Authors Note : -Cries- I had so much fun writing this… I'm quiet happy and sad that this is now over… This is basically a small chapter where ties anything up… That may have been missed through the story but had really no significance to be well mentioned until now.


Kai and Sota still had a very close bond with each other and went back to see her real father and her older brother.

Aton apologises to Kai about the incident on the roof of the hospital. However, Kai and Aton still do not understand each other very well… They do however become civil and at least act more 'brotherly' towards each other.

Kai ends up managing to place Sorrow inside a bitbeast chip. Sorrows monster image. The large dog like creature Kai dreamt he was changing into.

Kai also told his brother and all the other people that were affected by the Seven Sins Serum that they could easily convince the Sin to go into the chips. He then tells Mr. Dickenson that in the next 'rookie' tournament he could donate a bitbeast as a prize. Which Mr. Dickenson agree to. The other sins went back to there normal lives though a few of them kept in contact with each other.

The letter 'Greed' or 'Lita' wrote was, never fully read – so Kai still did not know of her 'affection' for him.

Tyson and the rest of the BladeBreakers end up going back home, being asked non-stop if they are all, ok because of all the accidents they had been in. How ever, they would like to say why they had been in so much trouble in less than seven months they did not reveal as Kai had clearly stated on what would happen to them if they did.

Selene, was questioned by the police, for the incident of the factory blowing up. Though soon Kai came and bailed her out…

The reason unknown.

Boris and Voltaire where not caught however… Voltaire's life ended as he had a 'stroke' and died a few weeks after the news that the Hiwatari family were all back. Well most of them anyway….

A funeral was held but, Kai specifically asked if only he and the Demolition Boys could present. The reason unknown.

Authors Note: Well you may wonder why I just done that huh? Well I was thinking that I didn't really want this story to end… But not really stop. So for the past few weeks I was thinking up a plot to –drum roll- A SEQUAL!

So this chapter was just to tie a few things off and also help you understand the things that will be happening in the dear sequel which I shall write after Christmas some time…

Oh yes need to thank everyone that has review this fic!

Anonymous - I hope you are not confused, and everything is cleared up... I don't really know if you get it - you can always PM or e-mail me to ask some questions if you still are confused - then again you were only confused 'cause it was the start... Which is meant to be confusing thanks for reviewing!

April - Although you may not be a member, I don't care! Thank you so much for reviewing and well …even reading this fic!

Arina - I don't think you may have continued reading this or may be you have I don't know... Though you still, reviewed and so I shall thank you for reviewing! Thank you!

Ass Kickin Princess Kai – Well you see, I don't just want to say thank you for reviewing because anyone could just copy and paste that phrase… So hmm, personalise it… Hmmm…. Thanks for the ass kickin reviews? (That was lame of me… Omg who uses lame nowadays…)

BlackSpirit – Thank you so much for reviewing! –dances about – I hope you will read the sequal!

Blackdranzergurl – Thanks for the early encouragement! I still can't believe this story's over… -sniff- Oh well!

Cheese Grows On Apples - I think you have the strangest name and I LOVE IT lol thanks for reviewing (Loved them too!)

DancerInTheDark101 – Hmmm…. You probably will be chuffed with the whole 'there will be a sequel' thing Yes? Well thank you so much for reviewing!

Evil canine – THANK YOU! Reviewers are grand…! Wooo!

g0thic-angel – I just noticed how random and crazy I'm sounding…. (Kind of going in a random order here.) And you too thanks for the kind reply to the PM I sent you… THANK YOU!

isthatnecessary - Thank you for reviewing and also for the kind PM's they encouraged me to try harder to keep Characters in character!

Izolda - Thank you for your kind reviews! You will be another one chuffed with the sequel thing???! Wooo! Thanks again

KaiFanGirl16 – Even if again you are a not a member I'm really happy you even bothered reviewing! I hope the ending was to your liking even though their still is another story to come… This is turning into an epic…. (I believe that this story is the longest I've written…) THANKS AGAIN!

kailover2006 - Thank you for reading my first ever beyblade story and reviewing relentlessly! I cannot believe you have, reviewed so many of the chapters! Wooo, Wooo!

Killani – Well, thanks for logging in and everything to leave a review… I cant believe people do that…! Then again most of the people I know are lazy… (Actually that's just me…) Well thanks so much!

Miako6 - … Thanks so much for reviewing!… Oh I kinda went mad on the that story of yours and reviewed… Like very chapter…I think…. (I probably now have a restraining order against me… I'm not crazy!!!…. ¬.¬)

mooncrisispower0 – Again a non-member – still don't care! Thank you for reviewing! ARGH SO HAPPY!

Nameless Little Girl – You are another person that has reviewed A LOT of chapters… Thank you Thank you Thank you!

PhoenixTears25 – Going through everyone that reviewed and giving a small response is actually quiet tiring… THANK YOU FOR REVIEWING WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! –runs around in circles- Bet you don't believe me now.

softball91 - Thanks for reading and reviewing! And such long/enthusiastic reviews, thank you so much!

twin1 - You've been reading and reviewing I think from the very start so thank you so much - to tell you all honestly I thought no one would like this -.- Thank you!!

XxBlindAngelxX – Thanks for reviewing! (Sorry about being at the bottom and all… But the whole alphabetical thing yah know?) THANKS AGAIN! You rule!

Authors note: (Yes again…) (¬.¬) (Don't hate me)

Well that's that! Oh yes, I would put 'thanks for adding to favourites' but I thought that would be kind of breach of privacy. Since I already know and the people how added this to alerts + favourites know who they are and don't need me point that out. So thanks to everyone would added me to favourites and/or to the alert list!

(Oh yes someone asked me. Why the name of this fic is - Two Worlds, One Life & A Whole Lot o' People. So I'll explains since some other people might get confused…

Two worlds – Well you have the two worlds that Kai has and does live in. One was the past filled with hate and pain etc. The other was the present, which was filled with somewhat happiness because he had friends and didn't get tortured and humiliated…

One life – Well that life is Kai's… since it focuses on his point of view and life so much.

A Whole Lot o' People – Well throughout the story lots of characters were introduced… Heh hehe…Couldn't help myself.

Later! The sequal will come soon!