ooooooooh, last chapter! Damn, I'm good. (lol, jk, jk. not good. fast maybe) This is the final chapter.

I would like to thank EVERYONE for the reviews they so cheerily dropped. Because seeing how I am a usually stoic kind of person, they just made me happier.

I still don't own our favorite show, no, not after all this.


The next day, the brothers were on the road, with Dean at the wheel. They weren't sure where they were headed yet, but neither of them had any doubt that they would know soon enough.

It was a few hours later when they had stopped for gas when Sam got to the point where all he could think about was how their father…how their father had made Dean feel… It made Sam so angry, knowing his father could be so insensitive when it came to his brother. And right now, more than anything, Sam wanted to let John know just how much he had screwed up.

He had gone to use the restroom a few minutes ago, and after he was done, and had left, he realized he was all alone. This was his chance.

He took out his cell phone, and knowing full well that he would only get John's voicemail, he dialed his father's number.

He was so ready, so prepared to leave John a long and terrible voicemail message when he was taken aback when he heard something different than John's normal "This is John Winchester, I can't be reached."


Sam gawked in surprised silence. This had to be some sort of trick. He could never reach his father—no one could. John must have seen that it was him, but then again, Sam never did give his father his new cell phone number…

"Hello?" John's voice came again, this time lined with irritation.

Sam took a deep breath, and prayed that his anger would give him enough courage to actually speak to his father about this.

"Dad, it's Sam," he finally answered, before John had the chance to hang up on him.

Sam heard John exhale loudly into the phone. "Sam… What is it?"

"I—I just wanted to…" Sam took another deep breath, allowing his anger to return in a hot flush. "I want you to know that you crushed Dean when you yelled at him like that! Why do you have to be such an inconsiderate bastard!"

There was silence on the other end of the line, and Sam didn't need to see him to know John was glaring.

"You have to call him a failure! He's the one who follows your every order, does everything you ever say! He's the son you always wanted, a perfect hunter, and you're calling him a failure!"

"Your brother is far from perfect," John growled. "And I don't see why you called me, just to comment that it was wrong to yell at your brother. I know what I did was wrong, Sam. I know he's not a failure. He didn't fail……at least not yet."

"What do you mean?" Sam demanded. "What do you mean, he didn't fail yet! Are you expecting him to fail!"

"If you die," John said evenly, "then he will fail. He's made a lot of mistakes, but if he lets you die…"

"Why do you care so much if I die or not? Hasn't it ever occurred to you that maybe if Dean risks his life for mine enough, he'll die? What would happen if he dies? What if he dies saving my life!"

"Then I know he'd die a happy man, knowing that his little brother is safe, and that he finally did all he could."


"Well, I know he'd be happier knowing that he'd die and not you!" John came back.

"Sam?" Dean came around the corner, looking confused after hearing Sam yelling from near the bathroom. He saw his brother on the phone, and then saw Sam's face. Dean set his jaw. There was only one person on the planet who could contort his brother's face like that.

"Sam," Dean repeated, his voice as hard as stone. "Who are you talking to?"

"Is your brother there?" John asked from the other end of the line. "I hear someone…"

"Like you care!" Sam shouted back.

Dean ground his teeth and walked up to his brother, daring him to look into his eyes. "Sam, you had better not be talking to Dad. 'Cause I swear, man…"

"I shouldn't have to point this out to you, son, but I suggest that if you want to finish this conversation, you'd do it while Dean wasn't there," John advised.

"Don't you know how hard it is to get a hold of you? We've tried calling you before, Dad. So many times. And you never answer, even though I bet you were right there! So how am I supposed to—?"

Dean cut Sam off himself by grabbing the phone from his hand. "What do you think you're doing?" he hissed, his eyes flashing. He then brought the cell phone up to his ear. "Dad."

"Dean," his father returned.

"I'm sorry that Sam called you, sir. You know…you know how he can get sometimes…"

"What I don't understand is how he would get the idea to call me. I don't want you or him calling me again unless it's an emergency, is that clear?"

"Yes sir."

"And stop putting stupid ideas into your brother's head."

"Yes sir."

"Because he somehow thinks that I've been a crappy father to you. I don't think you think that's true… Do you think that's true? Did I fail you?" John asked probingly.

"No sir," Dean answered. "No, you didn't."

"Good." And without further ado, John hung up in his traditional no-warning way.

Dean shook his head and sighed, handing the phone back to Sam. Without a word, he ran his hand through his hair and began to trudge back to the car.

Sam only stared after him, wondering if his plan to make himself feel better was just going to make Dean feel worse.

"What the hell were you thinking!" Dean demanded when Sam got into the car minutes later. "Calling Dad? Why would you do something like that, Sammy? Why would you do that if it wasn't an emergency? I can't believe you, man! What were you trying to accomplish?"

"I don't know," Sam answered sincerely. "At the time, I thought it was the right thing to do. I was just so pissed off at Dad, I just wanted to yell at him… So…"

"So? Just because you were pissed doesn't mean you have to call him up and actually yell at him! You could've just imagined yelling at him or something… I mean, jeez, what could get you so angry? Been taking a trip down memory lane? 'Cause, Sam, I've been there, man, and it's—"

"It was because…because…" Sam glared to himself. "The way he treats you, Dean. It makes me so mad…"

"Why?" Dean questioned. "Why? Because you haven't noticed it before? God, this is exactly why I didn't want to tell you what I did last night, because I knew something like this was going to happen! For the last time, Sammy, don't worry about me! I don't need to take that crap from my younger brother!"

Sam looked down. "I'm sorry…," he apologized. "I didn't mean to… I mean, I just didn't…I didn't think."

Dean sighed. "Yeah, I know… It's fine."

"It's just that I get this feeling that you're still not… I mean, is it still bothering you?"

"I'm fine, Sam," Dean breathed. "How can it still be bothering me? I don't care about it anymore… I'm okay. Please stop worrying."

Sam finally drew back, knowing that Dean would only say that if he was really better or it was worse than he thought. He decided to think it was the former rather than the latter.

He nodded to his brother. "Okay."

Dean let out a long breath of relief. "Thank goodness. I was getting sick of that girly crap. I mean, come on, the next thing we'll be doing is hugging, and then—"

"But, Dean," Sam intervened, "can you promise me one thing?"

"It depends," Dean responded, a suspicious edge to his voice.

"Please, promise me that if something is hurting you, you'll tell me," Sam said, his eyes pleading.



Dean was silent for a moment. What's the worst that can happen? He's never going to find out about anything else I've got buried. What Sammy doesn't know won't hurt him. He glanced over to Sam, mentally crossing his fingers and giving his baby brother a half-hearted smile. "I promise."


ja-heez, was that an apt ending?

Well well, now that it's over, feel free to still review the ending.

And coming tomorrow (i hope), I will post a Supernatural one-shot entitled 'Dark Places'. Deancentric, once again, featuring flash-back to cute little cuddly Winchesters! (...but angst...angst...)

please last time... I hoped you liked it!