"Hey Cal." Eric entered the ballistics lab as Calleigh was busy inspecting and loading a gun. As Eric came closer and saw the gun, he frowned. "Calleigh, what are you doing?"

Calleigh looked up as Eric entered, ignoring his question she spoke, "Hey. Where have you been? She asked in her southern drawl, "you were supposed to be here an hour ago." She added. Turning her attention back to the gun, she waited for his reply.

Eric lowered his head and glanced up at her, his eyebrows raised…"Calleigh…don't change the subject…where'd you get that?" He asked.

"It's a Ruger .45 Auto P90 pistol. Hard-coated, aircraft-quality aluminum frames, rugged steel slides, nearly indestructible polycarbonate grip panels, high-visibility front and rear sights, holds eight rounds…good choice of gun…but it requires skill to master." Calleigh answered as she finished reassembling the weapon.

Eric smirked, "That's nice…but where'd you get it?" he asked again.

Calleigh looked up from the gun, "It's the new girl's." She replied.

Eric quirked his head, "That's not the gun she had on her belt."

"No, its not." Calleigh smiled…"she carries two. Her standard M9 9mm Beretta Pistol, and this baby." Calleigh held up the Ruger.

"Why carry two? What's wrong with the standard issued M9?" Eric asked.

"Well…" Calleigh began, "The M9 is a lightweight semiautomatic, it can be fired in either double or single action mode and has a 15- round magazine. So it's all good for typical law enforcement; that's why it's issued to us. But it only has a maximum effective range of 152.5 feet and a muzzle velocity of 1200 feet."

Eric looked at Calleigh and raised his eyebrows…"And…?"

Calleigh laughed, "And, well, lets just say her personal choice of pistol here is a hell of a lot deadlier." She gestured to the silver Ruger in her hand. "If you ask me…this new girl knows her firearms. It takes more than just your average Jane to even pick a weapon like this out...never mind master how to use it." Calleigh finished, Eric could tell even she sounded impressed.

"Great, just what we need," Eric let out a sigh, "another highly gangrenous, gun wheeling, ballistics masterminded female walking the lab…"

Calleigh smiled. "You know, you can tell a lot about a person by their choice of firearms." Calleigh looked at Eric with a mischievous grin.

"Oh? Replied Eric..."and? Is that supposed to mean something to me? He asked.

"I think I may have discovered something about our new co-worker," continued Calleigh. "The P90 pistols are designed to be easily maintained and can be field-stripped into five major subassemblies for cleaning, without the need for special tools."

Eric stared at Calleigh blankly. "I'm not following you Cal…"

"What? You didn't notice the strong smell of hand sanitizer? The mouthwash? …You're telling me you didn't notice her knuckles were scrubbed raw? …Her badge was practically glowing it was so polished, and she owns a gun that's designed to be easily maintained and cleaned regularly…. This doesn't ring a bell?" She finished with a small smile.

It took Eric a moment, "What? You don't mean…"

He was cut off, "If you ask me, I'd say she screams obsessive compulsive." Calleigh answered his question before he could ask it.

Eric laughed, "Well I'll be damned. I wonder if Wolfe's figured it out yet?"

"You're kidding me right? He's been showing her around the lab for over an hour now…after spending that much time with another OCD, he would know."

Eric just stood smiling in disbelief.

"What?" Calleigh asked after a minute of waiting for him to explain the ammused look on his face.

"Well...this Miranda Marlynn worked patrol before this, she's OCD, and she's new to the team...she's the female Ryan Wolfe." Eric laughed.

"It would seem that way," agreed Calleigh, "I wonder how they'll get along..." She raised an eyebrow.

Eric looked mischievously at Calleigh. "Well, we'll just have to wait and see won't we?..."