Hey! So this is my very first fan fiction – no joke. I'm rather scared to write because I have read soo many brilliant twilight fan fics. I really hope that my idea is original and that you guys can give me plenty of feedback, suggestions etc. This will be from Edwards POV and Bella's POV, and maybe a couple other characters POV should I feel so enthused.

Summary: One day while Edward is out hunting, he runs into someone he thought he would never see again. Elyse… Edward feels he can leave Bella to protect her (being human and all) and not have his heart crumbling, now that he has Elyse. Just wait to see how Bella reacts to this one.


The summer had been completely perfect. Nearly every moment of my day was spent with the love of my life, Isabella Swan. Today would be like any other. Alice had plans to take her out shopping to various places in Seattle while I was out hunting with Emmett and Jasper. It had become a little easier to bear being away from her since I had bought her a cell phone. I was glad money wasn't important because all the calls we made to each other racked up a fairly large phone bill, to the average human income that is. No one could talk as much as Alice could.

As Bella slept next to me I listened to the steady pulse of her heart; my favorite sound in the world. Her warm breath made my sense tingle, and I couldn't fight back the picture of perfection forming in my head. I gently twirled a lock of her dark hair with my pale fingertips. I have everything I ever wanted, I thought. Bella sighed, muttering my name, and rolled over into my arms and nuzzled into my chest. Her scent once again sent shockwaves through my senses. How could any one person smell so good? I would never get used to how beautiful she was, nor how temptingly delicious she smelled.

She slowly turned her head up to mine and gently kissed me. "Good morning Edward" she said in her calm musical voice. She surprised me, usually I was the one who woke her up. I smiled my dazzling smiled and pressed my lips to her luscious warm red ones. She instantly relaxed though her heart started to beat faster. I bent my head to her smooth neck and started tracing kisses up the sides. I paused just below her chin and rested my head on her chest listening to her heart beat.

"I love you Edward Cullen," She whispered stroking my hair, curling my hair between her fingers.

"I love you Isabella Swan," I muttered against her warm skin. I slowly laying her head on my lap so I could see her beautiful face.

"Bella," I paused knowing it would make her sad to tell her, "I'm going hunting today, but I will be back tonight, I promise. But don't hesitate to call me for any reason at all? Okay?" I looked down searching for her eyes. Her dark eyes were tinted is sorrow, but she still smiled up at me.

"I knew it was coming," she knowingly whispered. "Your eyes are darker than usual. Don't worry about me, and of course I'll call you should I find a reason." Her smile grew into a more genuine one. I gently stroked her pale cheek and kissed her softly. I grinned remembering the last time she called me she was trying, no begging me, to get me to convince Alice to leave her hair alone.

"Bella, IT WILL GROW BACK!" Alice sighed frustrated.

"I don't care. I like my hair the way it is. Why do you insist on cutting it?"

"Edward, tell her that you wouldn't care if I cut off ... several… of inches?"

"WHAT? NO! Absolutely not! I am not coming over anymore if I become your beauty shop Barbie too! Edward tell her NO!"

Bella sat up hugging me tight to her body radiating heat. It felt so good having her skin against mine. It felt like we were two puzzle pieces meant to be together. I breathed in the scent of her hair. I was glad she didn't cut it; it gave me an excuse to stroke her hair all the way down to her waist (lol). Though Bella refused to see how beautiful she was I told her constantly, and she would blush making her even more beautiful.

I glanced at my clock knowing I should be leaving so return to my home. Rosalie was growing impatient and her voice in my head we becoming more persistent. Edward if your not home in three minutes we are leaving without you and will lock you in a room for a week when we return. Yeah, that means NO BELLA for a WEEK. That and a makeover by yours truly.

I hugged Bella tighter to me a whispered, "I should be going. You have nothing to fear, I will be back tonight." She pulled back leveling her brilliant chocolate eyes with mine, he breath sending my sense once again into a frenzy.

"Okay. Just don't go out and fall in love with some other girl while you're out." We both laughed at that knowing very well we could never love anyone else like we loved each other. I couldn't help but notice the hint of pain that plagued her eyes. Even as I kissed her softly once more and headed to her window, it didn't leave.

"I love you," she whispered as I climbed out her window and sprinted into the trees. I now had a little over a minute to make it home. No sweat, for a vampire.


The past few days had been like any other. Charlie was gone on another one of his week-long fishing trips with his friends down at the station. This time they were off somewhere near the Washington-Canada border in some cabin right on the coast. Charlie called every day or two to check up on me, completely unaware that I was almost never alone.

Edward had left my side only twice in the past two weeks to go hunting, which I always thanked him when he returned.

"Bella, why would you say such a thing? You realize I go out into a forest and drink the blood of harmless animals?" He would look at me shocked, with his light butterscotch eyes, staring intently as to discover the meaning behind my words.

"Yes, but you do so to keep you and your family protected. Not to mention myself." He would smile finally understanding.

"Of course for you Bella. You are my life." I would feel my heart instantly increase as his eyes bore into mine. Slowly he would bend his face to mine and brush his lips against mine. It was a slice of heaven that made me wish that he would see that I couldn't live without that slice.

I woke this morning feeling Edward spinning a piece of my long hair. Ooo, I thought. Today I'll surprise him. Carefully so as not to break my act, I mumbled his name and sighed. Slowly, making sure my eyes were still gently closed, I turned over snuggling myself into his cold chest breathing in his amazing smell. Once I has successfully flipped over with out him noticing I was awake I turned my head up to his and gave him a small kiss. "Good morning Edward." I said slowly trying to make my voice sound silky though my throat was covered in a gross tasting film. "I need to sleep with my mouth closed," I thought. "For more than one reason" I added chucking on the inside. "I love you Edward Cullen." I did. How could I not? After everything we had been through there was no way I couldn't. He put himself in danger to keep me safe, went against who he 'was' in a vampire sense, and all because somehow he loved me too.

"I loved you Isabella Swan," he grinned sending his cool breath across my face. I scooted lower on the bed and laid my head down on his lap. I would stare into his eyes for hours on end if I could. They never ceased to amaze me, how brilliant the color was, and how emotional they were. I could always tell how he was feeling by his eyes. Hunger, love, passion, and even lust on occasion.

"Bella," He paused looking intently into my eyes. "I'm going hunting today, but I will be back tonight, I promise. But don't hesitate to call me for any reason at all? Okay?" Darn, a day of sitting around with nothing to do but think about him. I would be so lonely with out him. It wasn't healthy to be so dependant on him. Sensing he was trying to read the sadness I felt I smiled, hoping to sidetrack him from discovering that sadness.

"I knew it was coming," I whispered. "Your eyes are darker than usual. Don't worry about me, and of course I'll call you should I find a reason." It would take a lot for me to call him. I spent so much time around him I felt that his time hunting was just for him. I hated interrupting him. I rarely called when he went hunting, though that one time with Alice was quite an emergency. I can only wonder how bored you can get with your own hair staying the same after several DECADES. I smiled honestly this time hoping my breath didn't smell. It certainly tasted bad.

Our moments together were running out, so I quickly sat up in attempt to hold on the moment. I hugged him around his neck pulling him close to me. Our bodies meshed together, and again everything felt so perfect. We hugged each other tighter at the same time; I felt him tense up, probably one of the many voices in his head.

"I should be going. You have nothing to fear, I will be back tonight," Edward said, smiling reassuringly.

I pulled my head back so I could clearly address him with my warning. "Okay. Just don't go out and fall in love with some other girl while you're out." I internally cringed at the thought, again smiling weakly to covet it up. Could he really love someone else like he loved me? Maybe I was just thinking he loved me that much, when in all reality this was nothing special. I beat that last thought to the back of my head, grateful Edward would never hear that one. He would surely throw a fit if he heard that. I knew I would never love someone like, or nearly as much as I loved Edward. He kissed me softly and then got off the bed and walked to the window.

I could tell he saw the panic in my eyes, but I knew he should leave with a good picture of me in his head. I whispered with as much passion as I could manage at 7:00 in the morning on a Saturday, "I love you Edward." As I said it he jumped through the window and landed with out a sound. I laid myself back down and hoped sleep would come to me. If I could sleep part of the day away it would make our separation more bearable. I shut my eyes pulling the blankets close and thought of him. Eventually my consciousness slipped away and I drifted back to sleep.

So first chapter ever…… like it? Feedback is soo welcomed. I have never written a fanfic, but please be totally honest. I want to improve ma skilz. Lol I hope to post another chapter by next week! I am in charge of designing a handbook for one district student council, and the homecoming dance decorations on my high school council (homecoming is in 23 days! Aaaaah) and the handbook needs to get finished by like, the end of this month. So ill be busy but try my best to make time to read/reply to reviews and write of course!

ridiculouskopec (or just call me robin! lol)