Cursed No More

Chapter One

Back to the Sohma House

Disclaimer: I sadly do not own any characters in this story.

Pairings: Kyo/Tohru

Feedback: I would love to hear what you think.

A/n: Okay,so you may know me from my BTVS fic.But I am finally going to write something else.This is my first anime/manga based fic. It really doesn't follow much by the manga or anime cause I haven't gotten very far. But there may be a few parts that are from the manga but those still won't follow much.But I want to know what you think so please review.


A young girl walked through the school halls on her way to homeroom. She was already very late. She walked faster but missed a step and tripped. Her books flew from her hands and all her papers scattered. She began gathering her things. As she reached for the last of her books, someone picked it up and handed it to her.

"Here. Let me help you up." The voice belonged to a guy.

"O-oh. Thank you." the girl said, looking up.

"You're welcome, Miss Honda." the guy said.

"Yuki!" Tohru exclaimed.

"How are you?" Yuki asked.

"I'm good. And how are you?"


"And you said I was making us late?" another voice interrupted. It was Kyo.

"Hello Kyo." Tohru greeted with a smile.

"Oh. Tohru, hello." Kyo said.

"I was just asking Yuki how he was. How are you. And Shigure?"

"We're fine. Come on!" Kyo grabbed the back of Yuki's shirt and dragged him off.

"Kyo, wait." Tohru called.


"Um, would the three of you like to come visit sometime?" Kyo was stunned. He thought, that when she went back to live with her grandfather, that she hadn't wanted anything to do with them again.

"Um...sure. I'll talk to Shigure." he replied.

"Okau, here, this is the address." tohru took out a slip of paper out and wrote the address down.

"Alright, we'll see you around."

"Bye!" Tohru smiled as they walked away.

It's so good to see them again. Tohru thought as she walked to class. I hope they'll come visit. I would love to see Shigure again. I've missed them all so much. I loved staying at the Sohma house and helping out. Tohru stepped into the classroom and took her seat.


"So are we going or not?" Yuki asked Shigure.

"Of course we're going. I wouldn't pass a chance to visit with Tohru." Shigure said.

"Then shut up and let's go!" Kyo said, getting annoyed.

"Yes, we must be going. I told Tohru We would be there at seven." Shigure said. The three of them walked out the door and headed to Tohru's house.


"Tohru! Can you come here please!" Tohru's aunt called.

"Coming!" Tohru called. "Yes ma'am?"

"You have guests coming, do you not?"

"Y-yes, I do. That's okay, isn't it?"

"Of course it is. I was just asking." There was a knock at the door.

"That is them." Tohru walked to the door and opened it.

"Hello Tohru!" Shigure said.

"Come in!"

"This is my aunt, uncle, cousin, and grandfather. Everyone, this is Kyo, Yuki, and Shigure."

Hello." the three said in unison.

"Come, sit down." Tohru's grandfather said.

"So you are the one's who Tohru stayed with?" Tohru's cousin asked.

"Yes, she stayed with us. It was such a shame she had to leave." Shigure said.

"Well, I can see why Tohru misses you Kyo. And you too Yuki. She talks of the three of you constantly."

"Huh?" Kyo and Yuki said.

"Yes, she always talks of you and how much she wishes she hadn't had to leave."

"Well, if you wanted to stay why didn't you say so sweetheart?" her grandfather asked.

"I-I..." Tohru began.

"Tohru dear, your mother would want you to be happy. And if you were happy there, you should go back."

"We would love to have her back. Even Tori-san wishes you back." Shigure said.

"You mean it Grandpa?" Tohru asked.

"Yes my dear."

"I-I'll get my things and I'll be right down." Kyo watched as she went up the stairs. He was actually looking forward to having Tohru back. He cared for her. It was good to see her again.

"I'm all set!" Tohru said cheerfully. Shigure took her things as she said goodbye to her grandfather. Yuki and Kyo took her hand and they walked toward the Sohma home.


A/n2: So what do you think? Is it any good? Please review and tell me what you think.

Shigure: Highschool girls, highschool girls.1,2,3 highschool girls.All for me.