Chapter 2

Today was a wonderful day it was pouring outside but not thundering or lightning like crazy just raining everyone, not really liking rain, used teleporting jutsu or just ran towards the building except Kagome who just calmly walked towards the building with a small smile on her face she didn't really care if she got wet it wasn't like she could get sick.

Today Kagome was wearing a black Japanese kimono with a gold symbol on her back that meant dragon, the kimono looked exactly like Sesshomaru's kimono and she had the same boots her hair was tied up in high pony tail with her bangs framing her face.

Finally reaching the building she walked inside ignoring the snickering and giggling around her which was obviously about her since she was drenched but who cares as long as her frustration was washed away she didn't care if she was freezing even though coldness was nothing for her. When the giggling and snickering didn't stop she bent down on all four and shook herself like a dog getting everyone wet they screamed and tried to cover themselves by putting their arms up and turning their bodies to the side.

Kagome slowly stood up and smirked she was totally dried while everyone was drenched she chuckled and continued off to class.

When everyone was in their seats some of the drenched students glared at Kagome who was too busy looking over the notes the teacher gave her to see if their was any mistakes in his teachings she erased some and rewrote it the right way. She flipped the paper over and scanned the other one she flipped it over when she found nothing wrong suddenly a shadow loomed over her actually three she looked up to see Itachi and his lackeys.

Mentally rolling her eyes when she saw the glares she pilled up the papers which were all been corrected and put them down gently "what?" she asked narrowing her eyes at them Ryou stepped in front of her and leaned closer to her face having a girl impulse Kagome punched him hard on the face and he went flying across the other side of the room.

Everyone went silent and looked over at the half conscious Ryou then at Kagome who was looking innocent "oops I had twitch" she said sounding like four year old everyone blinked once before bursting out laughing Kagome chuckled under her breath and continue to check the other few papers (I said the ones that were checked so she's starting on the last few).

Obito was about to lunge at the girl for hurting his friend but stopped when he saw the sword on her side he was shocked he never seen a Genin ninja with a sword or who could handle one 'how haven't I noticed that before!' he asked himself.

"Where'd you get the sword?" he asked "what I get and where I got it does not concern you plus you will never get to see or have something like blade now do something useful as in sit down because the teacher's coming in about five seconds count" Kagome said not looking up at him. Obito's eyes twitched in irritation he opened his mouth to yell at her but stopped when the door opened and the teacher walked in while trying to dry his coat he looked over at Kagome with a soft fatherly smile "you done with those papers Kagome?" he asked.

Kagome stood up and walked over to him with the paper in her hand "yup just finished" she said smiling a bit the teacher nodded "thanks I really appreciate it" "no problem you only had about twenty mistakes is all nothing wrong with that now you start class before everyone dies of boredom" she giggled the teacher chuckled and nodded "yes of course, okay class take your seats!" he announced.

Everyone went to their seat and sat down but Itachi sat in the same row as Kagome while his friends sat in their original seats watching him they knew he was going to persuade Kagome into telling him about herself by his good looks and charms. But the thing he didn't know was that men or any hottie sexy boys were completely dead to Kagome so she didn't care about any boy only if she respected them she would give them a ten percent care which would be enough for her protection.

While class listened to the teacher Itachi started to put his plan into action "Kagome why won't you tell me about yourself?" he asked in a low sexy voice that girls would sigh dreamily at then blush and giggle like idiots (sorry I'm not much of a girlie person).

Kagome kept her eyes straight "because it's not your concern" she said coldly (ahh another Sesshomaru!) Itachi was shocked that she didn't fall for his charming voice so he tried another method by putting his hands on her making her look into his sexy red eyes "it's not like I'll tell anyone you could trust me" he whispered softly.

Raising one eyebrow then in a flash stabbing a silver kunai between the cracks of his fingers, Itachi's body froze Kagome's eyes narrowed into slits "don't ever touch me" she grounded out lowly she pulled out the kunai then put it back up her sleeve and turned back to the teacher Itachi didn't he just stared at her wit shock.


"okay class remember tomorrow is the day you'll be announce for your teams until the Genin exam!" the shouted before class disappeared out of the room outside which was still raining "man I hate rain" Ryou said "well too bad Ryou cause you can never stop the rain" Obito said rolling his eyes.

Itachi and the others were walking down the street when suddenly they saw a gang from another village circling a girl who looked vaguely familiar "hey girlie why don't you come with us and bear us some beautiful children" one said smirking.

"Hey lets go watch" Obito whispered Itachi and Ryou nodded and jumped onto a tree branch to watch the fight the gang of men moved a little closer to the girl who just stood there with her head bowed down, shadowing her eyes "aawww, what's wrong sweetie, shy?" another guy said "no, try disgusted" the girl's voice eerily and deep.

The guys glared at her "how dare you say that to us to bitch!" the leader shouted "I could whatever I want to whoever I wish so leave my presence at once your faces disgusts me" the girl said "that's it! Come here!" the boy lunged at her she calmly sidestepped and the boy hit face first on the fence. Obito snicker while Ryou cackled trying to hold back his laughter Itachi just watched the girl as she dodged all the boys attacks'she looks familiar especially that weird kimono she's wearing…wait! Weird kimono!' "that's Kagome" he said with realization.

"What?" Obito and Ryou shouted simultaneously "you're kidding? Kagome's fighting all those boys by herself" Ryou said staring wide eyes at Itachi who was looking down at the fight suddenly a needle whizzed passed his face he quickly moved back.

Everyone looked down to see four boys looking up at them with smirks "oh boy" Obito said "hey look fresh meat, guys look!" one said silence met him everyone blinked a couple times then look back to see ALL the boys unconscious and beat up into a pulp Kagome calmly walked in front of them and stared a the last remaining boys.

She narrowed her gold eyes at them which looked like they were glowing she lifted her hand in front of her then flexed them making a loud crack sound "now for you four" she said she slowly walked towards them they backed away staring at her with wide eyes that were filled with fear.

One of the boys quickly threw a smoke bomb for an escape but what they didn't know was that Kagome threw needles at them which pinned them to the fence so they couldn't escape when the smoke disappeared everyone saw that the four boys were dangling on the fence and badly hurt (not wounded just badly beat up) and Kagome shaking her hands from the blood.

"Uhg, disgusting vile blood" she mumbled 'first I have blood on me when in wars and now I have blood on me when I felt what else blood being spit at me? Cricket, cricket…ha-ha very funny conscious, he-he I know' Kagome rolled her eyes and was about to leave when the three boys jumped in front of her.

'Oh can my life get anymore annoying?' "I can't believe you defeated all those boys, I knew you were weak" Obito said smirking Kagome narrowed her eyes at him growling deep in her throat her eyes flashed crimson red 'oh, someone's going to die' she thought darkly.

Everyone heard Kagome growling and thought she was clearing her throat but was proved wrong when her eyes flashed crimson red that's when they knew she was pissed they took a couple steps back "nice going doofus you pissed her off" Ryou whispered. "Hey how the hell was I suppose to know she had the Sharingan" Obito shot at him.

Kagome seeing them back away quickly calmed her temper she didn't want them know her secret she straightened her back and stared coldly at them "that was not a Sharingan" was the only thing she said before teleporting herself home.

The boys stood there confused "not a Sharingan then what the hell was it?" the boys shrugged then ran home not wanting to catch a cold or flu.