A/N- From the looks of it, this is the last chapter before the endings.


The Many Faces of The Kusabi

Chapter Sixteen: Breach

The butterflies continued to hover around the nearby deity statue as Kusabi lurched forward a few steps. I swear, it gets gloomier around here every time I wake up...

After his shoulders were done protesting, Kusabi looked around and frowned. His 'brother,' Angst!Kusabi, wasn't here... Maybe he went to see Itsuki again?

Yet, as he made his way around the village paths, taking special care to avoid the stupid Heaven Bridge, Kusabi never recognized the distinct form of his brother. As he looked for the unique shape of his sibling, he couldn't stop the half-formed, bitter thoughts that came whenever he searched for him… As promised by the Ceremony Master, each Kusabi brother was terribly unique; Kusabi was missing both upper ropes, Angst!Kusabi only his upper right, and this "WrathKusabi" that everyone was terrified of was fully intact.

Ugh. Kusabi thought as he realized that he would, indeed, have to check near the Heaven Bridge and surrounding areas. How did that saying go? "It's always in the last place you look?"

It was unlikely that Angst!Kusabi would be there, but these times were strange. Anything could happen...

The Heaven Bridge was the only place in the village where someone could look outside, but tonight, it was strangely empty. There were the Kiryu twins, with their backs turned to him as they eagerly pointed out butterflies in the distance, and a Mourner, which was... eerily... looking straight at Kusabi. Though this 'staring' was unpleasant, there was a certain sadness hovering around the Mourner, even when its gray form faded away to teleport.

"Ugh. Shut up." Kusabi muttered to himself a moment later, closing his eyes. The strange, dark whispers that had been haunting him… no pun intended… had suddenly become much worse. If he concentrated enough, he might even be able to pick out a few words…

Then he heard one of the Kiryu girls scream.

This better not be mistaken identity... SOMEONE might start getting id-

Even Kusabi's thoughts were cut off in fear and realization when he turned around.

Standing there was WrathKusabi, looking just as feral as he'd heard, yet a thousand times worse...


"I'm awake, I'm awake!" Muttered one of the priests, who had been, up until this point, laying just outside the left door of the bridge. He was supposed to be guarding the bridge, but the last few days had been quiet, and he just came in to rest his eyes… And now someone was screaming, and it didn't matter what the cause, the priest knew that the Ceremony Master would be chewing him out for it later on...

After nearly tripping over his robes, the priest managed to straighten himself enough to stumble through the door, just as both Kiryu twins ran straight through him. The resulting purplish, screaming blur almost threw him off, but he resisted. Ha!

His momentary glory was destroyed once he got a good look at what the girls had been screaming at.

It was one of the Kusabis... the intelligent one that didn't get himself in trouble all the time... standing just feet away from another one, the one that meant trouble. What's-their-faces.

Please let this be a forced hallucination like last time...

When the troublesome Kusabi suddenly grabbed the other with all four ropes and threw him in the priest's general direction, making quite a sound impact, the priest realized he was wrong. This was far beyond just a hallucination...

WrathKusabi had somehow managed to rip himself free of his 'host' body...


Several chaos-filled moments later...

"I call this dolly Winston." Said Mayu, holding up one of the male dolls.

The twins both thought that the Kiryu house was insanely creepy, but that didn't stop them from occasionally wandering over to the Doll Room to play with... you know, dolls. What else would be in there?

Mio pulled up a female doll at random and opened her mouth to give it the first name that came to mind, but she paused when she got a better look at its disturbingly curvy form. "I thought Mr. Kiryu made his own dolls... Then what is Pretty Princess Chocolate Sprinkles Mermaid Fairy Delight Barbie doing here?"

Neither twin had much time to think about this, as a scream rang out just past the door. The two exchanged glances, putting down their dolls to quietly creep over to the door. They slid it open just as something fell with a thud a few feet away.

They recognized the scantily-clad form of Fallen Woman immediately, but instead of scuttling around on her back, she was face-first and sprawled on the floor. And there was something about her that was… different.

Mr. Kiryu had apparently heard the scream as well; he floated through a nearby wall. But before he could try to help Fallen Woman, she awkwardly pulled herself to her feet.

"The Living Curse... it works much faster! Run!" The once-paralyzed ghost cried out as she regained her balance, swaying unsteadily on two feet. Before anyone could react, she bolted surprisingly fast, only to fall down again a few feet later.

This situation would have been funnier, had the twin's psychic senses stayed quiet. Instead, they started going off rather strongly. Again, the girls looked at each other just as another cry rang out. They both turned, and just managed to see Mr. Kiryu snatched up by a lightning-fast rope.

Both girls reflexively stepped back and shut the door, though they knew that the almighty powers of the Standard Wooden Door wouldn't be able to stop such a powerful ghost. Mio scurried over to the tunnel device, Mayu following a few inches behind her.

After about three seconds of staring blankly at the machine, Mio cried out, "I can't remember the combination!"

"Up up down down left right left right B A Start?" Suggested Mayu.

Mio gave her sister a strange look. Mayu shrugged.

Mio turned back to the machine and started turning the dolls in random directions, because we all know that randomly hitting buttons and turning levers will always work.

Nothing happened.

Suddenly, Mio heard a sharp crack, and the device started opening up before her. Turning, she saw her sister standing by the one of the dolls, her hands behind her back as she was whistling innocently. The doll next to her, however, was standing rather oddly.

"Did you just..." Mio started to ask.

"I did nooothiiiing..." Mayu sang.

Before Mio could do anything more, a familiar gray form started coming in through the wall.

"Come on, we gotta hurry!" She said, grabbing her sister's arm.

"Gyap!" Cried out Mayu as she was half-dragged down the ladder and into the tunnels.