Light footsteps padded their way down the wooden stairs. Steven Hyde had been sitting alone in the empty basement for some amount of time. He wasn't exactly sure how long he had been down here, too long probably. Too long he had been thinking, moping even, in the deathly silence, oddly, he really wanted to hear someone's voice…

a certain someone's voice.

As he turned his head slightly to acknowledge the persons who had just entered the room, he was surprised at who stood before him. It wasn't Forman who was standing there; this person was not at all who he was expecting.

"Hey Steven" she said in a small voice.

He looked at her quizzically for a moment, before he turned his hidden gaze away from her, and he too spoke.

"Hey Jackie"

A small nod was sent in his direction as she delicately took a seat on the worn couch.

"So…" beating around the bush was never her thing, tonight, she supposed, she must be making an exception.

"You can just say it, Jackie I know you want to."

"Want to what?" She replied, she had to play it cool.

'Zen, keep up the Zen, just like Steven taught you' she thought to herself.

She caught his eyes through the glass, and they looked at her knowingly.

He could see right through her. He was the one that had taught her Zen, after all.

"Fine, you win. How are you?" she asked sadly.

"I'm fine Jackie." There was annoyance strung in his tone.

He really wasn't in the mood to be bothered; he was going to be fine.

"I'm just worried about you that's all."

"Well don't be." He replied sharply

Her eyes went wide at his tone.

"Fine, I won't" She spat back.

Hyde had expected her to leave after he had become so defiantly rude to her, but there she sat, he gaze fixated on him.

"Is that all you came to say?" His turned his stoic face away from her hurt one.

All that was given to him in return was a small "no."

"Well…" He persisted, if she wasn't going to talk, or not look at him quite so, attractively, he wanted her to leave.

"Michael, Eric, Donna, and I…"

'Liar' she said to herself, Michael would kill her if he knew she was going to invite Hyde.

"…were wondering if you wanted to come with us tonight. We were going to go see a movie, maybe grab a bite to eat, drive around a little; we thought you might want to join us."

"Uh," he drew out, pretending to think hard about it as he turned to face her again, then blandly he replied, "no."

"Steven you can't sit here forever, you are going to go insane," she pause and shot him a small smile, "more insane."

He didn't smile at her or her teasing comment. Instead he looked at her straight on, with a deathly glare.

"Oh yes, and being the filth wheel on a date is so much better."

"Steven, it has never been like that, and it's not now, you know that." She said, standing up from her spot on the couch.

"Yea, well, I'm really not in the mood to be one, whether you think I am or not." He stood to face her, "plus, the fact that you're inviting me just because you feel sorry for me would have tainted the whole night anyway." He stated crossly.

"That's not why we invited you Steven" there was such a sense of venom when she spoke his name.

"You're not a very good liar."

"And, I don't feel sorry for you." She turned to make her way out the back door, but the next words that would come from his mouth left her speechless unable to move.

"Well you should" he shouted, she was astounded.

After many moments, she turned to face him.

Her voice was small, quiet. He was glass to her. He had been beaten and thrashed his entire life. Cracks had been made, and a few more small streaks could shatter him. She would not be the one to shatter him.

"Steven, I…"


It was quiet for a moment. His glasses had been taken off, her eyes were glued to his, there was a bond, and she could feel it. An almost tangible bond stood between them in this moment, and he spoke again.

"My father left me twice. Who the hell does that?" He was yelling at her, and the bond was broken, "Twice Jackie, and my mom too. I'm just not good enough. I mean, if I'm not good enough for my parents, the two people who are supposed to be there, to love you, and to stay, who I am good enough for. I will never not be the third wheel, I will never be anything, and no one is ever going to care, and that's why no one is ever going to stay for long. I mean really, why would anyone want to stay with burnout, pot head, full of conspiracy theories, careless, mean, and cruel Steven Hyde. I've accepted it Jackie and so should you."

"That's not true," she was trying not to yell, "people care about you Steven, people are here. Your parents suck Steven, they shouldn't of left, and you don't deserve what they did."

"Don't talk about them like that."

He startled her, when had Steven been one to stick up for anyone.

Anyone but her.

"I'm sorry, but Steven, but people care."

"It's none of your god damn business Jackie; I mean really what do you know?" His voice wasn't getting any quieter.

"What Jackie, what do you know?"

"Do you see my mom Steven?" She finally broke out and yelled.

His face softened.

"I didn't think so." She spoke quietly.

Just as fast as his calmness had come, his anger was back.

"Well, at least you're not living in someone else basement now are you? You have a huge house, and anything a spoiled little rich brat like you could want."

She told her self not to cry. But she had to say something. Something to hide her tears.

So she raised her voice and yelled at him.

"You know Steven; you're never like this with anyone else. You never yell and scream at anyone else who cares about you and is trying to help you." He voice was loud and fast.

And so were his.

"Yeah, well, that's because no one else does."

There was a long pause in the dingy room, the tension so thick you could cut it with a knife.

"What." She asked, her voice, yet again, becoming very small.

"No one else seems to care; no one else ever tries to help."

His voice had finally stopped with the yelling. He hadn't realized what he was saying as the words flew from his mouth, and now all he wanted was to take them back, no matter how much truth they held.

"Steven…" She took a step towards him, but he put his hand up in protest.

"I'm sorry Jackie, I shouldn't have yelled at you. I'm not really upset with you, its just, I don't know, you're here, and I took all my frustration out on you, I'll keep up the Zen better next time."

"No, its okay I get it, I'm here to talk if you need to."

"I don't need to, I'm fine really."

"It's not good to bottle everything up inside."

"No, Jackie, just…" he looked at her sadly "Go have fun on your date."

"Steven, please?"

"No doll, go have fun."


She smiled.

"Fine, but don't ever believe people don't care okay."

She grabbed her bag and stepped up the stairs, and out the door.

He stayed standing by his chair, his gaze fixed on the door long after she had gone.