Off the record

Pairing: House/Cameron
Summary: You must know that I do not love and that I love you.
Warning: Reflections from bits and pieces of episodes from S1 to S3
Notes: A "continuation" of sorts from Confidential. Conversations between certain characters from House. Can you guess the episodes I "got" them from?

You must know that I do not love and that I love you,

The tinkling of silverware on delicate china. Soft tones of conversation blending into murmurs.

"Hey, garcon! We're hightailing it—check please."

An indignant huff from an indignant waiter. A soft sigh from the woman wearing a white corsage.


The opening and closing of a car door. Uneven shuffle-thump and the click of heels on the pavement.

"You don't have to escort me to the door, House."


"Well, I'd never be able to look in the mirror if something bad happens to you from the car to your flat."

A soft snort. The click of high heels on concrete stairs. The click of a key being inserted into the lock and the creaking of a wooden door, opening.

"For the record, House—I never thought you were damaged."

The closing of the door.


because everything alive has its two sides;

a word is one wing of silence,

fire has its cold half.

The angry staccato click of heels on hospital floor, the sound changing as the linoleum ends and the asphalt of the parking lot begins.

"What's gotten your panties in a bunch?"

Pause. The soft hiss of shoe twisting on asphalt.

"You opened a letter that was addressed to me! You had no right--"

"Why? You opened my letters."

"You ASKED me to open your letters! I didn't ask you to open mine!"

"Like I said—it looked important…"

"Oh, shut up!"

The angry click of heels on asphalt.


I like for you to be still

And you seem far away

It sounds as though you are lamenting

A butterfly cooing like a dove

And you hear me from far away

And my voice does not reach you

The sounds of beeping. The rustle of a sheet as it is being adjusted.

"The guy escaped—we weren't able to stop him. He backed out of the conference room aiming the gun at us before he ran for it."

Beeping. Breathing. A hiccup.

"Almost a touch-and-go; he didn't want me—us—to come anywhere near you after he shot you in the neck."

A sigh.

"God, I hope you knew what you were thinking when you asked for the ketamine…"


"Wanna go have a drink with me?"

A pause.


So you would've died

One word then, One smile is enough

And I'm happy;

Happy that it's not true


The opening of a door. A thump as two bodies collided with a wall. The rustle of clothes slipping from bodies. Cries and growls of pleasure. Sounds of stumbling, nuzzling, snuffling, and groaning. Two bodies hitting a mattress.

With a chaste heart
With pure eyes I celebrate your beauty
Holding the leash of blood
So that it might leap out and trace your outline
Where you lie down in my Ode
As in a land of forests or in surf
In aromatic loam, or in sea music

Lines of poems were written by Pablo Neruda, from the following poems:

1. Sonnet XLIV

2. I like for you to be still

3. Ode to a Beautiful Nude