A Sorta Fairytale

A/N: Hello, people! This is my first fanfic, so go easy on me! Constructive criticism is appreciated, but no flames, please! Also, Neji and TenTen are 20 in this fic.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto.

Chapter One: Thinking of You

Thwack! The brown-haired kunoichi smiled in satisfaction as her last kunai hit its mark. It should have, anyway. She wasn't Konoha's Weapons Mistress for nothing. She usually trained alone, now, since her old sparring partner had left on a mission.

'Two years, 'she thought sadly. 'It's been two years since I last saw him.' Already she could feel the hot tears springing up in her cocoa-colored eyes, the way they always did when she thought about him. After he left, she wouldn't even look at other guys. None of her friends understood why, after all, it's not like they were engaged, or had promised themselves to each other once he returned or anything like that. Most people believed he was dead, anyway. It was more like . . . a personal thing. Anyway, it would be pointless, she knew, because she could never love anyone but him.


Somewhere Else

Slowly, a man made his way to Konoha. He had chocolate brown hair and pale lavender eyes, and was bleeding heavily from various gashes throughout his body. It had been a long, hard mission full of battles and finally ending with a compromise. They had been asked by the Lightning Country to help settle an agreement with the Country of Wind. It was only supposed to take a month if everything went smoothly, but because Konoha still didn't fully trust Sunagakure, they sent two ANBU squads, just in case. However, at the last minute, Suna decided that the treaty was unfair and attacked the Cloud shinobis. The Leaf ninjas had to help Kumogakure, resulting in a two-year battle.

The man thought about the homeland he would soon be returning to. It would be good to finally get back; after all, he'd been gone since he was eighteen. The thing, or rather, person, that stood out in his mind most was a certain brown-eyed, brunette kunoichi with double buns in her hair. His childhood friend and old sparring partner. She was also the only other sane member of their team. 'It'll be good to see her again,' he thought. Yes, it would be nice to go home.

A/N: Okay, I know this chapter is kind of boring and uneventful, but it was mostly just to give some background information.

One last thing. . .

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