I wasn't planning on writing another fanfic until the baseball playoffs started, but work was slow, and this story had been rolling around my head for awhile, begging to be written, so here it is. Hope you guys enjoy, be sure and let me know. I will try to update as frequenly as I can.

Two Pink Lines

Prologue – Chapter 1

Dr. Temperance Brennan stared down, disbelieving at the two little pink lines on the stick she had just urinated on, approximately 3.5 minutes ago. Denial was no longer an option.

This was the 3rd test she'd taken. The first was from her local pharmacy, the second from a grocery store, and the third was from a different pharmacy. There was no way that the tests were defective. or that there was an error at the factory, as she'd purchased 3 different types. Nor was it possible it was a drug interaction causing the false positive. She took no drugs or medications of any type.

She let out a heavy sigh, running her fingers through her auburn hair.

There was no use denying the obvious. She was definitely 3 months pregnant. Her period was always light, having the IUD didn't seem to change that much. So when she missed the last 2 months, she thought nothing of it. Then the symptoms started.