After I watched Sky High for the third time, my mind was plauged by this story. So let's release it! I own nothing relates to or looks like Sky High. Except the villian team of Cat Pack is owned by me, as we as any other chracter not from Sky High in this fic.

"So you two ready to go back to school?" Steve asked as he entered the kitchen. Josie walked over and straighten his blue tie. "Thanks dear."

"Of course we are," Layla replied in her cheerful voice. "We are sophomores this year, and hero support gets a lot more respect then it use too."

"I don't understand why you don't just join me in hero class," Will sulked. "We would have classes together. All you have to do is let principle Powers know how you caught Penny."

"I told you before Will," Layla sighed. "I don't care about labels."

"Will, Layla's right," Josie said as she flattened out her skirt. "You shouldn't force someone to be who they aren't. you should know that the best."

A ringing could be heard and Josie went for her black cell phone. Steve pulled the red phone out of his pocket.

"Other phone hun," Steve told her as he answered the phone. "Yes Mayor? The Cat Pack is robbing a jewelry store, we are on our way!."

"Have fun at school," Josie said as she took out her phone. "Hello? Mrs. Mandersfield? About the open house today…."

"I want to hear about your first day back tonight. Have fun kids," Steve said to Will and Layla as he followed his wife out of the kitchen.

"Want to watch it on the TV before we go?" Will asked as he headed towards the living room. Layla followed him, and sat on the couch as he switched the TV on.

"Late breaking news," the report said as a picture was shown of four bandits running out of a jewelry store with brown bags over their shoulders. "The Cat Pack has robbed another jewelry store downtown…wait! There is the Commander and Jetstream!"

"Looks like they are going to get the Cat Pack this time," Will said as he lean towards the TV. The Cat Pack was made up of at least twenty members and all of them dressed like some sort of cat.

"Which ones are they?" Layla asked him. She could never remember the names of the Cat Pack members, but Will could.

"Jaguar, the male in the jaguar suit, and there is Lady Tiger," he said as the girl in the tiger outfit knocked Jetstream down with her bag of jewels, and then proceeded to fight her with a male in a panther suit. "That is PanThorn fighting my mom. Then the last one is Midnight."

"What kind of cat is Midnight suppose to be?" Layla asked as she watch PanThorn and Lady Tiger tie up Jetstream then run for it. Jaguar got away too, but the Commander had a firm grip on Midnight.

"You regular black house cat," Will replied. "Know your enemies."

"Come on we are going to miss the bus," Layla sighed as Will turned off the TV. They headed out the door and started to head towards the bus stop. Coming from behind her, her put his arm around her waist.

"I'm sorry about pushing the hero thing," Will replied. "I just want to spend more time with you. After all with you in hero support classes and me in hero classes, we won't get to see each other much."

"It's alright Will," Layla said, as she gave him a sweet smile. "We will always have the bus and lunch."

"Ya, I guess," Will sighed, as the bus pulled up. Stepping on the bus Will greeted Ron. "Yo Ron how was you summer?"

"Great Will," Ron said cheerful. Layla took the window seat and Will sat next to her. Slapping Zach's hand as he sat.

"How was your summer?" Will asked him.

"Awesome," Zach said as nodded his head toward Magenta sitting next to him. "Me and Mag spent a lot of time together, if you know what I mean."

"Please stop telling everyone that!" Magenta huffed. "I spent one day, just one! With you."

The rest of the ride to school went by quickly. When they landed at school, Will went to great Warren, who was sitting on the steps of school.

"Hey Warren," Will said as he sat down, the rest followed suit.

"So did you guys see who we having teaching special weapons class this year?" Magenta said as she watched two guys get frozen, when they tried to hit on ice girl.

"Mrs. Sword," Layla replied.

"She specializes in three hundred forty seven different types of guns. Seven hundred sixty six types of lasers. Four hundred eighty one different types of swords, daggers, and other blades. Plus countless other weapons." Ethan stated. "Or so I read."

"Hey look it's that quiet girl from the junior class hero support," Warren said as he pointed to a girl running across the field towards them. Long black raven colored hair blew behind her, as her denim short skirt, and leg warmed clad legs ran up the stairs. She glanced at them briefly as she passed, but Warren noticed her eyes where black, except in the middle was a yellow star and crescent moon.

"Well she was in a hurry," Magenta noted. Then pointed to a boy who was following the girl's path. "Look it's Jag."

"Someone has a crush," Layla teased, as Jag passed them. He had orange spiked hair, and was wearing blue jeans with a white undershirt, and a open tan plaid shirt. His dark red backpack slung over his shirt, he sneered at them.

"A sophomore and junior hero hanging out with sophomore sidekick losers," Jag spat. "What is this school coming to?"

"Hero support!" Layla corrected him as he continued to walk away from them. "What a jerk."

"That is Jag for you," Warren laughed. "He's a senior hero now, and think he is a big shot."

"What is his power?" Will asked.

"He can make explosions with his hands," Warren replied. The warning bell rung and they all headed towards their classes. Warren entered the mad science lab with other junior heroes. Taking his seat in the back of the class, he was happy to see that it was an odd number in class, just like last year. Which meant Mr. Medulla would most likely let Warren go without a lab partner again. Mr. Medulla entered the class, and looked at them all, he was clearly unhappy.

"Students, as most of you know," he started. "Hero sidekick sorting is normally a permitante thing. However, if a sidekick shows that he or she has more power that is hero worthy a switch is normally made within the freshmen or sophomore year. Unfortunately for me I get one of those late bloomers from the junior class sidekicks. So may I introduce you to your new classmate Miss. Taijina Rose."

The door opened and Warren saw the girl from this morning. He noticed her black shirt had a skull on it with a blue rose in it's teeth.

"Miss. Rose, you may sit next to Mr. Peace," Mr. Medulla told her. She walked down the aisle toward him and sat in the open stool at his lab table. "Sorry Mr. Peace but it seems this year you will have a lab partner. Alright students. You see the pieces of a ray gun on your desk. Now make me a freeze ray gun now. You have till ten minuets before the class end, and go."


Well it is a start. Chapter two is buzzing in my mind. Also reviews are welcomed! Till next time.