Okay, okay...let me explain...

I forget...

But I hope you like this chap. A bit depressing, but that was what I was aiming for!! And excuse the typos...I reread this like...once...

P.S.- Er...sorry if you get annoyed by all the cuz, I use them alot...see!

Disclaimer- You can only wish so much...!


All he saw was red.

When he saw her tumble down to the ground, he felt he had asserted himself. How dare she! Bring another man into his house? He didn't think so!

His nostrils flared and his fists clenched tightly. He just wanted to...kick her...right there, while she was on the floor. He just wanted to so bad... But he took in a deep breath and counted to 10. A headache was forming inside his head, but he ignored it and glared at Hinata's form. She was trembling on the ground and whimering softly. She was saying something, but he couldn't understand her muttering. He walked closer to her, and glared down at her. The weak little...

"P-Please..." she whimpered as she looked up at Neji with bloodshot eyes. Tears streaked her blotchy features, and there was a puffy red spot on the side of her face. "I-I-I'm...s-s-sorry..."

Neji growled and Hinata immediatly held up her arm and closed her eyes, expecting to be hit. This just upset Neji even more, and he pulled his leg back. He kicked her. He kicked her stomach, he kicked her legs, he kicked the arms she held out. He kicked and he kicked, until the yelps and cries of pain had stopped competely.

Her body was slumped over and unmoving on the ground, save for the slight rise and fall of her chest. He nudged her with his foot and she rolled onto her back. Her night gown had ridin up her legs and revealed the deep purple and green that cover almost the entire inside of her thighs. Her mouth and nose had trails of blood leaking out. She looked like she was gang raped or something...

He took hold of her hands and dragged her unconsious form from the living room to their bedroom and tossed her on the bed, like a bag full of garbage. He looked at her once more before grunting and leaving.


She doesn't love me...why doesn't she love me...? Am I ugly or something, or am I just not what her eyes or on? She takes all that shit from Neji...she must really love him...But...I love her...I always loved her...I...I don't think...I can't do this again. I can't put my sanity in danger because I lust after her...It's just, this is the first time I've ever experienced such feelings...then be turned down so coldly... But what was I expecting? She's married.

But that moment in the alley...when she said my name for the first time...she was going to let me kiss her...I know it...

Had she felt something for me...?

No...It's just me trying to convince myself that there's still hope...

Damn it...I have to get laid, badly.



"Yes it's me, now get up and make something to eat. You've done absolutely nothing for almost two days, and this place is a fucking mess."

Hinata weakly glanced up at her husbands stern face, wondering what time it was and why she ached so badly.

"N-Neji-kun...?" she whispered. What happended to Kakashi? Was it all...just a dream?

"Get. Up." he ground out and grabbed her arm to yank her out of bed. She winced, the grip on her arm was tight on some bruises there. "Go get yourself clean, then get to work. I'll be back by tomorrow morning, I have a mission."

Hinata nodded softly and he let go of her arm.

"And don't forget, if I ever catch you with some guy in my house again...well, you already know." and with a grunt, he turned and left. She looked at his retreating form with her mind in a buzz. What did he mean by...again...? How does she already know?

'I can't remember anything before I fixed Neji his dinner yesterday. All I remember is that horrible dream...'

She sighed, dejectedly and hopped into the shower. She kept thinking about the dream, espeacially the part when Kakashi had confessed his love for her...that was hard to believe. Hatake Kakashi would never hold such feelings for her, a married girl. But the dream felt so incredibly real...the pain in her heart when he left...the sadness in his eye when she rejected his love...from then on, she could only remember bits and pieces of it.

'I want to remember...why can't I remember...? It feels nice to know Hatake-san likes me...even if it is a dream...because I think I like him...'



'...What did she just say?' Neji glared, 'The whore. She really does like that Hatake.'

She looked up at him with sleepy eyes. She looked so childish.

"Yes it's me, now get up and make something to eat. You've done absolutely nothing for almost two days, and this place is a fucking mess."

"N-Neji-kun...?" she whispered.

She was so innocent...why did she always have to act like a little girl?

"Get. Up." he ground out through his clenched teeth and grabbed her arm to yank her out of bed. he saw her wince, the grip on her arm was tight on some bruises there. "Go get yourself clean, then get to work. I'll be back by tomorrow morning, I have a mission."

She nodded softly and looked at him. He could see in her eyes that she looked a bit out of it. Neji was about to leave, but then he reminded himself that he should warn his wife, so that there won't be a repeat of what happened almost three days ago.

"And don't forget, if I ever catch you with some guy in my house again...well, you already know." and with a grunt, he turned and left.

"I doubt she wants to be beaten again." he said to himself as he exited their home.


Sighing when the front door closed, she trudged to the bathroom and began tugging at her clothes. She came up to the mirror and froze in place to gaze at herself. She couldn't recognize the person looking back. The person looking back had so many bruises on her body that she could be considered a new Sesame Street puppet. The person looking back looked dull and depressed, sleep deprived and lonely. Hinata didn't look like that before...who is this?

"It's me..." her hand reached out and carressed the face of her reflection. There was a slightly swollen spot on her cheek. She can't remeber how she got that...


It's been almost 12 hours and she has yet to even twitch. Neji slept on the couch, but repeatedly went back in the room to see if she woke up yet.

He was currently in the room with Hinata's unconcious body, and he was staring down intently at her. He hadn't bothered trying to clean her up...but now, just looking at her with dried blood and tears all over her face was making him feel uneasy.

What made him lose control like that?

"I don't want her to leave me..." he said outloud to no one in particular. He walked to the ajourned bathroom and grabbed a towel. He soaked it in water and brang it to Hinata. He gently wiped her face clean, and for the fisrt time since they've been married...he noticed that she was the most precious thing he has right now...he has no real family...no one there to comfort him when he really needed it...but she was there. She was there for him to vent and let out some steam. She was his punching bag, his sex buddy, and his personal maid, all wrapped up into one. She was his wife, yet he knew there was no lust or love for each other. Not int that way, at least.

There was one time, and one time only that he remembered when she said the words "I love you" and that was on their wedding night. The first time they had each other. He never said anything back though. He didn't love her, he loved someone else. It wasn't his fault...he was forced to marry Hinata, so that the bloodline can stay true and pure. It was his job as a lowly branch member... But now that he has her...

"I don't want her to leave me...like she did..."

The only way he could make sure that she wouldn't leave him...was to make sure she never left his side. And if she strayed, she'd be punished.


The two stumbled into the small apartment, lips locked and hands gropping anything in it's path.

The apartment was dark, but he knew his way around his place. He led the woman to his living room were an old black couch sat alone in the undecorated room. He shoved the woman on to the couch and layed himself between her legs. He nipped her neck, which earned him a giggle from the woman under him.

Her hands tugged at his green ninja vest while his hands were concentrated on getting her dress undone. He cursed a few times at his clumsy attempts to getting her clothes off, but soon noticed that she had opened his vest and his the zipper to his pants.

Silently, they both swtched their tasks and began taking their own clothes off. When he was down to his boxers, and she was down to her bra and panties, he stopped and looked down at her through the darkness. He hesitated in kissing the woman under him, feeling like he was betraying the woman he truly loved. It felt so wrong to be doing this when she was on his mind, and she was the one who played in his fantasies. He was imagining it was she whom he was kissing, but deep down...he knew it wasn't...he threw her image into the back of his mind and forcefully kissed her, driving his tongue into her mouth. She moaned as her fingers played with the hem of his boxers. His hands were at her sides, smoothing up and down her rib cage and waist. He was about to finally touch her breast when she suddenly pushed him away from her.

"W-What?" he panted, questioning why she suddenly stopped.

"Turn on the lights." she asked.

"What? Why?"

"I want to see your face. You had that stupid mask on when we were outside."

He glared at her through the darkness. "No."


"No." his sharingan glowed an eerie red as he glared. She looked up at him and frowned.

"I don't understand, why won't you-"

"I don't let people see my face. You are not any different."

"Why are you being such an asshole?!" she spat.

"All I need is a fuck, if you are not going to give me that, then just leave." His voice was cold and devoid of emotion. She scowled and shoved him off of her.

"Asshole!" she yelled as she picked up her clothes and headed out and slammed the door shut.

Kakashi deeply scowled at the situation. He went out, found a girl that resembled Hinata, and took her home. He was going to get a good lay, but the stupid girl competely ruined it by asking to see his face. If she wasn't so damn curious, he would have been screwing by now.

'I need to get my mind off of her...I have to...move on... But how am I supposed to forget the love of my life in a few days? I just wished she loved me...the way I love her...then I would take her home, away from Neji, and show her what love is by making slow passionate love to her...'

"Shit..." he cursed, his boxers were tented with need.

He stood and walked to his bathroom, where there will be a cold shower and lots of self pleasing.


"MOVE DAMN IT!" the dark haired woman pushed him out of the way, only clad in her underwear...

His eyebrow quirked.

Okay...what was that about?

He spun around on his heel and walked away from his sensei's apartment.

Uchiha Sasuke would try again another night to see if Kakashi would go bar hopping...cuz apparently, he was busy.


Thanks for reading, I hope I did a good job. I have to get writing skills back. I took a nice break from fanfiction...an involuntary one...but that's okay! At least I have a ton of ideas for my fics!

Updates for all stories will be...slow...I can only type in computer class and dad's house, sorry!

P.S.- Was Kakashi's part too much? Too little? PLEASE tell me!