Chapter Eighteen

The next day, Gypsy sat idly on a wooden bench, reading the newspaper, in a park not far from Joey's house. She was dressed rather casually in clothes that had been purchased that morning at the local Wal-Mart. All her things had been destroyed by the explosion.

For now, she was sleeping on Joey's couch till his current tenant moved out. Bit by bit, she would replace what was lost. Some things, though, like her duel monsters deck and family photo albums, couldn't be replaced. And as sad as that was, the important thing was that she and Tulsi were alive.

Today's headlines – Mistaken Identities; Woman's dead husband actually brother-in-law; indicted CEO released. The story contained only the necessary details.

She had requested to write one more article for the Domino Daily, wanting to put things right so the public would know the truth.

What had really happened?

The evening before, Gypsy had carefully explained to Smith and the others that the deceased was not Yugi Moto, but Yami Moto. How had she known? Well back in College, the Moto brothers each had their ear pierced. Yugi had pierced his right ear, while Yami did his left.

Smith instantly obtained a warrant to search the Moto residence on the premises that this was true. They found the dress Tea had worn earlier that day in court, minus one button, as well as orange cat hairs on the hem of the dress, later confirmed by DNA tests as Tulsi's.

They also located a tape with the recording of a gun being shot and Gypsy's college scrap books with the original pictures.

Yugi also had scratches on his ankles that he couldn't account for, which Joey had theorized had to be Tulsi's, considering the feline greatly disliked males.

Faced with all the evidence, Tea broke down and confessed.

Yugi and Tea had carefully set up the whole plot some time ago, starting with the life insurance they withdrew. After an allotted time, they then called Seto on the pretence of asking his advice, and set up a meeting at their home.

A little before Seto was due to arrival at the Moto's, they killed Yami using a muffled, semi-automatic pistol and dressed him in Yugi's clothing. When Seto arrived, they lured him upstairs and played the recording of the gun shots.

Tea was suppose to go in and make a fuss, as she did, and Yugi was supposed come in and accuse Kaiba of killing his brother and call the police.

One thing they had not counted on was Gypsy's sudden appearance. At first it had worked to their advantage, but when she mentioned the pictures she had taken in College, they knew that she, or someone else, would eventually see those pictures and realize that Yugi had not really been murdered.

So while Gypsy and Joey waiting out the trial's recess in the confines of the large courthouse, Yugi and Tea took the opportunity to go into her apartment, lock Tulsi up, and located the books. When they were done, they trashed her apartment in an attempt to vent over her incessant interference.

"Is this seat taken?" some one asked suddenly, breaking her thoughts.

Gypsy looked up to see Seto Kaiba standing there with a large bouquet of daisies in hand. He handed them to her and she accepted, scooting down a little so he could sit.

"How'd you know I was here?"

"Joey told me."

"He did?"

"Right after introducing me to your cat – Tulsi I think was his name, friendly fellow. Came and jumped right up in my lap. Don't know why Joey snatched him and carried him out of the room, though…"

Gypsy chuckled. Guess Tulsi didn't hate all men after all.

Neither spoke for a moment. After about ten seconds of silence, Kaiba spoke up: "I want to thank you…and apologize. You know, for being such a jerk."

Gypsy smile softly at him. "Apology accepted." She couldn't help but inwardly laugh at the fact that he looked genuinely relieved to hear her say that.

He took in a deep breath, releasing it as he said: "Are…you doing anything tonight?"

She raised a curious brow, but shook her head. "No. Why?"

"Let me take you out to dinner. I'd like us to start over again…put the past behind us."

Gypsy's smile broadened. "A new start huh?"

He nodded and smiled back. "I guess you could say that."

Tapping her chin thoughtfully, Gypsy nodded. "I new start, Yeah. I think I'd like that."

A/N: The End. Hope you enjoyed it. Should i do a sequel or spin off?