Reviews: (Bows her apologies repeatedly) Sorry, for taking so long to update! Writer's block. Also, my new fic is kinda my baby at the moment. Still, it's no excuse. Forgive me.

Well, here we are. The last chapter (for now, anyway) of this fic. I hope you like this chapter. It's chock full of fluffy goodness.

A soft, gentle sea breeze drifts effortlessly across the white sands of Mecklenburg beach, northeast Germany. Rows and rows of white chairs decorated with white lilies and blue bows. A priest stands proud and tall near the gently lapping waters, smiling widely at the site

In each of those beautifully decorated chair bladers, coaches and 'grown ups' sat in anticipation. They shuffle and exchange words softly, all growing impatient. The silence and the anticipation has begun to eat away at some of the more energetic bladers.

"When is the wedding going to start?" Max asks, tugging on Ray's arm sitting next to him.

Ray shushes the blond as he bounces a little stormy-gray hair child on his knee, while Mystel gently rocks his brother in his arms. "When they are ready and not before."

The blond pouts, but inclines his head in understanding. He glances around at the other guests, a feeling of joy wiggling it's way into his heart. Everyone that he has meet while touring with the Bladebreakers were here. Everyone. It warms him to know that Kai now has many friends. He has been able to let go of his past and move forward.

He took a chance all those years ago. He had no idea where it would have lead him, but, he still took that chance.

And with one small glance, he embarked on a journey to a whole new life.

A sudden hush fell over the group and they all quickly turn around in their seats to glance down the aisle, eager to see the two soon-to-be newlyweds.

However, they were greeted with a familiar and energetic blond. He ran down the aisle, towards Claude who sat at the front, left of the priest, scattering flower petals as he does so. Claude slips out of his seat and holds his arms up for Angelito to him into them.

Everyone laughs, in good-spirits as Claude sweeps Angelito into his arms and takes his seat again.

Soon, another hush falls over the group. Finally, the moment everyone has been waiting for. Kai and Miguel appeared, hand in hand, particularly glowing with happiness and excitement. The clothes they are wearing are not that of tradition tuxedos nor that of formal wear. Miguel is wearing a loose short sleeved white button up shirt, with only a few of the button done up with black slacks. And Kai is also wearing a white shirt that hung off him. The sleeves on his shirt were longer, so he had then rolled up to his elbows. He wore a casual pair of beige shorts and his hair has been pulled back into a high ponytail. Neither of the two are wearing any shoes, as it is far easier to walk in the sand without them.

They gave big smiles to everyone as they walked by. Romero watches with a trembling lip as the pass by.

"I promised myself I wasn't going to cry…," he whimpers. "but…" he soon start to bawls his eyes out against Raul's shoulder. "This is so beautiful!"

Raul immediately begins to flail his arms around. "Romero, please control yourself."

As they walk closer towards the priest, Kai pauses for a moment to gently regard his children, ruffling Angelito's hair as he continues to play with the flower petals.

"Dearly beloved, we have gathered here today to witness the union of these two beings of God," The priest calls out over Romero's wails of delight. "One, Miguel and one, Kai. You may now exchange vows. Miguel."

Miguel nods his head towards the priest and turns to face Kai, taking his hands gently in his. "I, Miguel, take you, Kai, to be my lawfully wedded husband, my constant friend, my faithful partner and my love from this day forward. In the presence of God, our family and friends, I offer you my solemn vow to be your faithful partner in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad, and in joy as well as in sorrow. I promise to love you unconditionally, to support you in your goals, to honor and respect you, to laugh with you and cry with you, and to cherish you for as long as we both shall live." He gently slips a pure gold wedding band into Kai's slender finger.

There was not a dry eye to be seen. Even the usually hard-as-stone Russians were misty eyed.

"Kai," The priest nods to him.

Kai returns the nod, his eyes shimmering with unshed tears. He takes a deep breath before saying, "I, Kai, take you, Miguel, to be my husband, my partner in life and my one true love. I will cherish our union and love you more each day than I did the day before. I will trust you and respect you, laugh with you and cry with you, loving you faithfully through good times and bad, regardless of the obstacles we may face together. I give you my hand, my heart, and my love, from this day forward for as long as we both shall live." And with those words, Kai slips the exact replica of his own wedding ring.

"In the presence of God and these our friends, and with the power invested in me I now pronounce you man and husband," the priest spoke the final words with the greatest of ease, a sincere smile on his face that he surrounded by many laughter lines. He turns to Miguel, knowing full well what will happen next. "You my kiss the groom."

Miguel wasted no time taking Kai into his arms, and kissing him passionately on the lips while everyone raise themselves from their seats, clapping the newlyweds.

"I love weddings," Mr. Dickinson sniffles into his handkerchief. "Kids today. They grow up so fast."


Miguel smiles softly as Kai lifts his flute of alcohol-free champagne high above his head. Lifting a fork in his other hand, he taps an empty glass that sat on a nearby table. The ring of crystal silence the laughter and conversation around them. What was he up to?

"Fill you glasses! One more toast!" he calls. "To the groom!"

"Bottoms up?" tease Romero, who was slightly tipsy from drinking nearly all the alcoholic champagne. A round of laughter and applause greeted that.

Everyone seems to be in high spirits, Miguel thought. Even the usually serious Hiro is starting to light up. A good sign indeed.

"To my husband, Miguel," Kai said to everyone assembled. "The man I love with all my heart, the wonderful father of our children and, God willing, their brothers to come!" He grins as he leans over and pinches his cheek. "Bladers don't blush, love."

Noisy calls of "Hear! Hear!" echoes around them as everyone saluted with their champagne and drank the toast to him.

Miguel took Kai's glass after he'd took a sip and raises it again. "To the elegant and endearing Kai, who is and always will be the keeper of my heart."

He watches as a soft, sweet blush spreads across Kai's cheeks. Being talked about so fondly always does that to him, Miguel muses. But there are tears in his eyes all the same. "I love you, Kai Hiwatari," he said, and drank to him. Then he gently takes his hand, kisses it and then his lips.

A chorus of giggles and coos echoes around them.

"Did you mean that?" Miguel asks Kai a few moments later when the party resumed and they are dancing. "About the children? I thought three was enough?"

"There is never enough," Kai tells him, giving his shoulder a little shake for emphasis. "Don't you want more? We do produce beautiful geniuses, you know."

"Oh, I know," Miguel smiles, turning his head slightly to the right. "We have three."

Kai glances in the direction Miguel is looking in and smiles fondly. Claude has Angelito in his arms, while Ray and Mystel has Yoshi and Yuki. Claude gently places Angelito on his feet, letting him dance to the music. The twin can't walk just yet, but they would love to get on the floor with their older brother. Oh, the trouble those three could get themselves into.

Kai turns he eyes back to Miguel, the smile still in place. "So," Kai says as he kisses his lips softly. "How long did it take to remember your vows."

Miguel smiles cheekily. "Actually, I made it up as I went along."

Kai blinks, then laughs, nestling his head in his shoulder. "So did I."

"They're an adorable and loving couple, aren't they?" Oliver asks as Enrique twirls him on the dance floor, glancing over his shoulder to the dancing newlyweds.

"That they are," Enrique agrees. "The wedding here today shows that. Though, it's a shame they didn't have the wedding at Sylt beach."

Oliver furrows his brow in thought for a moment. "Sylt…?" he whispers. "Wait, that's a nudist beach! You pervert!"

Enrique laughs as Oliver slaps his shoulder and pulls the Frenchman back into his arms. "Did you only just figure that out?"

Michael walks over to the drinks table to get another drink when he notices a certain couple, kissing passionately at one of the empty tables. "Hey Rick," He calls to his bulky teammate. "would you take a look at that."

Rick glances in the direction Michael is pointing, his eyebrows arching towards his hairline. "Bryan and Johnny, huh?"

"Yeah. Never saw that coming. Though, come to think of it, they do sorta complete each other."

Rick raises an eyebrow.

Michael shrugs. "In a warped kind of way."

"You talking about me?" Came a familiar Scottish voice. The two look up to see the redhead standing in front of them, his arms folded across his chest.

"Bryan too," Rick smirks. "So, just as a topic of conversation, who's on top?"

Johnny rolls his eyes skyward. Not this question again. Hmm, maybe he could have some fun… "I fail to see why people like you need to classify uke from seme."

Rick's smirk falters a bit and he raises an eyebrow. "…So, Bryan's on top?"

"I didn't say that."

Michael blinks. "So, you're on top?"

"I didn't say that either," Johnny smirks.

"So you take it in turns?"

Johnny shrugs, carelessly. "Maybe, maybe not. I'm not going to tell you." With those words, he smirks at them and walks back towards the table, where Bryan is talking with Spencer.

"…that was actually kinda cruel, huh?" Michael pouts.

Rick sighs and scratches the back of his head. "I guess we'll never know. Unless we walk in on them."

Michael shudders violently. "Lets try to avoid that."

Rick nods. "I hear ya."

The time for Kai and Miguel to part company and go on their much awaited honeymoon soon arrives. After kissing Angelito, Yoshi and Yuki goodbye, Kai and Miguel head towards the awaiting limo that will take them to the airport to board their private jet to Hawaii, where they are having their honeymoon.

"Wait!" Hilary calls out over the well wishes. "You have to throw the bouquet."

Kai turns around, his eyes raised to his hairline. "I don't have a bouquet."

Mariah grabs a nearby table decoration and hands it to him. "You do now."

Kai takes the flowers, glancing over his shoulder to Miguel. "Go on," he says. "It's tradition, after all."

Kai returns the smile and turns around. "Ready?!" he calls out and receives a chorus of affirming squeals. "3, 2, 1!" he then throws over his shoulder as far as he could.

Immediately, all the girls rush forward, their hands up in the air, greedily trying to snatch the bouquet before anyone else could. However, due to the sea of hands, the bouquet of flowers tumbles to the ground below and before anyone could move to grab it, a small blond blur appears and grabs the flowers in his tiny hands and ran off towards the beach.

"Can't catch me!" Angelito calls out.

"Angelito, sweetie," The girls sweetly say to him, while chasing him. "Give the flowers to you aunty, dear."

Kai turns around just in time to see Angelito take off with the flowers. He laughs warmly as Angelito effortlessly dodge all the girls, while laughing loudly. "He's getting some practice in," he chuckles.

"What? Escaping all the fan girls when he grows up?" Miguel chuckles as Kai nods. He shakes his head and wraps his arm around his shoulders. "Ready?"


They wave goodbye to the others, who are still laughing at the sight and slip into the limo. Immediately, Kai sinks against Miguel's side, resting his head on his shoulder. Miguel, in turn, wraps his arm around Kai's waist, his hand slipping under his chin, tilting it up so he can kiss him lips.

"So," Miguel says after a moment. "Just how many kids are you wishing for?"

Kai shrugs. "We're going to have a rainbow of kids."

Miguel smiles. "We better get started, then." Kai chuckles. "I love you."

Kai smiles and kisses him softly on the lips. "Hmm, I love you too."

Yay, finally finished! Slightly longer than usual, but it's been a while since I updated this, huh? I hope this chapter was incredibly fluffy for you. I also hope it was a suitable ending for this fic.

Kai: More kids? I thought you said three was enough.

Yeah, but that was until I read an article about this woman who had 14 kids with one on the way.

Kai: O.O

Please review.