was nearing 3. "We're already an hour late! He must be-" Her phone beeped interrupting her and the texts and voice mails started appearing. She chuckled and finished, "going crazy."

She received no reply. So Gabriella opened the door and saw them walking towards her bags already in hand. Her eyebrows rose in the air and asked, "Ready to go already?"

"As you shouted to the whole store, we are already an hour late." She said and they began walking out the store. Gabriella trailed after them checking her various messages from her mom, Sharpay, Taylor, and the most frequent Troy.

I can't wait to see you.

Troy sent that a couple hours before they were supposed to meet. He felt desperate, he was desperate. He couldn't imagine what would happen if his team found out. He would never hear the end of it.

I bet ur having fun while I search 4 trunks

The second text was sent after an hour and a half after the first. Not literally, because it was just an estimate. It's not like he watched the clock or was counting the minutes or anything. He fell back on his bed and put his hands over his face. He tried not to look at the phone next to him, but was mentally willing it to vibrate.

He realized he should have been more specific in his wish because it did vibrate. Except it was from Chad, not Gabriella. It said he was ready and they should probably leave soon. So, Troy sent her a message for the last time.

On my way, see you soon

But she wasn't there when he arrived. Ryan answered the door and noticed his searching gaze. "My sister's still out with Taylor and Gabriella." He informed with a knowing smile.

Troy avoided his gaze and walked into the mansion. Chad trailed after him, a look of wonder on his face as he took in the extravagant surroundings. Ryan gave them a quick tour before leading them to the indoor pool where Kelsi, Martha, Zeke, and Jason were hanging out. Chrouses of Troy and Chad greeted the two boys. They bumped fists with the boys and shot smiles at the girls.

No one was in the water yet even though Ryan told them it was heated. Troy basically threw his clothes off and dived into the water. He broke the surface and flipped his now wet hair out of his eyes. "Come on guys! It feels great!" He shouted energetically motioning them in.

The boys didn't need to be told twice and jumped in after him. Kelsi and Martha shared subtle glances as Troy swam towards the side of the pool they were lounging on. They knew and loved his girlfriend, but sometimes, they reasoned, a girl can look. His biceps were glistening as he swam towards them. He put his arms on the side of the pool and looked at them. His blue eyes were more intense than usual with his wet hair and the blue pool as a backdrop.

"You ladies coming in?"

Martha looked down at him and responded, "I think we're going to wait for the other girls."

They gave up and got in the pool after an hour. The group had fun splashing each other and the boys kept dunking each other. Ryan got dunked especially by Troy. He couldn't help but think it was a passive aggressive way to get back at him after him sitting in the front seat. Ryan was just happy to be accepted and it's not like he would actually go after Gabriella.

Now, Kelsi on the other hand, looked amazing in her two-piece. She was actually looking at him now…Had she noticed his stare? Did she think he was creepy? Oh wait, her lips were moving. Maybe he should start paying attention.

"-your turn." She finished.

It was his turn for what exactly? It was then that Ryan noticed everyone was staring at him. His attention was interrupted by the sound system pausing. It had been on low in the speakers around the room to his IPod. A loud voice, belonging to Snyder, spoke on it. "Mr. Evans, Miss Evans is now on the premises."

He saw Troy, Chad, and Zeke freeze. He rolled his eyes at their obviousness, even though he had been caught staring himself. He lifted himself out of the pool right before the door opened and in walked Taylor, Sharpay, and Gabriella. They were dragging bags behind them and by they it was everyone except Sharpay.

Troy was out of the pool and taking the bags from Gabriella before they had made it two steps in. Her smile was brilliant as she took in her shirtless and wet boyfriend. He shook his head to get his hair out if his face and she squealed when he accidently got her wet. He chuckled and tried pulling her close but she darted out of his reach. He dropped her bags, which he had so gentlemanly grabbed, on the floor and took after her.

"Troy!" She screeched when he told her he was going to throw her in the water. "At least let me get on a swimming suit!" Her bottom lip jutted out and began trembling. It was her best puppy dog face.

He was enthralled. "Sure." Troy said dreamily.

Everyone else giggled at his expense. "It's your turn Troy!" Zeke shouted from the pool.

The three girls paused in their walk to the door. "What game are you playing?" Taylor asked interested.

"We're describing each other using songs and its Troy's turn."Martha sent a sweet smile toward them. "So it looks like you made it just in time, Gabriella."

Gabriella turned fully around and sat on one of the chaises closest to the pool. She gave Troy a small grin and said "Yeah, I want to hear this."

He looked immediately nervous. "I can just pick one person right?" He asked.

"Yeah!" They chorused back.

"Well I would say one song that describes me and Gabriella is" He paused.

She leaned forward, obviously interested. "Is?" She had prompted.

He tried to run a hand through his knotted hair. "Uh Your Song by Elton John?"

Gabriella's smile dimmed, but her voice was matter of fact. "That sounded like a question."

He looked confused now. "I thought you liked that song?"

"I do, but it's kind of platonic isn't it?" She paused. "I mean he can't even remember the person's eye color." Gabriella explained while gathering her forgotten bags.

He started toward her but she had left the room before he could. "What did I do?" He asked everyone but looking at Taylor specifically. She sent him a comforting smile before following after her friend. Sharpay, as usual, wasn't so nice and muttered "stupid" under her breath. She walked out too.

Troy turned around and looked for someone who could provide him with an answer. Most of the guys were confused, except Ryan. He walked up to Troy and clapped him on the shoulder. "Women are fickle creatures my friend."

Kelsi and Martha protested that statement by trying to splash Ryan. Soon the tension was gone and everyone was back in the water playing.

Everyone except Troy, who had his eyes worriedly trained on the door.