Disclaimer: See Chapter I

Episode III: The Past Interference

Chapter II

"Artoo, have you located the Chancellor yet?" Anakin asked as the little astromech droid rolled his way to the two Jedi. An affirmative beep was his answer, followed by a holographic layout of the ship. He then panned to a hologram of the Supreme Chancellor shackled to a chair. "He's in the General's Quarters," Anakin said.

"Apparently he's not the only prisoner on this ship," Obi-Wan stated. "There are at least two Force-trained individuals aboard as well. From what I sense, they are definitely not here of their own free will. Artoo, do a scan and see if you can get a visual of who they are. I have a feeling that they could be Jedi, and if they are, I want to know about it."

Artoo beeped and went to work.

"Master, we shouldn't waste our time. We have to get to the Chancellor. He's our number one priority," Anakin pointed out.

"Patience, Anakin. We cannot run in blind. We have to know exactly what we are dealing with. If there are other Jedi on board, we have to know about them. Otherwise, they could be used against us. And if we are about to free them, then we have more Jedi to take on Grievous and free the Chancellor," Obi-Wan calmly stated.

Anakin looked chagrinned. "You're right, Master. As always."

Rather than commenting on the untruthfulness of that phrase, Obi-Wan turned his attention to Artoo, who had apparently found what he had been looking for and projected the feed out in a holographic image.

The room was small, not too far from the General's Quarters, but not near enough to be able to set aside the dilemma of who to go after first. Not that this was a dilemma for Obi-Wan as soon as he saw the two Jedi trapped in this tiny space. Anakin, too, seemed to grasp the significance of the two.

"Master, is that… Master Jinn?"

"Yes," came the detached reply. The image of his departed Master brought his death back vividly to Obi-Wan's mind. The fear he had tried desperately to release into the Force as he watched Qui-Gon battle with the Sith from behind the laser wall that stopped him from joining in. The horror he felt as he saw the red blade enter into his Master's abdomen. And the supreme sorrow that haunted him for many years following.

"Who is that with him?" Anakin asked, bringing Obi-Wan back to the present.

What had happened was the will of the Force. It could not be changed now. He had long since come to terms with Qui-Gon's death. He could not let a past sorrow interfere with his mission now.

"That is myself."

"What?" Anakin exclaimed, looking from the image to Obi-Wan and back again. "Force, you look so different."

"Twenty-two years will do that for you," he remarked sagely.

"How is this possible?" Anakin asked.

"I do not know, Anakin, but I'm sure all things will be revealed in time. For now, we have to get to them."

"What about the Chancellor?"

"We will retrieve him after we retrieve these two. After all, if we leave them behind, neither one of us will exist to save Palpatine."

"Good point."


/Master, why can't we get out/ Obi-Wan asked, frustrated at the resistance the door before them put up. Even their lightsabres were of little use.

/It seems that whoever has captured us has technology very adept at resisting Jedi/ Qui-Gon responded over their bond, having previously resolved not to speak aloud lest they were overheard.

/Who could possibly develop that kind of technology without us discovering it/

/I don't know, Padawan, but— / He cut himself off as he felt two approaching Force signatures. /I think we are about to find out./


I'm going to be evil and leave it there. Please review!