Disclaimers in Chapter 1

I would like to thank all of you that has suppoerted me in all my stories and a speical
thanks to Morgan and Bouldar. I am sorry for the lateness of this chapter. Got so many story
ideas going through my head its not funny. Also I am not a judge or attonery so dont jump
me if some of the terms are not right. Thanks for the idea Morgan.
Going to Court

Tommy got ready to go to court. Alot of stuff was going through is mind....He was
praying to God that him and Kim didnt lose their daughter. He was finally was jolted
out of his thoughts by Kim's sweet voice. "Tommy, are you ready yet?"

"Yeah Kim I am ready." Tommy said. He looked at Kim with loveing eyes and grabed
her hands. Then he got down on one knee, took something out of his pocket. "Kim,
will do the honor of being my wife?"

Kim stood there in complete shock she didnt know what to say. Finally she cleared her
throat and answered, "Yes Tommy I will marry you." Tommy didnt say another
word he just slipped the ring on Kim's finger and kissed her with so much passion.

Tommy's mom and dad stood inside Tommy's doorway and was smileing. "About time
you asked her son." Tommy's dad said. Then his mom picked up Christine and went
downstairs with her husband to wait for Tommy and Kim to finish getting ready.

Two hours later
The Olivers and Kim sat on one side of the court room, while Kim's mom and
step-father sat on the other side. As they waited for the judge to come back
with the decsion.

Kim had a flashback of the past hour and half...There was yelling, cussing, Kim's
mom accussing Tommy of rapeing Kim and Kim setting the record striaght about
that night.

"He took advangte of my daughter." Kim's mother scream. "They are to young to
be raseing a child!" She contuied, Kim couldnt believe what her mom was saying,
"How can you say that about Tommy?" Kim stood up in tears, "I thought you
liked him?" Tommy didnt say anything he just took Kim into his arms and comforted
**End Flasback**

20 mins later
The judge returned from his chambers, "I have put alot of thought into my decsion.
Tommy and Kimberly please stand and come up here." They both stood up and walked
up to the judges stand. Then the judge called their parents up there.

"My decsion is in favor of Tommy Oliver and Kimberly Hart. I want you two to
take parenting classes. I also will have you comeing in once a month so I can talk
with you and see how you are doing. And Tommy take care of these two beatiful
ladies." Tommy nodded to the judge. "Thats the ruleing of this court. Oh on a personal
note if you need someone to perform the wedding let me know." Kim looked at Judge
Richards, "Yes we will let you know. And thank you." Kim walked over and took
Christine from Tommy. She kissed her forehead and picked up her baby bag.

Kim's mom walked up to her, "She is beatiful like her mommy." and she walked out of
Kim's life for the time being. "Lets go home guys." Mr. Oliver said and they all lefted
and ended up at the Youth Center where there was a parting waiting for Kim and Tommy.

Kim justed watched everyone conent on holding her and Tommy's daughter all night.
Tommy sited next to them and took his daughter, "How is daddy's princess? Christine
Morgan beening good for mommy?" Tommy laughed at the face she made at him. "Oh Kim
she needs to be changed." Kim didnt take her and handed Tommy the baby bag, "Sorry
Tommy its your turn."

Tommy pretend to pout as he to Christine to change her.

They finally made it home around 11:30 pm. The baby was sleeping and Kim was about
there. So everyone said their "Good Nights" and went into their rooms. Tommy's parents
watched them, "They are going to be just fine." Tommy's dad nodded in agreement
and they went to bed

When Kim and Tommy got to their room. Tommy laid Christine in the baby bed and
put alittle blanket over her. Then he made his way to his and Kim's bed. "What are you
thinking about beatiful?" Kim was snapped out of her daydream, "Oh just our wedding."
Tommy said and changed into a tank top and shorts and Kim put on her nightie.

They said their "Good Nights" and "I love you's" then drifted off to sleep.

Chapter 4 done.....So how did you like it? Hope to have the next chapter out sooner. ~*Teri*~