I don't own Avatar.

I thought about how different it would be - Toph & Katara taking the "news" from Aunt Wu. One's a dreamer and the other's a realist. Guess which is which... heh-heh.


The room was dark and ominous. Katara sat expectantly in front of Aunt Wu.

"You will have a love affair with a very powerful bender" she said to her young companion.

The girl's face lit up. I wonder who that could be!

And she spent the next months dreaming of who this powerful bender could be.


Katara pulled the young earth bender into the place. "You have to come and get your fortune read! It's great!" She beamed. The younger girl was hesitant as she waited in the sitting room.

She went in the room with Aunt Wu.

The room was dark and ominous.

"You will marry a powerful bender with a dark past" said the fortuneteller.

Toph came out, shrugging nonchalantly. A little chuffed that she didn't say anything about Sokka.

"So what did she say?" The wide-eyed girl squealed.

"She said I would marry Aang" Toph said stoically as she grinded her knuckles against her sleeve and the blue-eyed girl firmly hit the roof.


There are at least four pairings you could get out of this drabble? Cookies for those who can guess which ones!