DISCLAIMER! If this layout looks familiar, it is because I have copied it from peroxidepest17. It is not my own format.



Title: A Change of… Clothing?

Rating: PG

Pairing: None

Word Count: 693

Warning(s): Erm… excessive cleavage involved?

Summary: How Tidus really passed the time while on the Pilgrimage.

Dedication: My two best friends, Sheryl and Lyla, for coming up with this… unique game.

A/N: They really do play it with me… keeps people entertained in class.


How could they not complain? His legs were aching. They'd been traveling for hours already, and the light changes in scenery along the lengthy road had proven only barely more interesting than the light occasional trail of dust the heels of the rest of the party left behind them.

Sure, chocobos would have provided a great mode of transportation… had they not been nearly as terrified of Kimahri as they were of the blasted Chocobo Eater they'd taken care of the day before. Therefore, riding was out of the question.

"Ugh, come on guys! Can't we just rest for a little while? Please?" Tidus' plea was duly ignored, for the hundredth time.

Oh, for Spira's sake, couldn't they just have left the Ronso behind?

Without the slightest turn of the head, the blonde at last received a reply. "Be patient, we're almost there." Tidus scowled at the back of Auron's head, lightly checking himself before looking curiously and with slight hope to Yuna. Even she seemed weary.

"Hey, come on! Yuna seems tired. Right, Yuna?" He made a quick shushing motion, raising his finger to his lips and hissing silently. Yuna only blinked in quiet amusement and hid a smile.

"Oh, Sir Auron, I am feeling a bit worn out. Couldn't we possibly rest here for at least a little while?" Her gentle voice was music to the blonde's ears, though Auron's quiet, broken only by a terse nod of consent, was the most beautiful thing he'd witnessed all day. Which mildly disgusted him, but he pushed that aside hastily.

"Awesome!" And then he planted himself on the grass at the side of the dirt road, letting out an exaggerated sigh of relief. Soon the party had settled down alongside him, and already night was coming on.

Grudgingly coming to the realization there were no woods nearby to build a fire from, they sat there in quiet silence, eating their rations and content enough to listen to Lulu chastise Wakka after he'd made a comment about the way she dressed.

"We don' want Yuna growin' up thinkin' she can dress like that, yah?" The orange-haired guardian must have been more worn out by the day's travel than he had let on. Otherwise no one whose head was on right would have picked up something like that to argue with Lulu over.

Or maybe the man had just lost it after Luca. Who knew?

More importantly, who cared?

"Wakka," she bit off sharply. Tidus winced at the sound and ripped up a couple of long stems of grass, finding himself weaving them furiously into a ball to try and block out the black mage's voice as best he could. "You know very well that Yuna can decide for herself how to dress, and even so, what is wrong with my outfit?"

The man blushed and stammered an unintelligible response before falling completely into mutters that only succeeded in bringing a deathly quiet scowl to the woman in question's lips. "Wakka, I have dressed this way for quite a long time. You should have said something before if it had bothered you so much."

Wakka attempted to find his tongue, though all that slipped from him before Lulu cut him off angrily was a feeble, "But…!" Tidus fumbled with the ball of grass in his hands, now over an inch-wide, trying as best he could not to make a sound, whether it was a snicker or some other note of embarrassment.

"Enough, Wakka! I don't want you to bring this up again, do you—." Tidus gripped the ball a touch to hard and it flew from his fingers, sailing between the circle of them all and sailing down Lulu's… ahem… boob crack.

Everyone's eyes were locked there for a good moment as the silence pervaded, not even the crickets making a sound.

Tidus gave a nervous cough, and everyone hastily averted their eyes, not a one of them without a red face.

"…see Lu?"

Nothing at first. Then…


Everyone was too busy attempting to douse the flames on Wakka's screaming person to notice just how the woman removed the little ball of grass.