A/N: This is another AU EdxRoy so enjoy ; basically it was inspired when one day in school I nearly got thrown in ISS cause I was on the phone on my free period. Those bastards. Most of the OC in this story are people that I actually know/have known, mostly the adults are all teachers that I had one time or another. Ed's schedule I derived from my sophomore year in High School -blushes- … Alright already so I have an obsession! I know! This is my first fanfiction pretty much, so go easy on a noob for once. R&R too pleaseee

WARNING: This story does contain m/m or slash/yaoi in later chapters, so if you don't like don't read best advice to you.

No flaming pleaseee I'm in love with EdxRoy so stop trying to crush my dreams xD

Disclaimer: They whore themselves to me, it means I don't own 'em.

Chapter 1: A Fresh Start

The building was towering; a gigantic brick structure that had been built and perfected sometime back when his parents were children. The windows flashed a weathered yellow in the brilliance of the morning sky. The high arching fence with the pointed metal stakes surrounded the school. Behind that fence encased the large rectangular structure of Central City High School, one of the few high schools around the inner city area that was worth mentioning. It looked very much like a prison, a place where they put unruly kids during the hours of 8 am and 3:15 pm. The dome shaped entrance hall, which was encased by glass and brick alike was the only part of the structure that was able to break the skyline. It appeared in all it's glory to resemble a very importunate dog-igloo, the opening being larger than the actually structure itself. It was the kind of thing that one uses to keep Fido out of the rain on stormy nights. And so it was also a dwelling place for some of the most unwanted kids of Central City.

The building appeared out of place, a time capsule buried within the heart of the city expressing the conservative architecture of years now long past. Yet it stood still unwavering within the unearthed sands of time, allowing itself to corrode in the midday sun day after day. It was a strong structure, built to last.

The parking lot looked like a black oasis filled with cars as the sun dared to creep higher into the sky announcing the day's beginning. The sign that hung out front of the school seemed to address no one, yet at the same time everyone. The lettering of the sign's one simple phrase glowed dimly in the blinding temperature of the day, 'Central Vs. Eastern Home game, this Friday!'

A young boy glowered at the sign, a clear hatred lit within his determined golden eyes as he passed the school's sign. The faded moron letters appeared sun stained and translucent:

Central City High School

Home of the Panthers

He walked past the sign barely giving it the time of day as he passed through the spiked fence that had been pried open in one section of all the student traffic to flow in through. Passing the rusty spiked fence, he could now see the enormous building before him. The under hang of what was the parent pick up loop glimmered in the sun, looking like a rare silver band wrapped around the hideous wrist of an aging person. Even from a distance the boy could tell that the building was falling apart. He shouldered his bag as he walked towards the decaying structure, passing the myriad trees in the parking lot. The trees were more of a comfort than anything in the black oasis of asphalt in the middle of the summer day.

Shouldering his black side bag, sweat poured from the small frame of the boy as he had walked nearly half of the parking lot. He had worn clothing that he thought befitted a high school student, a pair of ripped up jeans, and a black t-shirt with faded lettering across the front describing some obscure band or other. He had layered this black shirt with a white long-sleeved one underneath to hide the obvious imperfection of a metal limb that was now heating up slowly beneath the layers of clothing. The young boy was also bundled up in a long red hooded trench coat, it wasn't the kind that swept the floor, but it was close to it. A symbol on the back of the coat could easily be mistaken for satanic if one was not familiar with the meticulous science of alchemy. The usual platform boots clicked across the flat pavement, allowing the short figure to appear just a few inches taller than he really was. The last item of clothing that seemed a bit strange was the single black glove that he wore over his right hand.

Than he heard it, the sound that would reaffirm his fears: the screech of the minute bell.

It was his first goddamned day at the damn school and he was already late. The minute bell had been a shrill echo throughout the outside hallway that adjoined the parking lot. The noise only seemed to give the short blonde a splitting headache rather than remind him that he had somewhere to be.

Breaking into a sort of run, the boy let a sort of grimace cross his features, knowing that there would be Hell to pay if he wasn't in first period within the next few 60 seconds. Covering the rest of the parking lot within less than 30 seconds, he found himself in the open hallway striding towards the door that lead to the inside hall. Once his hand made contact with the metal door pull, he yanked it open with force enough to pull it from its hinges. Dashing inside the last bell sounded, a quick sharp noise that was enough to kill whatever hopes the boy had left in him.

"Oh shit." Edward Elric's voice was barely heard through the hall because he let it leave his lips as a muted whisper, words that were for his ears only.

Heaving a large sigh he found himself leaning against the row of maroon lockers for a second trying to catch his breath. He hadn't been caught just yet, but he knew that the school would now be crawling with aides and teachers ravaging the halls for their next victim. Dipping his hand into his outer coat pocket Ed retrieved the very crinkled looking piece of paper that he had been handed yesterday when he had been enrolled into the high school. It's my first day and already I'm fucking things. Withdrawing the schedule Ed unfolded the paper to see where he was supposed to be. It read:










Ed felt his curiosity rise when he looked at the schedule, he hadn't ever signed up for some "lead/edu" training class. And even if he had he was sure that he was supposed to be in level three. He didn't know what the class was or even what it was doing on his schedule. With a sigh he rammed the paper back into his pocket and decided to start looking for room number 4-115.

His bag felt heavy now on his shoulder as he lifted his head, peeling himself away from the lockers advancing down the hall towards the door that led out into the open-air courtyard. The courtyard in question was fenced in on all four sides with different hallways and departments of the school. Keeping quiet in the halls was proving a problem; his steps were noisy and uneven because one of his legs was automail. This was slowing him down considerably as he tried to quietly creep along past the classes now in session. Despite the amount of noise he was making, the hall remained silent, and there was not a body in sight. I'm getting lucky now.

Edward reached the door quicker than he had premeditated as he pulled open the metal handle. Metal clinked against metal as his right hand touched the door handle, giving Ed even more of a reason to slip soundlessly from the room. His long golden plaited braid hit his back as he whipped his head around throwing his back against the brick wall of the building peering through the small window of the large steel doors. No one. Heaving a large sigh, Ed was just beginning to relax when he heard a new noise. Looking to his left he realized that he had slipped into the small space beneath the staircase that led to the upper levels. But there was something else there too, two boys sneering and snickering to themselves as they sprayed something that looked like paint onto the wall. Smacking his head with his flesh hand Ed sighed irritably, Kids these days are so stupid. The two boys were destroying school property within clear view of few of the school's aides that were wondering around patrolling the courtyard looking for kids skipping class. The two guys looked much older than Ed, both were much taller too. One with particularly sharp features, black greased hair and biting blue eyes gave off a loud laugh as he finished a particularly crude design off on the wall.

"Shut up Archer they'll hear us!" Archer's companion whispered; he was a tall boy with fair features and blonde hair.

"Our work is done here anyway." Archer replied as he dropped the spray can with a loud clank to the concrete floor below. He than extended his hand and to pull his companion off with him, that was before he realized Ed's presence.

"Well, well, well what have we here?" A conquering smirk crossed Archer's face. In a split second Archer had dropped his companion's hand and was now gripping the front of Ed's shirt. Ed gagged and felt his hands come up instinctively towards the place near his neck that Archer had pinned him to the wall with. "Say a word about this to anyone and you're dead." His hot breath reeked as it crept across Ed's face. Golden eyes flashed in a superior manner, "You don't scare me! I--" Ed snapped, but before he could get out much more, he was swept from his feet and thrown into a pile with the evidence. "Consider yourself as good as dead Pipsqueak." He hit the ground, and immediately sprung back up on his elbows as the two boys disappeared running away from the evidence. "WHO ARE YOU CALLING SHORT!" Ed shouted after them, it was the first words that came to his mind.

Ed stood up, his reflexes were fast and he was back on his feet in no time, he begun to walk forward his eyes staring off in a defiant way towards the right, the way that Archer and his friend had run. He didn't get very far when he felt a hand hook itself over his arm.

"Kid you jus' got yourself in a whole pile o' trouble." The slow southern drawl happened to be cutting into Ed's ear as the teenager wheeled around to meet the eyes of his captor. The man had a monotonous voice and a large threatening pair of brown eyes beneath a carpet of graying hair to match. The ID badge that recognized him as a school aid hung loosely around his neck on a maroon lanyard, next to a loosely knotted emerald green tie. The smell of whiskey on the man's breath was enough to make Ed cringe when he met those threatening words face on.

"What!" Ed snapped, trying to figure out a way that wouldn't self-incriminate himself even more. He figured that there was already enough evidence at his feet to send him to ISS for the rest of the school year. "You seriously can't think that I did this! I don't even know how to spray paint. I CAN'T even DRAW!" Ed protested his voice was frantic as if searching for some anti-evidence that proved that he was innocent. "You didn't see those two kids, I can give you their names! They were just here!" His shouting became wilder as he tried to slip from the man's grasp. The hand tightened around his upper arm, the constricting action was enough to bruise.

"You s'pect me to believe tha'? I jus' caught yo' red handed. You might jus' well have been paintin' the damn wall when I came up. Come on, ISS for you." The aid tugged on Ed's arm leading him in the direction that he had come. His slow speech was starting to set Ed off even more.

"You can't be serious!" Ed yelled in the man's face pulling his arm, trying to reclaim it. If he wants me to go with him he's going to have to chase me down first. With one final tug, the man lost his grip on Ed's arm and fell forward as the short blonde shot off in the opposite direction. Ed ran as if he were running for his life, his steps were uneven and shaky as he felt the surge of adrenal begin to pump through his body. He followed the shadowy outside hall around the courtyard looking for a break in the structure that led out.