Author's Note: All right guys as promised this is the last chapter of X High School. It's been a great run, and I hope you guys like what I have in store. Enjoy, this is the last installment of X High School.

Chapter 48

Looking Towards the Future

After a long night of partying, the guys stayed the night at Vic's house with everyone crashing on the floor or on the furnature. Since Vic lived by himself they could do whatever they want, and they did. After a night of heavy drinking and partying as well as a late night trip to Denny's around 2 am. Nothing more fun than going to a restaraunt wasted. After they ate Vic threw up in the parking lot and the guys went bowling after that. Safe to say no one got a high score. Tara threw her ball into the next alley and got a strike. Rich was the only one to get a strike in his own ally and then raided the video store to watch some dvds. They rented the DVDs and didnt steal them. While some of them watched a couple movies the others danced and kept the steroes pumping for most of the night. Sometime between 4 and 5 in the morning the guys finally crashed. Slade and Rae slept in one of the guest bed with thier clothes on while Kori and Richard slept on the couch and Gar and Tara slept on the floor with plenty of blankets and pillows to go around. As the sun started to rise, Kori got up and stretched trying not to wake Rich, crept over Gar and Tara and went out to the front porch and sat in the swing.

The swing sat on the right side of the white fenced in porch, she sat there in silence for a few minutes with her leg drawn up to her chest and watched as the sun came up over the driveway infront of her. Her eyes seemed to sparkle as she saw it rise.

"Hey you couldnt sleep?" Rich asked.

She looked up and saw him standing halfway out the screen door.

"No, I just like watching the sunrise." she said looking out to the horizon.

"Oh." he said looking past the door to his left.

"Yeah that's pretty nice." he said.

"I love this time of day." she said hugging her legs to her chest.

"I can see why, it's been a long time since I was up this early." he said watching the sunrise.

An alarm clock radio went off in one of the rooms reading six am and started playing Jimmy Eat World "Work"

"Hey you want to go somewhere real quick?" he asked.

"Where to?" she asked.

"It's not too far from here, just the old railroad bridge you want to go?" he asked.

"Sure." she said.

"Cool." he said stepping out the door and gently closed it. They got into his car and headed up the street to the old abandoned railroad bridge.

If you only once would let me

Only just one time

Then be happy with the consequence

Of whatever's going to happen tonight

Dont think we're not serious, when's it ever not?

The love we make is give and it's take

I'm game to play along.

Kori turned her attention to Richard as they drove up the street and smiled softly at him. He saw her smile out of the corner of his eye and looked at her and smiled back. Arriving at the foot of the old railroad bridge they pulled off the side of the road into some gravel that was a makeshift parking lot. Shutting off the engine they got out and began climbing the grassy hillside. He took Kori's hand and helped her up the semi-steep slope.

All I can say I shouldnt say

Can we take a ride?

Get out of this place while we still have time?

Oh-oh, oh oh oh

Oh-oh, oh oh oh

After helping her to the top, they walked along the railing hand in hand as they made it up to the bridge. The old bridge was black and had patches of rust along the railings. The old Grandview Crossing hadnt been used in 50 years and had become something of a romantic attraction to teenagers. Traversing the side of the old iron bridge hand in hand they walked out to the center and leaned against the railing overlooking the road and some trees. But on the other side houses lined the sides of the road. The bridge sat on the edge of town and in the distance just beyond the trees was the clock tower. Rich smiled and put his hand on Kori's shoulder as she rested her chin on the railing.

"I cant believe we made it through all of this." she said.

"Yeah tell me about it. It's been quite a year." he said.

"Did you see any of this happening a year ago?" she asked.

"Honestly no." he said.

"Remember our first battle together?" Kori asked.

"How could I forget? It was my first battle against the Red Hood. I was on the ropes and then you came out of nowhere and helped kick his ass." he said. Kori laughed.

"Yeah, I did. He didnt know what hit him." she said. Rich laughed.

"I'm glad you showed up when you did." he said.


"Yeah I didnt think I was going to make it out of there, when you showed was like my thoughts and fears were lifted. I didnt know who you were at the time, but I knew if you were on my side I was going to make it through." he said.

'That means alot Richard." she said.

"Yeah well it took alot to say that." he told her. Kori put her arm on his shoulder reassuringly, he turned and smiled at her and she smiled back.

All the best DJs are saving thier slowest song for last

when the dance is through it's me and you come on,

would it really be so bad?

The things we think may be the same

But I wont fight for more

It's just not me to wear it on my sleeve

Count on that for sure

Kori put her arms around Rich and buried herself in his chest. The Boy Wonder accepted her embrace and wrapped his arms around her.

All I can say

I shouldnt say

Can we take a ride?

Get out of this place while we still have time?

You want to take a ride?

Get out of this place while we still have time?

We still have time?

Oh-oh, oh oh oh

Oh-oh, oh oh oh

Oh-oh, oh oh oh

Oh-oh, oh oh oh



"With Ryan gone do you think our kids still exsist in the future?" her voice muffled in his chest.

"What?" he said. She looked up at him, her eyes darted away for a second as she pondered her question.

"Do you think Titans Tomorrow still exsist?" she asked.

"Yeah I'm positive." he told her.

"How can you be certain?" she asked.

"Well since Ryan's body wasnt destroyed that means that he still exsists which means our kids still exsist." he told her.

"That's comforting." she said sarcastically.

"No wait! Uh let me try that again. Uh, well Raven came back so if she's alive that means her kids are alive which means our kids are alive." he corrected. His girlfriend looked at him oddly.

"Sometimes you just got to believe. Believe me Kori, things will play out the way thier suppose to. I wouldnt worry too much about our kids." he smiled.

Cant say I was never wrong

But some blame rests on you

Work and play they're never ok

to mix the way we do

"Yeah I guess your right." she smiled back.

"Come on you know I'm right." he said reassuringly as he held her close.

"Yeah." she replied burying part of her face in his chest once more.

All I can say

I shouldnt say

Can we take a ride

Get out of this place while we still have time?

You want to take a ride?

Get out of this place while we still have time?

We still have time?

Oh-oh, oh oh oh

Oh-oh, oh oh oh

"Everything's going to be all right Kori, it will be or my name isnt Richard Grayson." he said. His girlfriend chuckled a bit.

"Thanks Rich." she said.

"No problem." he replied.

"You really are the sweetest guy I know." she told him.

"I try my best." he replied.

His girlfriend chuckled and kissed his lips. The Boy Wonder responded and kissed her back, thier tounges slosh around a bit before breaking apart and rested her head in his chest once again.

Back at the house the clock radio in Slade and Raven's room went off at 6:15 and started to play.

"Hey what's up? Your listening to Kidd Kradic in the Morning. Big Al, who do you think is the better superhero Batman or Superman?" asked Kidd.

Raven's eyes fluttered open looked over and saw her boyfriend in bed with her. After seeing he was dressed she looked down and noticed all her clothes were on.

"Hey Slade, you awake?" she asked.

"Hmm?" he asked without opening his eyes.

"Did we do anything last night?" she asked.

"I think we just crashed I dont remember, still have your underwear?" he asked.


"Then nothing happened." he replied.

"All right, thanks Slade." she said.

"No problem." he smiled.

She kissed his cheek, the Terminator smiled even wider as she pecked his lips and put his arms around her and drew her nearer.

"I love you Slade."

"I love you too." he said as he drifted back to sleep.

"Honestly I got to side with Batman, Superman may be the strongest dude alive. But Batman's got all the gadgets and is the bigger badass in my book." Big Al said as the conversation between them continued.

In the living room Tara and Gar slept on the floor when Gar suddenly said.

"Hey Tara, you awake?"

"Depends on what you call awake." she replied drousily.

"I was just checking...Tara?"


"Thanks for staying the night."

"Yeah well it was either that or sneek into the house drunk and try not to wake up my brother. Greg said he liked this way better." she told him.

"Oh that's cool. Did you have fun last night?"

"I'll be lucky if I can remember last night." she said.

"Dont worry that's what camera phones are for." he replied.

"I'm not sure I like the sound of that." she said.

"Relax, most of it's just Vic being a dumbass." he said as he went back to sleep. This had a sobering affect on his girl.

"I hope your right." she told him.

"Course I am, I recorded it." he said.

Rich and Kori came in the door a while later, the two looked up at them from the floor.

"Sorry didnt mean to get you up." he said.

"You didnt." said Tara.

"We were already up." added Gar.

"Oh that's good." said Rich.

"The others still in bed?" asked Kori.

"Yeah we havent heard a peep out of any of them." Gar told them.

"All right cool, we thought about going out to breakfast. You guys want to come with?" said Rich. Gar and Tara looked at each other.

A while later they were at Steak n Shake eating breakfast, Kori sat staring at her breakfast without saying a word.

"Hey Kori, you going to eat anything?" Rich asked.

"Yeah...there's something I wanted to tell you...I've been accepted at the University of Washington." she said sadly.

Rich looked up from his breakfast plate at her.

"That's great Kori." he said half-heartedly.

"I was afraid you'd say that." she said looking down at her plate.

"No Kori, look it's great that you've been acccepted. And we'll stay in touch." he said taking a hold of her hand. She looked up at him and could tell he was being honest.

"Thanks." she said.

"So your going to be a Husky huh?" he said. Kory giggled.

"Yeah." she said.

"So what are you going into?" he asked.

"I thougth about maybe a field in sports medicene. I have a softball scholarship to Washington as well." she said.

"That's awesome." he said.

"Yeah, what about you?" Kori asked.

"Well if I can I still play on competing in the X Games, not too sure about college right at the minute." he told her.

"Oh." she said looking down.

"But if I'm up in the area, I'll come and visit you. All right?" he said.

"Kay." she said and wrapped her arms around him.

"Thanks for understanding Rich." she said.

"Yeah no problem." he told her.

Kori and Rich were the only ones at the table. A while later they returned back to Vic's house to tell the others about the big news. The guys were less than thrilled but still showed thier support for her.

"That's great Kori." Raven said.

"Yeah Washington's a really good school." said Slade.

"We're really proud of you." Tara told her.

"We're going to miss you." said Gar.

"I'm going to miss you guys too." she said.

" I told Kori, I'd come up and visit her sometime, and maybe we all could." Rich suggested. The guys looked at each other.

"Yeah that sounds good." said Vic.

"Yeah sure." Tara added.

"All right." said Gar.

"Works for me." Raven stated.

"Sounds good." said Slade.

"Thanks guys." she said.

"You may be going out of our lives, but you'll always be in our hearts." said Rich. Kori smiled.

"Thanks Rich." she said.

"Sure." he told her.

But Kori's glance soon turned to the floor. It seemed like no matter what they tried nothing could raise her spirits. A few hours later at dinner time Kori's mood hadnt improved and couldnt bring herself to eat anything as she stared into her plate of food.

"Arent you hungry?" her dad asked. Kori blinked and looked up at her dad.

"Huh? Oh, I guess I dont have much of an appitite. Can I be excused?" she asked.

"Sure princess." he told her.

Kori got up and left the room as her father looked after her concerned.

"What's wrong with her?" Cami asked.

"She just has a lot on her mind." Galfore told his eldest daughter.

"Think she'll be all right?" Ryan asked.

"I hope so." he replied.

Kori sat on her bed a while later watching TV. The teen sighed as she flipped through channels without having intrest in anything that was on. Giving up, Kori flipped off the tv and threw her remote on the bed and went out to the porch swing a while later. Sitting out on the porch swing she watched as the sky change from blue to orange mixing in a hint of purple as the dawning stars started to come out, the young girl watched aimlessly as the stars grew in brilliance with her legs pulled up to her chest.

"Is everything all right?" her dad asked standing in the doorway.

She looked at him and looked away before answering.

"I've just been thinking alot about moving." she said.

"I know it's alot to take in. Mind if I join you?" he asked stepping out the screen door.

"I guess so." she shrugged. Galfore shut the front door and sat in a deck chair next to her.

"When we first moved here I was afraid people wouldn't accept us because we were aliens. Because of our mostly human appearance, I saw that they didnt judge us by our looks and fit in just fine." he said.

"It's not that, me and Rich have been together for a long time...I dont think I can leave him." Kori closed her eyes and rested her brow against her thumbs.

"I know it's not easy Kori, and I know how much you love each other. But these sort of things happen." he said.

"I know, I just wish I hadn't picked a school that was so far from him." she told him.

"Well why did you apply to Washington then if you didnt want to move?" he asked.

"Because thier one of the best schools, it was suppose a long shot. Just one of the schools I applied for to see if I was good enough...guess I was right." she said.

"So do you still want to go?" he asked.

"Well yeah, I mean part of me does. They have a good softball program I wouldnt mind being in. And it would give me a chance to be on my own. I can still email Richard, it just wouldnt be the same as being there in person." she said.

"I understand your frustration, I want to see you go as far as possible in life. I think you should go to Washington, since you now have an obligation to them. You'll have to figure out what you and Richard are going to do." he told her.

Kori looked down at the floor, as much as she hated it she knew he was right. It wasnt that going to Washington didn't appeal to her, it was just the little detail of being away from Richard that irked her. But there was no sense in throwing all that away just to be with him was there? A simple question with a not so simple answer that kept barking at her into the early morning hours. After a night of tossing and turning, Kori sat up in her bed at 3 in the morning the same thing replaying through her head. As she held her legs close to her chest a thunderstorm rumbled outside her window. Taking her mind off her struggles for a moment she looked out the rain-washed window the storm clouds flashed. Setting her feet on the wood floor she got up and peered out her window and watched the storm for a bit.

She says it's cold outside and hands me my raincoat

She's always worried about things like that

She says it's all gonna end it might as well be my fault

And she screams and her voice strains

And she says baby

It's three am I must be lonely

When she says baby

Well I cant help but be scared of it all sometimes

She says the rain's gonna wash away and I believe it

After getting dressed she made her way downstairs a while later and went out to her car. Driving down the streets of San Antholas and surveyed some of the homes and buildings as she went past. Kori drove around for a while before finally pulling into the Denny's from the night before and sat next to a window and had a cup of coffee. The rain had let up a bit since she left.

She's got a little bit of something, God it's better than nothing

And in her color portrait world she believes that she's got it all

She swears the moon dont hang quite as high as it use to

And she only sleeps when it's raining

And she screams, and her voice is straining

"Can I get you anything?" a waitress asked her.

"I guess I'll take a burger or something." she shrugged.

"You were here last night weren't you?" the waitress asked.

"Oh yeah, sorry about last night." Kori chuckled.

"It's all right, what brings you out here tonight?" she asked.

"I had trouble sleeping, I'm moving to Washington and I'm leaving my boyfriend behind." she said.

"Oh I'm sorry dear, that's terrible. How long have you been together?" she asked.

"About a year." she told her.

"And I bet you've been through alot."

"We have. Its just hard to imagine being away from him. I must sound like an idiot." Kori said.

"No, no your not. What your feeling is natural, and I'm sure he feels the same way about you." she said setting down her tray to sit with Kori and held her hand.

She looked up at the older woman and smiled a bit.

"Thanks." she said.

"Moving away is never easy, I should know. I've done it several times throughout my life. I can tell that you care alot about him and the basis of every relationship is communication. If you guys stay in close contact then you should do just fine. I wish we could have sent messages as lightning fast as they do now, would have cut down on postage." she joked earning a laugh from Kori.

And she says baby It's three am I must be lonely

When she says baby

Well I cant help but be scared of it all sometimes

She says the rain is gonna wash away and I believe it

"I gotta say that's the best I've felt all day." Kori told her.

"You just hang in there dear, everything will be all right." the waitress told her.

"Yeah. Its funny when I was younger I use to think I'd have this fairy tale happy ending. I guess life doesnt really work that way does it?" she asked.

"It seldom does, but just because life isnt perfect doenst mean it cant be." the waitress said. Kori looked at her bewildered.

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"It means that you hold power over the things in your life. If you want to be with this guy, you have every right to persue it." the waitress told her. This perked up the young girl's spirits considerably.

She believes that life is made up of all that your use to

And the clock on the wall has been stuck at three for days, and days

She thinks that happiness is a mat that sits on her doorway

But outside it stopped raining

"Yeah I guess your right." she smiled.

"Of course I am." the waitress smiled back. Kori stood up and put her arms around her.

"Thanks so much, you've been a big help tonight." she told her.

"I'm glad dear." she said hugging her back.

"What's your name?" Kori asked.

"My name is Ruth dear, and you are?"

"It's Kori." she said.

"That's a cute name." Ruth said.

"Thanks." she said.

"Now how about that burger?" Ruth asked.

"Sure I'd like that." she smiled.

And she says baby

It's three am I must be lonely

When she says baby

Well I cant help but be scared of it all sometimes

She says the rain is gonna wash away and I believe it

"I guess I know what needs to be done now." she told herself.

Later that morning Kori was packing up her things for collage. As she cleared out her drawer she came across a picture of the guys. She smiled and put the picture in the suitcase and closed the lid. As she looked around the room most of it lay empty with the exception of a partially peeled off posted on the wall next to her bed. She walked downstairs with the suitcase in hand a while later.

"Is that the last of it?" her dad asked.

"Yeah." she told him.

"Then let's get going." he said.

"Kay." she said softly as they went out the front door. Outside her friends were waiting.

"I didnt think you'd be leaving this soon." Rich told her.

"Yeah, well we got a long drive ahead of us so might as well. Besides school starts early this year." she said.

"We're really going to miss you." he told her.

"I know, I'm going to miss you too." she said putting her arms around him.

"I love you Kori."

"Love you too." she said as she kissed his cheek and lips, Rich kissed her back.

The two broke thier embrace and hugged each of her friends. Put her arms around Gar and then Tara, then Vic and finally Slade and Raven in that order.

"Gonna miss you Kori." said Gar.

"I know."

"Let us know when you get there." said Tara.

"I will."

"Try not to get into too much trouble." joked Raven.

"What could happen?" she joked back.

"You take care of yourself." Vic said kissing her forehead.

"I will, thanks." she smiled.

"Let us know how the first week goes, we'll try and meet up with you before the symester's over." said Slade.

"That'd make it go alot easier." she smiled.

"Hey new school, new rules. You'll fit in just fine. Besides we're just an email away." he told her.

"Yeah." she said.

"Kori, we better get going." her dad said.

"Right." she said before picking up her purse.

"Catch ya later." she said getting into the SUV.

"Bye." said Rich.

"See ya!" said Tara.

"Have fun up there, we'll come visit!" said Gar.

The car started up and they pulled out of the drive. The guys walked out into the street and saw them off.

"So that's it huh?" asked Gar.

"Yeah but dont worry, we'll see her again." said Rich.

Slade put on a reasurring hand on his best friend's shoulder. Kori looked out the back window of the car pressing her hand against the window as her friends waved.

Well I cant help but being scared of it all sometimes...


Richard Grayson/Robin

Kori Anders/Starfire

Slade Wilson/Deathstroke


Gar Logan/Beast Boy

Tara Markov/Terra

Roy Harper/Speedy/Arsenal

Supporting cast

motocross riders

Grant Emerson/Damage

Conner Kent/Superboy

Cody Driscoll (Risk)

Garth Riptide (Aqualad)

Isiah Crocker (Hot Spot)

Motocross supporters

Donna Troy/Wonder Girl I

Cassie Sandsmark (Wonder Girl II)

Toni Monetti/Argent

Leonid Kovar/Red Star

Kole Weathers/Kole


Rev. Galfore Anders

Cami Anders (Blackfire)

Ryan Anders (Redfire)

Bruce Wayne/Batman

Alfred Pennyworth

Barbara Gordon/Batgirl

Commissioner Jim Gordon

Bryan Markov/Geo-Force

Gregory 'Greg' Markov/Richter

Clarissa Markov (Tara's mom)

Tawny Markov (Tara's sister)


Monty Hilldale/Mad Mod

Arthur Light/Dr. Light

Sabastian Blud/Brother Blood

Martha May-Eye/Mother May-Eye

Principle Angela Roth/Arella

Ding Dong Daddy

Titans Tomorrow

Mike Grayson/Ghostwing

Kendra Grayson/Starblaze

Cooper Stone/Everest

Dustin Logan/Landslide

Grant Wilson/Ravager

Rachael Wilson/Haunter


Ryan Trigon/Trigon II

Malchior the Dragon Knight (Crimson Knight)

Rorek the Wizard Knight (Silver Knight)

Jason Todd/Red Hood

Rex Nordeman/Blood Falcon

Joker (cameo)

Harley Quinn (cameo)

Two-Face (cameo)

Thanks for all the reviews guys, you've been great. Be sure to read the upcoming college sequel.

Special thanks to Hidden Iris for all her support and input. This story has been going on for 2 years now and now it has finally reached it's end. Seriously I cant thank you guys enough for making it the raging success it is. And I look forward to writing the new sequel. Now one last time everyone

Please review.