They had all gotten sleep that night, then met in the kitchen for coffee the next morning.
"That was certainly...something." Phoebe said as she took a sip of coffee.
"Definitely." Prue said.
"So, Leo, why were we chosen?" Piper asked.
"You guys are the most powerful witches around. The Elders told me that in each new life, we all meet. Apparently destiny kicks in especially with you three. They didn't give me anything basic, but they just said that you defeat demons in every life." Leo replied.
"I'm just pretty amazed by all of this." Prue said.
"Me too. After meeting you guys, I don't know how I'll go back to regular life." Piper said.
"Well, it's not like you guys will never see each other again." Cole said.
"How true." Phoebe said.
They all thought about that for a while then Piper, Phoebe, Prue, Cole, and Leo said good-bye and they all went home.

I know, I know. The ending was kind of short. I'll make up for any bad point in this story with my next story. Or the one after that. Either or. I'm toying with a few ideas right now and I want to put the best one out there first.

Want to know one of them? The fourth part in my Young Three and the Charmed Ones stories. Hmmmm...what do you think? I'll put whatever I can out next. I've all summer. =)