Hello once again! Well here is another chapter of this story! I already thought about this chapter and the next. My mind is currently in the ending.Hmmmm I'm getting shivers just thinking about it lol I have no idea how to end the story since I have Sooo many ideas just floating around my head lol...well wish me luck..coughscoughs well lets get back to the story eh??

Previous Events

''Where's Sakura and Dan'' Syaoran asked serious as Hiro smirked.

''Do you really expect me to answer you just like that'' Hiro said knowing that Syaoran's patients were growing thin.

''Tell me you bastard'' Syaoran yelled as he chuckled.

''Well I guess all the Li's are impatient right'' Hiro said smugly.

''How do you know who I am'' Syaoran asked as Hiro got in his stance.

''All your questions, will be answered once you start fighting Li'' Hiro said as Syaoran got in his stance.

''Then lets begin'' Syaoran said glaring as he launched himself to Hiro who smirked and waited in return.


Normal P.O.V

Calmly Hiro moved side to side dodging any punch or kick Syaoran sent to him with ease. Syaoran moved quickly and punched in every open opportunity he got but every time he did Hiro caught or dodged without hassal. Humiliation. That is what Syaoran felt. He couldn't believe he hadn't laid one finger on Hiro. He was suppose to be strong and willing to fight well... but this fight was proving the opposite.

''Come on is this all you got'' Hiro taunted as a smirk appeared in his lips making Syaoran shiver with furry as he threw a right quick uppercut hoping it would hit him successfully but his hopes where shattered when Hiro caught his fist. Shock crossed Syaoran eyes as tried to pull his hand away but failed, quickly Syaoran brought his leg up to give him a kick in his stomach but as soon as he reached his target Hiro's hand had a good grip on his leg already. His messing bangs covered his aqua eyes as he spoke.

''Maybe your not worth fighting'' Hiro said as he lifted his eyes to meet amber. Narrowing his eyes Hiro twisted Syaoran's arm breaking his hand instantly as Syaoran let out a yell. Hiro then lifted his left hand and punched Syaoran directly in his stomach causing him to fall to his knees. Hiro glared down at Syaoran as he held his stomach and stayed still letting his bangs cover his eyes.

''Is this as far as you go'' Hiro spat.

''Is this all you can do''

''Did you come here just to fall here'' Hiro yelled.

''Is this as far as you will go to save someone like her'' Hiro whispered. Syaoran clenched onto his fist as he heard every word. He knew who Hiro spoke of.


Hiro glared down at Syaoran and wondered how Sakura could have fallen in love with this weakling? What did she see in him? Why did it have to be him? Why couldn't she have fallen in love with him?

''Why did she have to fall in love with you'' Hiro whispered as anger overwhelmed Syaoran's body and his pain towards his broken hand faded away.

''I don't understand. Why can't she love me? Why does she have to love someone as weak as you...Can't she see that you can't protect her...that you can't even protect yourself...why'' Hiro said to himself looking down to Syaoran as noticed his white fists shaking with anger.

''Why does she love you'' Hiro yelled ignoring Syaoran's hands action. Before Hiro blinked Syaoran fist had connected across his face causing him to stumble back. Taking this opportunity Syaoran ignored the pain that echoed through his right hand and connected his fists over Hiro, but did not stop only increased his speed as the blows came in harder as he continued this combination.

A grin appeared in Hiro face as the punches connected with his skin. Blood dripped from his cut lip, his stomach and cheeks burned from all the contacts it received, but inside he was smiling victoriously. This was what he wanted. A real fight. Something that was worth doing. It was time to start the fight..at least where it would truely start.

Syaoran felt his right hand go completely numb. He could no longer feel it only sparks of pain every time his fist connected with Hiro. Sending a punch one last time but before his fist could reach his face it was suddenly stopped as his amber eyes looked at Hiro's figure surprised. He stood crunching slightly as he held Syaoran's fist. A grin made its way onto his lips as he looked up to meet amber eyes.

''Maybe I was wrong...follow me'' Hiro said as he threw Syaoran's fist back but purposely punched him causing him to stumble back as he made his escape to the hall Syaoran had first come from.

''Shit'' Syaoran cursed as he ran after him but stopped before he went in. What if the others needed him and this was a trick only to get them killed.

''Follow me or lose your chance to see Sakura ever again'' Hiro voice echoed through the walls as Syaoran clenched his fist.

''What do I do''

Syaoran thought to himself as he turned to the three separate halls.

''I'll come back as soon as I can'' Syaoran whispered as he turned and ran into the darkness of the hall feeling he had betrayed his friends...but knew no matter what they where going to live...by gods name they where going to live..no matter what.

With Eriol

''Stop moving'' Shin growled as Eriol dodged his punch.

''Well what do you expect me to do just take it'' Eriol answered back with a smirk as Shin growled in fury.

''Stop toying me with me'' Shin yelled as his fist connected with Eriol cheek sending him to the wall.

''Who's toying with who now'' Shin smirked as Eriol narrowed his eyes.

''Not you that's for sure'' Eriol said as Shin threw himself at him again.

''You took her away'' Shin yelled as he punched Eriol only to have a punch connect with him as well as the both stumbled back.

''I didn't take her away..I saved her from someone like you'' Eriol said as he whipped the blood that dripped from his lip.

''You still took her...'' Shin retorted whipping his blood.

''Fighting won't get her back Shin'' Eriol said trying to reason with him.

''Shut up'' Shin whispered as he looked at him furious eyes.

''Shut up'' Shin yelled throwing another punch as Eriol dodged it.

''She could have learned to love me'' Shin yelled as Eriol kicked him hard sending him to the wall as he leaned there watching as Eriol got closer.

''You can't force anyone to feel what you want them to feel'' Eriol said as he stood in front of Shin.

''Don't be this person Shin'' Eriol said raising up his hand.

''Take my hand Shin'' Eriol said as Shin stared at his hand and lowered his hand as a smile made its way onto Eriol's lip.

''Are you sure about this'' Shin asked as he took his hand.

''You can walk out of here as the good man Shin...not the bad one'' Eriol said as he looked down to his hand.

''Are you sure'' Shin asked as Eriol tugged on his hand but looked back up at him.

''Hai'' Eriol answered.

''But I love her'' Shin whispered.

''But killing me won't make her love you back'' Eriol answered back.

''But what if this is what I want'' Shin asked as Eriol looked at him confused.

''Wha...'' Eriol said as a shining object caught his eyes causing him to jump back as he felt it slash across his stomach. Clutching onto his stomach Eriol looked up to Shin who smirked evilly as he held onto a knife that dripped with his blood.

''Don't trust your enemy Hiiragizawa'' Shin hissed as Eriol felt his blood taint his shirt. He could feel the size of the cut. He calculated it was around a size of a ruler. The cut was neither deep nor slight but it was still a cut...and any cut led to blood loss. He had to do something or he was going to die from lack of blood. He would last 30 minutes the most.

''With you out of the picture..I may have a chance'' Shin said as Eriol cursed himself silently. He felt he could change Shin by talking to him but it only led to his wound. He knew there where bad people out there but he thought they were just misled and could be helped...but Shin had crossed the line...he was beyond help now. His eyes said it all. murder..kill..revenge...

''Well let's see how many more cuts I can get in before you fall eh...??'' Shin smirked as he whipped his blade clean and began walking to Eriol.

With Touya

Jin Su was surprised at how good Touya blocked his attacks. Even with a wound he could still keep up with every kick,and punch Jin Su send his way. Finally catching him off guard Jin Su punched him causing him to stumble back as a smirk made its way onto his lips but was caught off guard as another fist connected with him pushing him away. Touya took this opportunity prudently.

Slamming him against the wall as his fist connected with his face causing him to stumble back dazed. Jin Su knew Touya could fight but this was just crazy. How could an injured man fight so well??What was making his fist connect faster???Why was he ignoring the pain that he was sure sparked all over his shoulder??Why??


''Where is she gaki'' Touya yelled as he held him by his shirt.

''Same answer'' Jin Su spat as blood dripped from his teeth and flowed down his mouth.

''Why you...'' Touya yelled as he lifted his fist and slammed against his cheek causing the bruise to deepen.

''Where is she'' Touya yelled as he gripped onto his shirt. Touya knew his shoulder was in rough condition. He could feel the large amount of blood he had lost drip from his fingers. But he was not going to give up until he found them even if it meant losing an arm.

''There's nothing you can do Kinomoto'' Jin Su said as he went limb. Tossing him aside Touya looked down with little guilt as he began to limp away.

''Sakura'' Touya whispered as he felt his vision fade as he took every step.

''Arhhh'' Touya yelled as he felt two fingers enter his wound causing him to fall down as a foot shoved his back to the floor.

''Never turn your back on your enemy'' Jin Su said as he looked at his finger that where drenched in Touya's blood.

''You never know what can happen'' Jin Su said as he whipped off the blood with his jeans and looked down to Touya as he struggled to stand up.

''Stay down'' Jin Su yelled shoving him back down.

''This is the end Kinomoto'' Jin Su laughed as he purposely stepped on Touya's wound causing him to groan in pain.

''How does it feel'' Jin Su yelled as he stepped on his shoulder harder. Bending down to his ear he whispered slowly:

''How does it feel knowing you couldn't even protect your sister'' Jin Su said causing Touya's eyes to widen as the words pained his heart.

''Sakura no Kaijuu you baka''

Sakura's voice rang through his head as his eyes watered.

This can't be it...

I most protect her

I most

I most

This can't be it

''Well this is it'' Jin Su smirked as he lifted his foot to kick his head.

''This can't be it'' Touya thought as he narrowed his eyes.

''Bye'' Jin Su said as he dropped his leg to have it caught by Touya's right hand.

''How'' Jin Su yelled shocked. Touya arm quivered slightly ignoring the pain that crossed his body as held onto his leg and stood to his knees.

''This can't be it'' Touya spoke as his bangs covered his eyes.

''I most...'' Touya said lifting his head.

''do anything..'' Touya said as he gripped on harder.

''I can..'' Touya said turning his head as he looked up to startled blue eyes.

''to protect my sister..'' Touya finished as his dark eyes burned against Jin Su blue one's.

With Chao

Sapphire met Silver

Silver met Sapphire

Chao looked shocked as Gwen stood up slowly pointing the gun directly at him never breaking eye contact with him. Chao was to shocked to notice the gun pointing his way. Wasn't she suppose to be dead? Didn't she die?What was she doing here?Was she now truely there enemy?

''I'm not dead as you can see Chao'' Gwen hissed as he broke out of his gaze.

''So stop it with those stupid thoughts that I'm sure are running through your tiny mind right now'' Gwen snapped.

''What are you doing here Gwen'' Chao asked as he straightened up but groined because of his ribs.

''They told us you died in that car accident...whats going on'' Chao asked as Gwen smirked.

''You all only heard what I wanted you to hear...you all saw what I wanted you to see...my death was all planned it was only an illusion you all fell for'' Gwen said whipping the blood that ran down her lips.

''Bastard...my face'' Gwen thought as she felt her face swollen up.

''And the only reason I'm here is to kill you'' Gwen said as she saw the shock in his silver eyes.

''You have no idea how much you hurt Stacy'' Chao whispered as he narrowed his eyes and ignored her last statement.

''You don't think she hurt when she left me for you'' Gwen retorted back.

''When I needed her'' Gwen yelled.

''For what...to beat her...make her feel unwanted...pathetic...cause if that's all you wanted her for...''Chao yelled as he clenched his fist.

''She had a right to leave you'' Chao snapped making Gwen's eyes widened with anger.

''Well it doesn't matter anymore...I'm going to hurt my little sister where it hurts her the most...and that is her heart...you'' Gwen said calmly as she walked closer to him.

''You took her away...I needed her more than you can ever imagine'' Gwen whispered as she felt her eyes sting.

''You never loved her Gwen'' Chao said as she stopped right in front of him.

''I loved her'' Gwen whispered as she narrowed her eyes.

''I just showed it a different way'' Gwen hissed back.

''Your crazy'' Chao said as he felt her leg contact with his stomach cracking his ribs more and making him stumble back.

''I'm not crazy you bastard..who are you to say I am'' Gwen whispered as she gazed into his eyes.

''Where's Sakura'' Chao managed out as he felt the pain of his ribs echo through his body.

''It doesn't matter where she's at...you will never see her'' Gwen laughed as he narrowed his eyes.

''Where is she'' Chao hissed through the pain.

''I see your in pain..let me make it better'' Gwen laughed as she shot his upper arm making grit his teeth as he felt the blood ozoo out.

''Shit'' Chao hissed as his arm flew to his upper arm to stop the blood.

''Feel better'' Gwen asked sarcastically as she watched in delight as the blood dripped from his shirt to the ground.

''This is what I wanted'' Gwen thought as she lifted her gun once again.

Chao looked up to meet her glassy demon blue eyes. Such sorrow and sadness where filled in her eyes.

''Revenge'' Gwen whispered.

''Gwen'' Chao whispered as a gun shot echoed through the halls.

Back in the Kinomoto Residence

Ping and Chan giggled as they mixed together their cookie dough. They had already made 64 cookies and had decided they loved baking. Sitting around the table and watching them where Tomoyo, Stacy, Feimei, and Fujitaka.

''They seem really happy'' Feimei said smiling.

''That's how all children should be'' Fujitaka simply answered as he drank from his tea.

''I feel useless'' Stacy whispered as she watched the two laugh.

''We all feel useless...but it was best for us to stay here'' Feimei said turning to Stacy who nodded.

''I can't help but feel something will go wrong'' Stacy whispered but jumped slightly as Tomoyo slammed her tea cup on the table. Ping and Chan quiet down since the noise startled them. Looking up from her tea Tomoyo gazed into Stacy's eyes.

''Nothing will go wrong'' Tomoyo finally spoke.

''Tomoyo...'' Fujitaka said but was cut by Tomoyo.

''Everything will go as planned...and they will come back safe'' Tomoyo said as Stacy eyes watered.

''How do you know'' Stacy whispered softly as both her hands trembled.

''Because I have hope'' Tomoyo said as she took Stacy's hands.

''Yes hope'' Feimei said as she too took there hands.

''They will make it through this'' Tomoyo whispered smiling as Stacy bit her lip from crying and nodded.

''They will'' Stacy said.

Fujitaka watched smiling as the three women comforted each other with warm words. He was sure everything would go fine, at least hoped everything would go fine. Turning to the living he watched as Yelen sat on a chair staring off to space. She had been that way since the guys left. Leaving the ladies he took a cup of tea and walked to her and sat next to her with a smile.

''Would you like some tea Mrs. Li'' Fujitaka asked smiling as no answer came from her.

''Mrs. Li...'' Fujitaka said once again as she sat there almost lifeless. Her eyes where filled with sorrow and worry. Her face was dull and pale. Sighing he placed the tea down and took Yelen's cold hands making her look at him surprised.

''Everything will go fine'' Fujitaka said smiling as she looked at him. His brown eyes held so much hope and life. She had seen those eyes before. Those eyes that held confidence, strength, and hope. She now knew why her son trusted this man so much. He was just like her husband. His eyes said it all.

''Thank you'' Yelen whispered as her eyes watered and she gripped onto his hands.

''Your welcome'' Fujitaka said gripping onto her hands for reassurance as she smiled softly.

With Sakura

The basement was quiet. Not a noise could be heard only the soft breathing Dan took as he slept against Sakura's lap. Unlike Dan Sakura sat against the wall wide eyed and awake. She could have sworn she head a gunshot. Her mind was racing with horrible thoughts. What if the shot was to Syaoran or the others. Who ever it was..they where close by. Gripping onto her medal weapon she prepared herself for anything. If there was a gunshot there was a possibility Syaoran and the others where here.Sliding Dan of her slowly she stood up but she was still weak, and only had some of the crackers Dan had forced her to eat. She forced herself to walk close to the stairs.

But a noise caught her on guard as she quickly hid behind the stairs and cursed herself for leaving Dan unprotected.


The door opened suddenly as a figure stumbled in the room. Sakura gripped onto her stick as the person walked down the steps causing dust to snow over her head. The person was a man.Since there was little light she could barley tell how he looked like. He had black messing hair and wore all black.

''Jin Su'' Sakura thought bitterly as she narrowed her eyes and brought her weapon to her chest.

He now stood on the main floor as she heard his unsteady breathing. His back was turned against her as she quietly came out of the hiding place.

''Shit'' He cursed as he crunched forward. Sakura almost jumped and screamed in joy as she saw this. He was hurt. She had the advantage here. He slowly looked around the room as his eyes stopped at Dan's pitiful figure.

''Oh god'' Sakura silently thought as she prayed the man didn't go to Dan. She knew by now her hands where pale for her grip on her stick was tight and got tighter as he began to walk towards Dan.

Taking this opportunity Sakura quickly brought the stick above her head and swung it down towards the his head expecting it to hit him but was shocked as his arm shot out of nowhere and grabbed the stick making her eyes widen with fear.

''Let go'' Sakura screamed waking Dan up intently as he sat up and watched in fear as Sakura tried to tug the stick out of his hands.

''Sakura'' Dan whispered wide eyed.

''Let go'' Sakura screamed once again. Oddly his back was still turned against her and shook softly as he let go of the stick shocking Sakura as she stumbled back.

''This is it Jin Su'' Sakura hissed as she brought it up once again.

Almost in slow motion she brought it down to his head as he turned his body completely making her stop the stick one inch away from his head. Intently she dropped the stick in shock.


The metal noise echoed through the basement and slowly stopped as Sakura began to tremble.

''Sakura'' Dan whispered not knowing what was going to happen.

''You'' Sakura whispered as she felt her knee's nearly give up on her.

With Syaoran

''Hurry up little Syaoran'' Hiro laughter echoed through the hall as Syaoran ran towards it in full speed. He had been running for what seemed like forever. He had expected the halls to be long but this was just plain ridiculous. It was a good thing he had his sight back or he would have been bumping into every curve the wall turned. Running quickly he turned another turn as he began to think of the others. God only knew how they where and he prayed they where alright, for if they weren't he would never forgive himself. Sighing he looked down to his broken hand. He knew he was going to need it. Cursing a little he pulled up his shirt to bite on it as he stopped running. With one quick snap he popped his bone back in


''Arhhh'' Syaoran growled as he shot his head up in pain. The pain lasted for what seemed like forever until it slowly faded away. Looking back down he slowly moved it until it felt easier to move.

''Don't tell me this is your limit'' Hiro continued laughing as Syaoran growled and began to run until he heard a door open close by in front of him. Turning once more he caught sight of a two wooden door that ended the hall.

''Finally'' Syaoran thought as he slammed in the door open to a pitch black room. Catching his breath he tried to see if he could see anything but only darkness was what he saw.

''HIRO'' Syaoran growled as he slammed his fist against the door making it slam against the wall.

''I'm here'' Came Hiro's voice in the darkness.

''Show yourself'' Syaoran yelled causing Hiro to laugh.

''Do you really think your in any position to talk Sya-or-an'' Hiro said as his voice came from different directions.

''Bastard'' Syaoran muttered to himself as he waited for any object in case it was thrown at him.

''I won't be a coward and throw you anything from the darkness'' Hiro said reading his mind.

''I will not fight in the pathetic ways of today but in the honorable ways of our ancient ancestors'' Hiro said as the bright lights suddenly turned on blinding Syaoran from the intently. Opening his eyes slowly Syaoran looked around the enormous room in front of him. The room or dojo was beyond different from how the wherehouse looked. The walls where made of glass with Chinese letters and drawings engraved in it as beautiful paintings hung from it. The floor was a beautiful golden brown color mattress. Each corner had a wooden base that carried some kind of vase or plant, as four white pliers stood away only a few feet from the glassy walls. In the middle end of the room was a man size silver smooth stone with words also engraved in it. Lit candles surrounded the stone as Hiro sat for and gave a silent pray.

''What is this place'' Syaoran asked.

''This will be our fighting arena'' Hiro said opening his aqua blue eyes as he lit another candles.

''Father'' Hiro thought as he touched the stone.

''Do you know why I'm here'' Hiro asked Syaoran still looking at the stone.

''No'' Syaoran answered knowing well Sakura was just a paw to get him here.

''My father is the reason why I'm here'' Hiro whispered as his eyes saddened.

''What do I have to do with your father'' Syaoran asked now fulling in the room.

''More than you could ever know'' Hiro said placing his other hand in his shirt and taking out a small black book.

''Here'' Hiro said as he threw the book back without his eyes ever leaving the stone. The book landed right in front of Syaoran feet. Not knowing if it was a trap to distract him he took the chance and picked up the book. Flipping through the pages quick he looked through what seemed to be a diary.

''What is this'' Syaoran asked as he looked back at Hiro's figure.

''Read entry 32'' Hiro said as Syaoran's eyes widened with shock.

''Come on..read it...I know you have your sight back'' Hiro calming said as he slightly turned to show his mischievous aqua eyes with a small smirk.

''Don't tell me your surprised'' Hiro said as Syaoran said nothing.

''How'' Syaoran asked.

''Your eyes said it all once I turned on the lights'' Hiro chuckled.

''I did wonder why you where given a room in the hospital for two days...but never would have thought it was for an eyes surgery'' Hiro laughed as his voice became serious once again.

''Now..read'' Hiro said turning his back at him once again. Syaoran to surprised to say anything began to turn pages. He was thankful Eriol had given him some time to help him learn the basic of reading. And after all Syaoran was always a fast learner.

Entry 32

I now sit out on my mission to Japan to rid of the child. It was not an easy task but was done as the child went to his monthly appointment. I have no doubt in mind why they would wish to dispose of this handicap child. He is nothing but a worm..a thorn in a rose that must be terminated for my needs. This child means nothing to me only that he is the son and only heir to the man I have despised all my years. But after this day..this child shall be for ever gone. The legacy of Xiao Ten Li shall be lost as well as the child whose name goes after Xiao Lang Li for when I return the clan shall be mine. Now I only count the hours of my return...to see what truly matters..my family...not this unworthy task...

...Xen Misaka...

Syaoran fingers trembled as he held onto the book and tried to process what he had just read.

''Misaka'' Syaoran whispered wide eyed as he looked back up at Hiro who now stood holding a scabbard at each hand.

''This man...'' Syaoran said not following knowing what to say. He couldn't think. He could barely breathe.

''This man...'' Syaoran tried again but chocked as he felt his eyes burn. He had been wrong about his family all these years and now that he finally saw them treated them like what he felt scum.

''This man was the one who took me from my family'' Syaoran finally said it as he his grip tightened on the small book.

''Yes he did'' Hiro said emotionless as he to tightened his grip on both the of scabbard.

''How did you get this'' Syaoran snapped not wanting his emotion to get the better of him.

''The man Xen Misaka died'' Hiro said with anger in his voice.

''Once he had completed his mission and had disposed of you..he was killed getting off his plane by the people that gave him the task...your elders'' Hiro spat out bitterly.

''Answer my question...how did you get this book'' Syaoran asked once again with much hatred dripped on his words. He didn't care what does bastards had done for he wasn't through with them just yet...but now all he wanted to know was how did the man in front of him get this book.

''The leadship, the riches, the title, the book was all given to Xen Misaka's only son and heir Hirotoshi Misaka'' Hiro answered.

''Me'' Hiro said as Syaoran's eyes widened. The puzzle was now filled. Every single piece had now fallen into place.

Ihsotorih M was never a man or an address. He was truly an heir.

Hirotoshi M was that heir.

''So now Xiao Lang Li..you ask why I am here'' Hiro said lifting up the scabbard.

''I Hirotoshi Misaka am here for only one thing...and that is revenge'' Hiro spat out.

''My father died because of your existence. If he was never given the task to dispose of you he would still be here today. I come here today to take what is mine and what should have been done 14 years ago. Your title and your life'' Hiro spat throwing Syaoran the scabbard. Letting go of the book Syaoran caught the scabbard lifeless. His eyes where dull and no longer felt life.

''I'm here to kill you Syaoran Li'' Hiro said unshielding his sword and throwing the scabbard aside.

''You now know of how you got here and what happened all those years ago..now fight me with the hatred that I know burns in you'' Hiro said getting into fighting stance.

Syaoran looked up from his scabbard to Hiro's eyes and saw nothing but hatred and revenge.

He knew this fight was coming no matter what..but never knew he would be fighting for this reason that seemed so false.

''Mother... sister i am truely sorry for now I know that what i thought and knew was all wrong and what you had said was all right. I just wish I would have said sorry and properly treated you right...'' Syaoran thought as he slowly unshielded his sword and through the scabbard aside.

''This is it Li'' Hiro yelled as he narrowed his eyes.

''It ends here..tonight..only the true man walks out of here alive'' Hiro spat.

''And I intend it to me me'' He added getting ready.

Syaoran slowly got in his stance as he closed his eyes.

''Forgive me I was wrong'' Syaoran thought as he felt a single tear fall from his eye.

''Here I come'' Hiro yelled as tears of hatred and revenge fell from his eyes and ran towards Syaoran who opened his eyes now full of determination and life.

He would not...

could not die here..

for now he had more than 1 reason to live..


and his family...


I'm sooo sorry I took so long to update..but things have gone so super crazy these past days!.I'v been going through so many test and they really all just suck! But now all the Sat tests are done and I should be back in a role since vacation is 2 weeks away XD

well..i hope this long chapter made up for my absentees a little and will make you all hate me less...I'm really goanna try to update soon cause this story is almost done..and then ''Ancient Love'' XD will finally come in the picture ..Well I may change the title but well see...

Well much love to u all

And sorry once again XD