Okay, I'm thinking of doing this as a full thing… so tell me if I should continue.


Edward sighed as he walked into the busy office of Central. It wasn't often that he was sent on missions anymore, but he didn't resign from being a state alchemist; too many perks at libraries. Plus, now that Al was in his flesh again, Ed needed some money for him and himself. Not that Winry was going to let Al go poor. Yes, the two seemed to be a happy couple, and thoughts of getting married were only natural for a couple of teens.

But Ed always thought that he would be the one with Winry. It just seemed… natural. But his brother had grown fond of the mechanic, so he never got in the way. Besides, he had a 'busy' life at Central now.

Yes, Major Edward Elric had been promoted to Lieutenant Edward Elric, Full Metal Alchemist. Well, that's what it read on his office door. He had a nice office; a window, a nice desk, a plant or two. So he had a desk job. So what? Sure, he was used to being out there and doing things to get the stone, but that was over now. He got it, used it, and was… no longer in search of anything. So he stayed a state alchemist and took an open desk job. But he still got to go out on missions sometimes. In fact, that was why he was in the building on his day off.

He only got one off a month, so he thought that the mission had better be worth it. A 16 year old can't work all the time.

As Ed neared the office of his orders, he started to smile. He hadn't seen Roy in a while. This made the boy quicken his pace.


So what did you think? Should I go on? This was kinda like a prolog anyway. Whatever. Please tell me in your reviews!