Disclaimer: I own nothing whatsoever. J.K. Rowling owns all Hp stuff and the Grimm Brothers own the fairytale, it is based of off and inspired by, which is called "The Princess in Disguise" and said story can be found in the Grimm's Complete Fairy Tales: #25 pg.75.

Summary: AU Based off of and inspired by "The Princess in Disguise", slash, sub-Harry, dom-draco, evil king tom riddle jr., Harry is the bastard son of the queen (Lily Evans), to keep her son safe she sent him to live with his biological father (James Potter), the queen dies and forces her husband to promise her he would only marry someone equal to her beuty and had her green eyes(we all know who that is), in order to escape harry runs into a forest and is found by the king there. And I'm not giving any more away.

Warnings: slash, violence(I'll do my best since miki is out of town currently), maybe cussing(I'm not big on it), eventually mpreg(hopefully), descriptive scenes involving blood, and anything else I'm forgetting to mention. If you catch something let me know and I'll list it here.

Pairings: JP/LE, TMR/LE, TMR/HP(implied), HP/DM, RL/SB, LM/SS(implied), LM/NM, RW/HG, and others I may be forgetting.

Goal: to make this one of the longest one-shots I'll ever do. If not, then no more than 10 chapters at most. Wish me luck.


Title: Night Wish

Chapter One


Once upon a time, as most fairytales begin, there was an evil ruthless king known as King Riddle. His full name was Tom Marvolo Riddle. Tom with his slightly curled ebony hair, crimson eyes (don't care what the original color was), and pale skin. To his closest followers (for they weren't friends) he was known as Voldemort. His people feared him, and the only force strong enough to beat back his forces was North Slytherin.

The Slytherin kingdom was torn apart during a war that took place hundreds of years ago. King Riddle was the ruler of South Slytherin. South Slytherin was a hard place to live in. Filled with swamps, marshes, deserts, and bitter wind that could easily tear the flesh if ou weren't careful. North Slytherin, however, was a beautiful tranquil land filled with forests, plains, fields, and lakes. A land of of hills covered in snow and trecherous ice separated the lush forests and bitter deserts from each other, it also separated the two kingdoms from each other.

Now, Tom Riddle was married to a beautiful queen who's maiden name was Lily Evans. She was a kind Queen and was never one to hate others. Beautiful Lily with bright green eyes and firey-red hair and soft pale skin. However, her heart had been given to a mercenary named James Potter. James with his bronze skin, piercing hazel eyes, and messy black hair. They had an affair behind Tom's back (I'm getting lazy so I'll forgoe formalities when I can). The King found out however, when lily bacame pregnant. He ordered the child to be killed when it was born.

However, when the child had been born the midwife could not kill the baby boy with Lily's pleading eyes begging her not to. So, the midwife waited until Lily fell asleep due to exhaustion. Carefully picking up the baby boy from his mother's arms, the midwife snuck him out of the castle and to the inn in the nearby village. There she met James Potter and gave him the child.

James Potter looked down at the fragile bundle in his arms and a soft smile formed on his lips as the baby gurgled slightly in his sleep. James glanced up at the midwife, and said, "I shall name him Harry, for that is what Lily had wished to call any son she had. James, for me, and then Potter, so know one can find him. The King may have discovered the affair, but he never knew who exactly Lily was having one with."

The midwife nodded. "Harry James Potter. It is a good name. Take care of him James."

With that the midwife left.

The next day, James Potter vanished as if he never existed.


Over the next few years as Harry grew up, Harry became fey like with an effeminate beauty. James taught Harry potions, herbology using both plants with magical properties and those plants without them. Harry also learned dueling, hunting, archery (necessary for hunting), martial arts (for self-defense), geography, reading, writing, and magic.

Of course when Harry turned thirteen he discovered that he also had elemental powers, and when he turned fourteen Harry gained a tribal-like tatoo in the middle of his lower back marking him as a bearer. James explained what it meant to be a bearer to Harry. By Harry's fifteenth birthday, Harry was one of the most beautiful people to have existed. He had wispy raven hair to the middle of his back that was usually pulled back into a braid. Loose strands surrounded his face. His skin was a soft bronze color. But his most noticable feature was his bottle green eyes. His eyes seemed to draw a person in and look straight through you and into your soul.

James was protective of Harry, but Harry didn't mind. He understood his father's reasons. Harry was small for his age, and they had come to the conclusion that he would most likely be five foot five by the time he stopped growing.

Harry loved his life. He never expected that a year later everything would change for him.


For a year now, Lily had been sick, and for fifteen years believed her only child as well as her love to be dead. Lily was holding on now to extract a promise from Tom. Tom came after breakfast when the doctor told him his wife wasn't going to live much longer.

"Tom," Lily's weak voice carried softly to his ears, "promise me something."

Tom gently grasped Lily's hand with both of his. "Yes, of course."

"Promise me, you will remarry."

"Of course." Tom said surprised.

Lily gave him a bitter smile. "Marry someone equal to me in beauty and gentle heart. Someone with beautiful green eyes like mine."

Tom was shocked. "Whatever you want Lily dear."

Lily nodded, and closed her eyes for the last time, dying in her sleep.


When the Queen died, everyone in the kingdom mourned her passing.

None more so than James Potter, and the King. Harry couldn't properly mourn for his mother, never knowing her. Instead he did his best to be there for his father.

The King decided to keep his word. Soldiers were sent out six months later to search for a bride that matched the Queen's description of the one she wanted to replace her.

Almost six months they searched finding no one until a week after Harry's sixteenth birthday.


Harry and James had set up camp for the nightnear one of the many deserts belonging to South Slytherin on the edge of a marshland. After they had eaten Harry decided to ask his father a question that had been plaguing his mind for awhile now. "Father, how come no one ever crosses the Hills of Snow?"

James looked at his son for a moment, startled, before answering. "Because only those with strong will, determination, desire, and are powerful magic-wise can get across. Their is a curse upon those hills. Those who cross slowly lose there hope and then they lose their love, then their soul, and then the body just shuts down and dies. No one would ever be able to find the body for it turns into snow or ice depending on where it shuts down. That's why the King never attacks North Slytherin. The troops wouldn't be able to make it there."

"Aren't you from North Slytherin, father?"

James smiled at Harry's insatiable curiousity. Harry often reminded him of a kitten exploring the world for the first time. "Yes and no. I traveled across the sea from the land of Gryffindor with three of my best friends. Two stayed in North Slytherin. They would have been your godfathers if we were there. The other, he died trying to cross the Hills of Snow. I would have if it wasn't for him. My other friends probably think I'm dead as well. I wouldn't be able to cross the Hills of Snow again, Harry. Not with Peter's memory hanging over my head. (Yes, I hate the right too, but he was needed for this part.)"

Harry nodded in understanding. "What about your other friends?"

"Sirius Black and Remus Lupin. Sirius is a prankster, but Remus always managed to stop him from pulling his more dangerous pranks. Remus was, is, the levelheaded one. Sirius was always telling Remus he needed to lighten up." Here James sighed. "I hope they are alright."

Harry could feel his father's sadness, and didn't bother asking anymore questions.


"Captain look." One of the soldiers was pointing at the boy they had spotted setting camp with an olderman who looked to be his father.

"I know. The boy matches the description perfectly. Well wait until their relaxed, then we'll snag him."


Harry was just drifting off to sleep when a snapping twig woke him up. Harry grabbed the dagger from within his sleeves. Peeking one eye open he saw his father also carefully moving to the sword underneath him. James glanced his way and made a small motion, signalling Harry to pretend to be asleep. harry made a discreet sign and closed his eyes.

"This is almost too easy. The king will be happy that we found someone to replace the late queen." A gruff voice tried whispering quietly.

Harry heard the footsteps getting closer to him. When the footsteps stopped about a foot away, Harry waited until he felt a hand on his shoulder. Bottle green eyes opened as Harry slashed upwards, unsheathing the dagger in the same motion. His dagger cut the guys hand.

"Holy fuck!" The guy screamed, his hand bleeding profusely.

Looking at his father, Harry saw James taking on five of the soldiers. The others coming after Harry.

Harry turned around noting that they had been surrounded. 'Alright, I can do this.' Harry thought to himself.

Standing, Harry used the wind to put up a forcefield that kept the soldiers at bay. Knowing that the soldiers couldn't get through to him, Harry began casting spells.

James was fighting soldier after soldier. But, with Lily's death weighing so heavily on his heart and the memories of Peter, James had no will to truly fight. His only reason was to protect his son. His sword sliced at the soldiers, parrying their swords. It was like watching a dance, but one wrong move could cost you your life. Eventually the soldier's took a cheap shot at James, beheading him.

His head rolled through Harry's wind sheild. Harry paused and his eyes went wide in shock. Tears welled up in his beautiful bottle green eyes. The wind died down enough that the soldiers could see what Harry was doing. And they agreed that what they witnessed was one of the creepiest things they ever saw.

Harry's hair whipped about him, breaking free from the tie and spreading about slowly. His bottle green eyes seeming dead to the world, and only seeing the head of his father in front of him. His soft bronze skin glowing darkly with the numbed pain he was feeling. Very slowly his body bent down to gently pick up the head. Blood was still dripping from the head covering the hands and arms of the boy. The blood stained the boy's shirt when he pulled it to his chest, The dead hazel eyes still open and watching without seeing.

Harry clutched the head to him, his mouth moving frantically pressed against the head's forehead. His shoulders shaking with suppressed sobs. The sky reflected Harry's emotional turmoil. A dark storm raining harshly upon the scene. Thunder and lightning in the distance.

"Shit! He's a freaking elemental! Knock him out!" The Captain called out.

Immediately the soldiers began to try. Every time they got too close to the wind forcefield, lightning would strike where they were standing. One of the smarter soldiers who was also a spellcaster, shot of a powerful sleeping spell towards the wind shield with all of the power he could put behind it.

Two lightning bolts struck the sleeping spell, but they had no effect almost other than weakening the spell slightly. The spell easily pierced the wind forcefield (I'm having fun switching back and forth) and hit Harry.

The boy collapsed immediately. The elements slowly died down.

"I'll be. That's one powerful kid." The captain said softly as the soldiers began picking up the camp.

"We'll bury the one guy's body, Captian." Three of the soldiers stated after retrieving the guy's head.

The spellcaster checked onthe boy. "Captain, I think i know why he's so powerful."

The Captain raised an eyebrow.

"He has the marking of a barer on his lower back."

"Powerful indeed." Was all the Captain said.


So, what do you think? I tried so hard to make this a one-shot. Alas, it's not to be. But, it is a personal best if you ask me. Continue? Yes, no?