Abigail stared out the window pane into the grey sky outside. The rain was pouring down, and hitting the window pane in a staccato rhythm. She took a deep sigh, closing her eyes. A tear slipped from beneath her eyelid and wet her cheek.

She slowly turned and scanned the room around her. The bed was still unmade from the night before. Her shoes were thrown to the floor by the bed. She remembered the heated words and the anger that had charged the room only an hour before. Some days she loved him, others it was impossible.

Shaking herself from her daydream, Abigail grabbed her suitcase and purse from the bed. She quickly made her way to her car. She threw the suitcase into the backseat and raced out of the driveway. Her goal was to make it to the interstate and leave town as fast as possible. She couldn't take the abuse any longer. She loved him, but she refused to stay with him…and not now. Too much was at risk.

She glanced in her rearview mirror and gasped at what she saw. Her eye was black. Her nose was crusted with blood. Her lip was puffy and sore. She gulped and focused on the road before her. No going back. No looking back now. She took the exit, onto the I-485 to go to West. She'd breathe freely when she made it to a new place and made a new life.

Five Years Later

Several children were playing on the swing sets, slides, and see saws at the local park. The day was warm and clear. The sky a perfect shade of blue with thick puffy clouds hanging here and there. Abigail watched each child play with each other. It amazed her how simple life could be for a child. She wished she could have it as simple.

One child in particular was her focus. The little girl had a clear peaches and cream skin tone with long brown hair that was braided down her back. Her brown eyes were large and round shaped. Many commented on how much Abigail and the child looked alike. She smiled at the thought.

"Chris, let's go sweetheart! We're gonna be late!"

"Coming mommy!"

After a few minutes, the little girl ran into Abigail's waiting arms. Abigail picked her up and gave her a warm hug. Christina was her world, her salvation. Christina just turned 4 the previous week and Abigail was reeling at the idea. 4 years have passed since she left. It feels like so much longer…maybe the fear she felt when she saw each face on the street was the culprit.

Abigail took Christina to the car and buckled her in for the short drive to her babysitters home. The streets of Vegas were packed with traffic and people walking from one casino to the next. She glanced at the clock on her beat up dashboard. An hour before her shift begins. She sighed and continued on her drive to Danielle's.

They arrived 10 minutes late, and found Danielle sitting on the stairs to her apartment. Danielle sat enjoying the warmth of the sun and smiled when she saw Christina running toward her.

"Chrissie!" She reached out and hugged the little girl. The little girl hugged her back with the same zealous force.

"Dan!" Both girls giggled at their nicknames and began talking about what they were going to do that night while Abigail worked.

"I'm sorry for being late Danielle. Traffic was murder."

"No problem, Abi. You need to get going or else your goin to be late. You know how Mr. Andrews hates for his girls to be late." She said lightly. She too worked for Mr. Andrews and knew how he could be With a sigh Abigail shook her head and reached for Christina.

"Come here baby, Mom has to go to work. Give me a hug." Christina hugged her mom and kissed her cheek. Abigail got in the car and headed toward her job at the casino where she worked to make ends meet for Christina and herself.