She couldn't even remember why she didn't just punch Tsunade's face in. 17-year old Haruno Sakura, apprentice of the fifth hokage was leaving for suna. Apparently the kazekage needed his medic nins trained, so Tsunade sent her, HER of all people. Tsunade knew that she just got back that week from a two week mission, and knew that they were still looking for Sasuke. Sakura fumed as she traveled through the desert, and the heat was so unbearable.

Sakura finally reached the gates of the village, only to see a chubby guard standing there glaring at her. "What business do you have here girl?"

"I am Sakura Haruno from Konoha here on official business from the hokage herself." Sakura took the scroll out of her bag and handed them to the guard. He read over the scroll and looked her up and down once before letting her in. Sakura scolded at him behind his back as she made her way into the village, not paying attention to what's in front of her and collided into someone. Sakura shook her head and looked at the person she collided into.

"I'm sorry- Temari!" Temari smirked at Sakura's response.

"Hey, what are you doing here?"

"I have official business with the kazekage; do you know where he is?" Temari nodded and pointed towards a tower.

"He's over there probably; he has had a lot of paper work lately."

"Thanks Temari." Sakura smiled and then walked towards the tower.

When Sakura arrived she looked around and spotted a woman at a desk and walked up to her. "Excuse me, where is the Kazekage?" The woman looked up.

"He's on the forth floor."

"Thank You." Sakura bowed and left. She reached the forth floor and saw his secretary down the hall.

"Hello, I have a meeting with the Kazekage." The woman looked up.

"Oh, you must be that Konoha girl they sent, the Kazekage is waiting for you in his office, you may go in."

"Thank you." Sakura bowed and then walked in through the doors.

Gaara looked up from his papers for a brief moment to acknowledge her presence, and then went back to work. "Hello Kazekage-sama, you probably don't remember me." Sakura bowed in front of him. Gaara looked back up at her with more interest.

"You're that girl that was with Naruto last year." Gaara then frowned. 'And the one I about killed during the Chunnin exams.'

"Huh…oh, you mean that rescue mission."

"Yes, I thank you for what you did."

"Oh, it's no problem Kazekage-sama."

'She does not fear me, just like Naruto doesn't.' Gaara looked at her with an indifferent face. "Haruno-san, please call me Gaara."

"Then I must insist that you call me Sakura." Gaara nodded and told her to sit as he looked over the scrolls on his desk.

"You will start working in three days, rest, shop, do something relaxing before you start working, as a request from Hokage-sama." Sakura gaped at him in astonishment. He just held out the scroll and she took it, scanning over its contents. –Sakura's been working to hard lately, please let her have a break for a couple of days –Tsunade. Sakura felt her cheeks go red in anger.

"Well I better escort you to Temari, or else you will probably get lost."

"Thank you Gaara."