Just Maybe - She likes him, he likes her, but they don't know their feelings are mutual. Maybe, just maybe everything will work out. If not at least they'll always have tonight.

Written in 28 – 08 - 2006

Chapter II

That afternoon Kakashi decided to spar with Naruto. It was fine with Sakura who had now time to mentally slap herself. She hoped she hadn't ruined her friendship with Kakashi. Over the years he had become a good friend and she didn't want to ruin that because of a moment of madness. What she had done had been completely innocent. Well, for the most part. But in a way she was glad she had done it. Now she started to believe that maybe, just maybe he was attracted to her as well. The way his uncovered eye held her gaze, the lust so clear in his eye, the way her proximity made him so uncomfortable … Sure she had been close to him before, she cried on his shoulder countless times, but somehow this time he seemed to be, at least, lusting for her. Maybe, just maybe… she thought of a way of proving if she was right and she found just the right one. If it failed she would probably never be able to look him in the eye again, but if she was right… at least they would have a night together. She knew lust and love were two different things, and she felt both towards the man. IF he lusted for her as well, that didn't mean he loved her, but at least it was something. It could at least be the beginning. In times like these she thanked Kami for making her blossom into such a beautiful woman. She was tall and slender, with curves many women would kill for. Her exotic looks provided by her unusual pink tresses and by her unique emerald eyes only enhanced her appeal. She knew she looked good, she just hoped she looked good enough for HIM. He wasn't a shallow person, far from it, but she couldn't help thinking along those lines. Physical attraction could very likely be the first step to love.

Sakura sighed keeping and eye on the match between the blonde and the silver haired man, watching the way he moved so graciously, the way he seemed to be bored most of the times… she remembered a time when he used to read his perverted books even during fights, he still did that but not when fighting Naruto or even herself. That would mean serious pain for him. There had been a time when she hated those vile books with all her heart, now they might actually help her sort out the man's feelings.

She was perfectly aware that even IF they both loved each other things would be rather difficult. A real relationship between the two was ALMOST impossible. She knew she was 14 years younger than him, she knew she had been his student. She knew that even if between shinobi these things didn't seem to matter there would always be those who would be against it. Kakashi would probably never again teach a team, and there would surely be problems with other teams. Although she really wasn't his student anymore, most of the people in the village saw their relationship that way. It just seemed… plain wrong. She knew all of this, but somehow for just this once she didn't want to follow the rules, she just wanted to be happy, as cheesy as it may sound. Definitely, this time she would be bold and go trough with it.

An hour or so after the beginning of the match Sakura was comfortably sitting on a sakura tree thinking about her plan regarding a certain shinobi and his favorite hobby when a grinning TenTen came running and handed Sakura a letter. It was from Neji, as TenTen kindly (and rather loudly) pointed out. A certain dark-eyed man (who happens to yield the Sharingan) heard it and momentarily lowered his guard, allowing Naruto to give him a really painful blow. After the brown-haired girl left Kakashi could see the smile on Sakura's face while she read the letter.

It was hard to concentrate on the fight, but Kakashi wasn't the copy ninja for nothing. Although he appeared unaffected by the way Sakura reacted to the letter he was indeed suffering inside. Yes, THE copy ninja had feelings for the little kunoichi, his former student, the one who was 14 years his junior, and yes he was man enough to admit it! At least to himself… Those feelings dated way before they should have, even when Sasuke was still alive. When he first realized that he liked, maybe even loved, the girl he couldn't help but feel guilty and even perverted. The girl was a child for Kami's sake! Sure, she was starting to develop physically and, oh lord, she was beautiful, but she was still a child. He suppressed those feelings knowing they were wrong, especially since the girl's heart was already taken. Fortunately (or not) for him the young kunoichi was studying with the blond Hokage, so they didn't see each other very often. Despite that, he was always there when she needed him. He was there when Sasuke died and she needed a shoulder to cry on. He was there when her parents were kidnapped so she would trade places with them and lend the kidnappers her medical skills (permanently). He helped her bring them back; he helped her make a choice when she almost quit being a shinobi because she didn't want her loved ones being in danger because of her. He comforted her every time she cried after not being able to save a patient she was close to (he still remember the night Kotetsu and Izumo died and she ended up at his apartment door late at night soaking and covered in blood asking if she could spend the night there). He was always there for her and was happy because she would seek his company. Sometimes she was there even if just to drag him to have a late night dinner. Other times just to see if he came back from the mission alright (she was aware of his hospital phobia so more than once her visits had saved his life). She always stayed and nursed him back to health.

He was content with that, but then the Hyuuga came into the game. Sure, there had been other boys before, but none serious. He panicked when slowly Sakura stopped seeking him and started spending more time with the white-eyed boy. A piece of him died inside when he knew she had her first time with the 'lucky bastard'. Another bigger piece of him died when they moved in together. And then there was relief when they separated. Kakashi felt bad for yearning for something that he knew would hurt his little blossom, but he couldn't bring himself to accept seeing her in the arms of a man other than himself. She never dated again. The relationship between himself and the pink haired girl had been growing and after the incident in Ichiraku earlier that day he began to hope she might feel the same. But… now his hopes were crushed as he watched her smiling and giggling while reading the letter. HIS letter. Rage started to build inside him as he quickly finished the match and walked towards Sakura to get his wounds healed (nope, he didn't want to know what was so special about that letter, he wasn't the little bit curious…rightttttttt).

"Ne Sakura-chan, good news? Your smile could rival fuzzy eyebrows' today!"

"OMG! You'll never believe what's in this letter!" After giggling a lot more she looked at Kakashi who was seemingly pissed. More seriously talking now she gave them the news. "Hyuuga Neji is getting married! Sure it's an arranged marriage to strengthen the bonds between Sunagakure and Konohagakure, but apparently, he is very pleased with the girl. He says he might actually fall in love with her! Isn't it great?"

While Sakura and Naruto kept talking about Neji's marriage the copy ninja let out a small sigh of relief. Maybe there was still hope after all. Little did he know that his little display of emotions didn't go unnoticed by a certain kunoichi.

After Sakura healed Naruto he bid them goodbye and ran away to meet Hinata. Don't want him to pick his perverted sensei's tardiness now do we? Next, she started healing Kakashi who was already reading his beloved book (and keeping and eye on her).

"All done sensei." He put his book back in his pouch. "What?! Tired of it already?" She asked with mock seriousness and incredibility.

"Nope…" He took out a new one. "… just finished it. Gonna start another one now."

He smiled widely expecting her to start yelling at him because of his perverted habits, but what she did surprised him: she looked curious and determined (and, might he add, lustful). She had been planning this after the Ichiraku incident. It was time to be bold, she couldn't back away now. It's not like she was still the same innocent girl she was years ago… well, she still is in some ways, but now she knew it wasn't the time for that.

Kakashi was lazily sitting on the floor leaning against a tree trunk with his smut in hand and looking directly at her green orbs until his gaze lowered to her partially partnered pink, tempting lips. Taking the chance the girl took a deep breath and sat on his lap, her back to him, head resting on his chest. Kakashi stiffened at the sudden action and sat motionless as the sweet fragrance of strawberries filled his senses when her hair accidentally brushed his nose.

"Hmm… Sakura what are you doing?"

"Reading. You're just gonna start this one, ne? So this is the best chance to see what's so special about this kind of books after all."

Recovering from his shock he grinned and rested his chin on top of her head. This was probably his last chance to be happy and he would be damned if he would let it slip trough his fingers. He wanted to see where it would lead. He gently circled her waist with his unused arm and whispered softly against her silky hair.

"I hope you're ready to face the consequences of your actions Sakura."

"I wouldn't dream about backing out, not now…"

They both knew they weren't talking about the book but that didn't matter. For now, they were just going to read it. No need to rush things. Every good thing takes its time.

Many minutes later Sakura was actually finding the book… interesting to say the least. But maybe that was because she could feel the man she loved so close to her that she could take in his manly smell, feeling his muscular chest pressed heavily against her back… She continued to read but pictured herself and Kakashi in her mind instead of the main characters. She could feel her arousal as her breathing became erratic. He was having similar thoughts and was afraid she could feel his growing erection. He could feel her breathing and knew she was thinking about it too, which only increased his want. Well, having the object of your wildest fantasies on top of you doesn't exactly help you cool down. He tried to conceal how much he was turned on (for the time being, mind you) but it was too late because she felt it and he knew it. Knowing how much he was affected by the situation they were in made her giggle, making her body move involuntarily against his. He couldn't suppress his urges anymore: he needed her, he needed her badly.

The book completely forgotten now as Kakashi pressed his covered lips to her neck making her shiver in anticipation. In one quick motion, he easily turned her in his lap making her face him and capturing her lips in his masked ones.


"Shhh… don't say anything." After another kiss, a more fierce and passionate one this time, she got up leaving a very confused Kakashi still sitting on the floor.

"What are you doing?"

"I don't think you would want to continue this here now, would you? I guessed as much. So… your place or mine?"

Grinning he stood up and kissed her senseless while making familiar hand seals. In a second they "poofed" into his living room where he pressed her hard against the wall, his hands on either side of her body keeping her in place. Leaning his head against her neck he whispered seductively "take it" and she knew immediately what he was talking about. She complied but had only a few moments to take in his beautiful features before his lips came crashing on hers.

His kisses were making her knees go weak. Supporting both their weights Kakashi made his way to the bedroom. Their lips never broke contact during the way neither did their tongues stop the fierce battle they were engaged in, not even when Kakashi tripped on Ukki-kun (his plant) and the only thing that prevented them from falling were Kakashi's ninja reflexes.

Laying her on the bed he took in her flushed form and the lust clear in her eyes as she gently removed his forehead protector tracing the scar in his left eye with her soft fingertips. He had to use all his willpower not to succumb to his need and ravage her senseless. After all, he still didn't know if this was only a one night stand on her part, so he would make it memorable. If tonight was all they had then he would make it a time to remember.

Sakura was thinking along the same lines, after all, it wasn't like the copy ninja to simply fall in love. She wanted to tell him what she was feeling but after her experience with Sasuke she thought it was better not to do it, at least until she had more reasons to believe the feeling might be mutual.

Sakura removed Kakashi's shirt (his jacket already lost along the way) and laid down on the bed as his body came to rest on top of hers. His knowing fingers all over her body while his mouth never left hers. Gently and painfully slowly he discarded the tank top she was wearing and started to undo the bandages covering her breasts. His mouth started playing with her neck, with her collarbone, lower… all she could so was caress his hard chest and moan his name.

Words weren't necessary tonight (except for the ones being moaned of course). They weren't sure if it was just a one-night stand or the beginning of something more, but at that moment they didn't really care. In their minds similar thoughts were being held: showing the other what they were feeling trough their actions. Even if tomorrow everything ended (either by their feelings not being corresponded or simply because of the death of one or both of them. After all they knew what a shinobi's life was like. They knew it all too well) they still had tonight and they would make sure neither of them would forget it. At this point, it didn't matter that tomorrow one or both could be taken captive or die. It didn't matter the age difference. It didn't matter they had once been teacher and student. Tonight they were just Kakashi and Sakura, the man and the woman, and who knows? Maybe tomorrow everything would work out and neither of them would be alone anymore. All they could do at the moment was enjoy what they had and hope that maybe, just maybe they could have more than this and make it last.