4. ----"Monsieur, I bid you welcome," Erik's tone was anything but welcoming. Gaston stood soak

and wet from head to toe in the middle of the Phantom's lake. "That's why I use a boat," Erik

mocked, grabbing his sword and rope. "Shall we?" Erik inquired, not really asking permission.

Gaston pulled out his gun, but not before Erik got his rope around it and flung it into the lake.

"I guess now you'll have to be a man and fight like one," he readied his sword. Letting out a cry of

rage, Gaston charged out of the water, sword drawn. "I'll see the end of you yet Phantom!" he

swung at him, but was easily diverted. "I already established an amount on your head Phantom! So

I'll be taking your money, plus more! Five hundred francs more!" He swung at his head, almost

hitting his mark. They fought on.

After a few moments Erik spoke, "I appear to be a greater challenge then you. Maybe you should have put a greater

bounty on my head. Maybe factoring in medical expenses," he gave a lash to his arm. Before Gaston could react he

found a rope around his neck.

"Maybe something for your funeral," Erik spat. He was about to pull the rope tight when

Gwen's pleading voice broke the moment. "Phantom, no!"

He looked her in the eyes. They were wide with horror. She stepped out of the bath, robed, just in time.

--Gwen couldn't believe what she was seeing. Those were the eyes just a few moments ago that

held nothing but passion and tenderness, now there were a valiant blue, as dark as a storm tossed

sea and angry. He looked down at his victim, then at Gwen. She still pleaded with him with her


Frustrated he brought the hilt of his sword down on the back of his head. Gaston collapsed

in a heap on the ground.

"Why!" he demanded, striding over to her. "He dares challenge me, and

poses as a threat to you. Why?" he grabbed her by the wrists. She let out a cry of pain.

"You're hurting me," her words sinking in, he stormed off, disappearing behind one of the many broken

mirrors. Following him, she found herself behind the curtains. Not seeing him, she looked up into

the catwalk, and there she found him.

Carefully climbing up the side ladder she joined him. "I'm sorry," she said, taking a seat next to him. He noticed she was

still wearing just a robe, and turned away. "I really am," she repeated, sincere.

"It's not that," he still didn't turn to her.

She looked down and pulled the robe down more over her legs.

"They're legs," she said, slightly annoyed that he wouldn't say that he accepted her apology.

"I don't want to see you carted away and hanged," she placed a hand on his shoulder. "Erik," she made him face her. "I

love you," his voice was nothing more than a whispered sob. "What?" she looked him in the eyes.

"I love you," he repeated, placing a hand on her cheek and brushing it with his thumb. Her eyes filled with tears.

"I love you too," she smiled and kissed him. "Let's get rid of the trash before it wakes," he said, checking to see if they

were being watched.

--"EXCLUSIVE! The Phantom of the Opera found ALIVE with a new victim!" Erik laughed at the

headlines. "Would you call yourself a victim?" he asked, sitting on the edge of the bed, showing

Gwen the headline. She wrapped the sheet around her and sat up to take a look. "It's nothing I

haven't seen before. Or last night for that matter," he gave her a devilish smile. She gave a 'ha-ha'

smile and took the paper from him.

"I don't know," she teased. "You have a way with words. Maybe you put me under a spell? Phantom," she laughed as he

tackled her. "Wait," she said, taking his head in her hands, she began to remove the infamous mask of the Phantom.

"Don't," he grabbed her hand away.

"No. It's ok," she smiled at him. He obeyed. When she removed the mask, he

instinctively turned his face from her. Gently she turned him towards her. "You're beautiful," she

whispered, looking deep into his eyes. He could have cried at her acceptance. He made love to

her all that night.

----No one knew what happened to the Phantom or his victim. The only gossip around was about a

new couple that had just married and moved into a well furnished townhouse on Rue 45 and the

master of the house planned to buy the burned down Opera House, with money he had

established in an artifact hunt in Egypt.

He was attacked by a wild boar on a safari he decided to take there, thus is why one side of his face in marred. His wife,

a very beautiful woman, was a professional opera singer and was to perform in her husband's shows as well as

auditioning others.

Madame Giry was to retake her place as the ballet instructor and part owner as well, if she

accepted. One day, a woman knocked on the door of that townhouse on Rue 45. The Monsieur

and Madame opened the door. "Come on in Madame," the master greeted. Madame Giry eyed

him with bland amusement.

"I recognize those eyes," she said, looking at him. "You don't have me fooled for one second Monsieur Erik," she

reached out and hugged him. "Hello Joanne," he greeted. Madame Giry looked at Gwen then back at Erik. "She's

different you know?"

"Exactly," Erick stated flatly.

Madame Giry smiled at both of them then took her leave.

Gwen hugged her husband. "Love me. That's all I ask of you," she sang. He smiled and placed a kiss atop her head.