What if Naruto was born with the same chakra disease. Suck at summaries. First attempt at

a fic. No flames please. But correct me for grammar.

"Sup" Regular speech

'sup' Thought

"Sup" Demon speech, Jutsu

Disclaimer: I don't own any anime. If you can find any references to what I borrowed good for you.

8 years after the Kyuubi incident.

Uzumaki Naruto had just joined the academy some time ago. Most of the class was exited. Today they were supposed to learn a jutsu in class. The most excited out of the bunch was Uzumaki Naruto. He was extremely anxious at taking his first step in to being a ninja. For some reason he wasn't good at performing jutsus but maybe if someone explained he'd be able to get them right. Just then Iruka walked into the door. "Alright class. As you know today you are going to be learning how to perform Henge." After that he started explaining what it does and the seals. "Alright everybody line up and perform the jutsu when called." Everybody lined up. And he started going down the list. Naruto was exited after seeing how all the girls went crazy over Sasuke he wanted to get acknowledgement for simple things.

He caught up in daydreaming about Sakura telling him he was way cooler than Sasuke when all of a sudden. "Naruto." "Ahh!… yes Iruka-sensei." After some giggles from the rest of the class. "Perform a henge." "Hai." He put his hands into the ram seal and yelled out "Henge!" Nothing happened. He tried again. "Henge!" Still nothing happened. " Naruto were you even listening to the lecture." Iruka asked angrily. "I was!" Naruto whined. "Just go back to your seat and meet me after school for detention!" Naruto started walking up the stairs to his seat. As he was walking up the stairs everybody was laughing at him. Saying things like.

"What a loser."

"He's nowhere close to Sasuke-kun."

"Even Kiba was able do it."

"Yeah even me… Hey wait!"


This just made it all worse for him. After class he had detention. " So Naruto why weren't you paying attention to my lecture. It would of saved you the embarrassment?" "I did listen Iruka-sensei! I even took notes look here." He showed Iruka a scroll. True to his word there were notes. Copied down to every last detail. "Then why weren't you able to perform the jutsu?" " I don't know I channeling my chakra around my skin like you said but I couldn't fell anything." "Hmm. Lets ask the Hokage after about this after we get some ramen." "Really. You'll take me to get some ramen?" Iruka sweatdropped. "Yes I'll take you out to ramen." "Yatta!" With that he grabbed Iruka and dragged him to Icharaku's ramen.

Twenty minutes and forty bowls of ramen later.

All was quite at the hokage's office when. "OJIIISAAAAN!" yelled Naruto as he burst through the door. 'Thank Kami-sama no more paper work.' Thought Sandaime. "Yes Naruto-kun." Then Iruka came in. "Sorry for the interruption Hokage-sama, Naruto and me wanted to ask you a question." "No apology necessary. You save me from the boredom of paperwork. Now what is it that you wanted to ask Naruto-kun?" Naruto looked up at him and asked " Why can't I do jutsus Ojiisan?" "I don't know. You'll have to explain what the case is." Stated Sandaime. Iruka spoke up. "Naruto has said he tried performing the jutsu I taught in class today and channeled chakra for a henge but he couldn't feel anything." "Hmm. Hold on a second." He pressed a button on his desk and spoke. "Secretary can you request for the presence of Hyuuga Hiashi. Tell him the Hokage wishes to see him." "Yes Hokage-sama." They waited for about a minute when the doors opened up and the Hyuuga Hiashi walked in and spoke. "Hokage-sama, why have you requested for my presence."

"I want you to use your Byakugan on Naruto to check his chakra coils." Hiashi got an enraged look on his face. "You called me in for something as pathetic as that! Why couldn't of you called for a branch member?" Sandaime looked strait at him. "Because your Byakugan is the best out of all your clans." "I will not do such an outrageous thing!" "I gave you an order. So do it" "Fine!" Sarutobi looked at Naruto "Naruto-kun can you please try to perform a henge again?" "Okay Ojiisan." Hiashi activated his Byakugan and Naruto performed a ram seal. "Henge!" he shouted. Hiashi got a surprised look on his face.

"So Hiashi what happened?" "Interesting it seems that he has some sort of chakra blockage." "What do you mean?" asked Sarutobi. "Well he has an extremely abnormal amount of chakra. About as much as you if not more." The Hokage was shocked he expected Naruto had a lot of chakra do to the Kyuubi but not that much. Naruto was shocked to and only thought on thing. 'That is Awesome!' Hiashi decided to speak up. "Well because he has so much chakra at a young age the chakra leaks out. The body attempts to stop this by blocking the chakra from escaping. Its kind of like getting your teneketsu closed except for a lot longer." Naruto started to get confused. "Ojiisan. What does getting your tenekenetsu closed mean?" "Hmm? Oh yes getting your teneketsu closed means that you got hit there and it closes your inner chakra coils." Naruto nodded " It makes sense." 'What the hell is he talking about!'

Sarutobi turned to Hiashi. "So how long will it be until he is able to use chakra?" Hiashi looked at Naruto and then back at Sarutobi. "This disease can't be cured. Besides bursts of the its chakra probably never." Hiashi stated. Sarutobi looked at Naruto. What he saw was something that made his heart fall. He saw Naruto crying. He went to Naruto, bent down and hugged him. "It's all right Naruto. It's all right. Please stop crying." Naruto continued crying his heart out. After that he started to calm down. "But Ojiisan I can't be a ninja anymore. I will never become Hokage. And if I did become a ninja what type of ninja can't perform jutsus." "It's all right you can be ninja without knowing anything. In fact they are usually some of the strongest ninjas around." "Really!" "Yes actually starting next week I'll get you a personal trainer." Naruto tackled Sandaime to the ground. "You're the best Ojiisan." Hiashi decided to speak up. "Well if my job is done here. I'll be taking my leave." And with that he left. Naruto and Sandaime stood up.

"Who will you be hiring as his personal trainer?" asked Iruka. Sandaime looked at Iruka with a surprised look on his face. "Oh Iruka I forgot you were here." Iruka dropped his head. "I don't know I'll decide eventually." "Ok… I guess." Sandaime looked back at Naruto. "Well Naruto-kun I need to get back to my paperwork." "Ok I'll see you later Ojiisan, Iruka-sensei." And with that he left. "I guess I'll be taking my leave now." Said Iruka. He was about to leave when. "Iruka wait." Iruka looked back at Sandaime. "What is it Hokage-sama." "I'll be Naruto out of the academy when I find a personal trainer for him." "But why?" "Because the students there will only make it worse for Naruto when they find out he can't perform jutsus." "I guess you have a point." "Good. You can leave now Iruka." "Goodbye Hokage-sama." And with that he left. Right after he started looking through a book that he pulled out of his desk. After about a minute of looking a smile lit up on his face. He pressed a button on his desk. An Anbu appeared. "What is it that you called for me Hokage-sama." "Can you retrieve Kazama." "Which Kazama sir." "Just Kazama." "Oh… him." And with that he disappeared in a puff of smoke.

Naruto was walking back to his house. He was thinking a lot about what just happened. 'Man this suck and rocks at the same time. Let's see what happened today. I got laughed at by the whole class. I got detention. Then I figure out that I can't do jutsus anymore. But on the bright side I'm gonna get a personal trainer. And of course I got ramen. I wonder who my personal trainer is gonna be.' He continued his thinking when he suddenly bumped into someone. He landed on the ground with a big thud. "Oww." Naruto whined as he rubbed the back of his head. The person he ran into was a ninja. The ninja he ran into looked at him with an angry glare. " What the hell do you think your doing demon." He said with venom. A villager came up next to the ninja. "What did this demon do?" asked the villager. "He attacked me." He shouted. "What!" screamed a number of villagers and ninja.

"The demon attacked a ninja." Said a villager.

"We should take care of it right now." Said another.

"YEAH!" screamed the mob that was formed.

"Kill the demon!"

Naruto looked in horror as the mob started to close in on him. "No! Stop I didn't do anything. Please stop. Just leave me alone." Pleaded Naruto. "Tell that to the thousands you killed demon!" screamed a villager. One of the ninja threw a shuriken at Naruto. He cried in plain only to fuel the villagers excitement. The mob completely surrounded him and started beating him. He cried in pain but only more villagers came and continued the beating. The beating lasted for about fourteen minutes before someone stopped the fight. "Hey leave the poor kid alone what did he ever do to you!" Said the stranger. "This demon killed about half the population of Konoha nine years ago. He took the fourth's life and now were returning the favor!" shouted one of the ninja. "Just leave him alone!" he shouted. "When he rots in hell we will." Shouted a villager. The stranger lifted his fist into the air then he brought his fist down to the ground and yelled. "DANCHAKU!"

Right as his fist connected to the ground the earth bellow the mob instantly collapsed into about a twenty foot crater. Naruto was about to fall in when a figure dressed in black grabbed him and pulled him away. "Don't worry. Your going to be okay." The figure said just as Naruto's vision went black.

He awoke inside a white room. He remembered the night before and shuddered at the thought. He sighed. He smelled the air and smelled something really weird. He smelt sake. He looked to his left and there was a young man around his twenties sleeping in a chair with a sake bottle in one hand. The man was really tall of what he could tell about six feat probably. He had a scar on his eyebrow and had tan skin. He wore no hiate so he guessed he was visiting. He was wearing a sleeveless black vest with a red shirt under it. On his right arm he had a tattoo that looked like a giant sword. He wore black jeans with a brown belt belt. He wore black boots with steal on the end of them. After examining him thoroughly he decided to speak up.

"Hey who are you?" Naruto asked. The man continued to sleep. "Hey…wake up." Naruto said. The man continued to sleep. " Hey you drunk! Wake up!" The man continued to sleep. " Whatever who needs you." He laid his head back down on his pillow. After a minute a nurse came in and looked at him and sighed with relief. "I'm glad your awake. Your were out for three days. Hard to believe you healed this early." She said. Naruto looked at her with a surprised look on his face. Somebody actually was happy to see he was alright. "Excuse me nurse." "Yes?" "Who is he?" he asked pointing to the drunk. "Oh him. He's the one who brought you to the hospital. He has been by your side ever since you got here. Well besides when he went out and bought about a weeks worth of sake." "Oh…ok. Thanks for telling me." "Your welcome." After doing some diagnostic checks she left the room.

Naruto stared at the man who saved him. ' Someone actually helped me. Why? Who is he?' "I guess I should thank him." He said to himself. " Yeah I think you should." Said a dark voice from behind him. "Ahh!" Naruto jumped and looked behind him. It was the man who saved him. " Glad to see that your all right." The stranger said. "Don't scare me like that!" he screamed. "Sorry I was just answering your statement." "Shut up!" he yelled. "Thanks for saving me." "No problem." He said in a monotone voice.

After about a minute of silence Naruto finally decided to speak up. "Why?" he asked. ""Why what?" "Why did you save me?" "Well there are a couple of reasons for that. First of all I thought it was messed up. Second of all I think you are a hero for carrying the Kyuubi. And" "Wait what?" "What?" "What do you mean I carry the Kyuubi?" "You mean nobodies ever told you?" "Told me what?" "Danm that's right there's a rule against telling the younger generation." "What do you mean?" "Oh well. Might as well tell you now." "What the hell are you talking about?" "Stop yelling and I'll tell you." "Fine."

"Well you know how the Kyuubi supposedly got killed eight years ago. Well the Yondaime couldn't defeat it. So he sealed it inside a child. That child was you." He simply stated. Naruto stared wide eyed at him. He couldn't believe it. The Kyuubi is why he couldn't have any friends. The Kyuubi is the reason he was hated. The Kyuubi is the reason for everything bad in his life. He did the only thing he could. He cried. The stranger looked at him. "Hey… stop crying." He said. Naruto continued to cry. "Hey I told you to stop crying!" he shouted. "Why are you talking as if it's nothing. My life is worthless. Now I know that I'll never become Hokage! I'll never be able to do anything." He whispered the last part. "Well it's the past you can't do anything about it. And don't go after revenge, it'll only ruin your life." He stated. "And plus won't it only be that much sweeter if you prove all those dumbass's wrong." He said. Naruto laughed. "I guess your right. But I can't use jutsus. Ojiisan told me that I would get a personal trainer but I don't think that will help." "All diamonds start off rough, right. And I can't do jutsus either so yeah I'm doing pretty good." "You can't do jutsus either. Wow. Are you any good." "Yes. I made a name for myself because of it to." "Oh yeah that's reminds me what's your name?" "Oh my name is." Just then the door opened.

Sarutobi walked in. "Naruto-kun I heard you were finally awake." Sarutobi said. Naruto ran over to him and hugged him. "Ojiisan!" Sarutobi looked down at Naruto then looked up and saw the stranger. "Oh Kazama I didn't know you here already." He said. "Ojiisan how do you know him?" Naruto asked. "Oh. I hired him to come here and Be your personal trainer."


Danchaku means impact I think.

Well what do you think of my first fic good, bad.

Tell me if my grammar is bad so yeah.

And for the "All diamonds start out rough" I think its an original quote. If not tell me.

And as for pairing I will get inspiration for something eventually.