First of all,

I do not own Xiaolin Showdown, know your stars or Inuyasha

and now welcome to..-Drum roll-

know your stars xiaolin showdown style

And now we'll start with everyone's favourite back stabbing man-whore

Raimundo Pedarosa

-Raimundo walks on stage-

hello? Is anyone here?

Know your stars, know your stars, know your stars…

Who's there? Chase? Kimiko? Bean-dude?

Raimundo Pedarosa…. He secretly has a crush on jack

What no way jack is an ugly, wimpy, freak

-Gemini marches on stage and beats the fuggin crap out of Rai-

Gemini: you say anything like that about Jack again and it'll be the last thing you ever do

Raimundo Pedarosa… he is cheating on Kimiko with Kagome

No! I'm not even dating Kimiko! And who the hell is Kagome?

-Kimiko walks on stage and slaps him-

-Inuyasha walks on stage and beats the crap out of him -


Raimundo Pedarosa…. He licks ass

Dude! That's disgusting

Then why do you do it?

I don't!

Sure you don't, Raimundo Pedarosa the only reason he got to be leader was that he promised master fung that he'd lick his ass


And now you know Raimundo pedarosa, the ass-licker who has a crush on jack and is cheating on Kimiko with Kagome

No they don't! I don even know a Kagome! Hello? That's it, WUDI STAR WI- -before he could finish a sandbag falls on his head and knocks him unconscious-

I love doing that, sorry if it was short. if I get one or more reviews I'll update. Next up is KIMIKO TOHOMIKO