Chapter 8- The Return of the Plushie

L blinked. It was too weird. His fortress was impenetrable. No way someone just waltzed in and plunked a package on his desk. No way. Nothing came in or out of this place without him knowing about it. Yet, there it was.

He glanced sharply at the boy standing beside him. Light appeared to be as shocked as he was, but L knew that didn't mean anything. This could very well be a cunning attempt to kill him.

Opening the small brown box in the same careful manner he touched everything, he cautiously peered inside.

Big brown eyes stared back at him. A mop of ruffled brown hair, the same basic hairstyle as his own. A simple white tee and jeans, L's uniform. He had to laugh.

"You got me a Jonouchi?" He looked up at Light, his already enormous eyes swelling to massive proportions.

Light shrugged.

"I felt bad. You know, about the incident."

"Aw." L carefully lifted the doll, clutching it to his chest. The other members of the task force just stared. "One thing, though. How'd you get it in here? I mean…" He pointedly rattled the chain between them.

Light smiled.

"You're gonna have to talk to Watari about that."

"That I shall. That I shall."

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