Angels and Tamers

A/N: Hello! I'm here with my first DNAngel fic! PLEASE don't be upset if this is weird! I barely have any of the series! (cries) It's SOOOO good! Sadly, I only have up to Vol. 4. For now…(grins) But I DO read LOTS of fanfiction so I should be able to piece together a rather decent fic. I HOPE! I LOVE Daisuke/Satoshi, but ONLY on FanFiction! I LOVE Daisuke/Riku in the manga!

Warnings: Thievery (Dark…), fluff (Satoshi…so hot), evil glares and scheming (who does that…?)

Pairings: Daisuke/Satoshi (HOT! SO HOT!), Dark/Krad (Probably won't show up much…at least not together)

Dedications: Umm…hmm…well maybe, no…oh, maybe…no…Okay, I'll just dedicate it to my friend Brittany! YOU ROCK!

Disclaimer: I don't own DNAngel! As heart wrenching as it is, it's true! (sobs uncontrollably)

IMPORTANT Ramblings: Dark and Krad have specials spells in this that I made up using Latin. There SHOULD be guides at the bottom of the Chappy. If there's not then complain. They're gonna use their feathers and recite the spells so there.



))Daisuke to Dark((

))Dark to Daisuke((

Chapter One

Slam! Wham! Crunch! Fists were flying, along with feathers, as two angels battled wildly in the night sky. Light fought against dark, day against night, sun against moon. They both bore bruises and cuts all along their faces and arms. They weren't concerned about those, they could heal them later; all that mattered to them right now was brutally defeating the other.

The darker image of the two flipped back, pulling out a feather at the same time. He shone in the moonlight. His dark purple hair glistened, along with his amethyst eyes. He brought the feather out in front of him between the thumb and forefinger of his right hand.

The angel with blonde flowing hair and golden eyes watched him angrily. He tried to regain his breath before his opposite could start the attack, in vain. "Obscurum perussi!" he yelled. The feather dissolved and surrounded the lighter of the two in the form of a black aura. The angel yelled as he was engulfed by it. The impenetrable barrier silenced his yelling.

))Dark! What about Hiwatari-kun?((Daisuke yelled.

))Wait for it…wait for it…(( Dark said.

))Wait for what?(( The aura disappeared revealing a ruffled looking, unconscious Satoshi. Dark grudgingly, and with much persistence from the redhead, caught the bluenette before he could fall to his death.

Dark flew to the park where he landed gracefully by the fountain and set Satoshi down on the park bench. He sat on the edge of the fountain to look through his newly stolen items. He shifted through the knapsack bringing out each item.

A delicate and intricately carved staff, in the shape of a twisting serpent; a leather bound book with 'Spell Book' written on it in large, curving letters; and a painting, no larger than a textbook, that consisted of a red figure and a blue figure, facing each other, holding their hands up and together with intertwined fingers. Dark noted that there was not a face on either figure. Satoshi stirred and Dark quickly hid everything in his knapsack again.

Satoshi sat up silently and stared ahead of him. Dark watched him curiously. He got up and waved a hand in front of the bluenette's face. The boy didn't even flinch. Dark shrugged and sat down again.

))Can I come out now Dark?(( Daisuke asked nervously. Dark sighed and complied. His purple hair shrank and turned crimson and he shortened considerably. He had a pained look on his face as his eyes closed purple and reopened scarlet. Daisuke blinked several times, trying to reawaken his senses.

When he was sure that he was fully aware and alert he turned to his friend. "Hiwatari-kun?" he called softly, shaking Satoshi by the shoulders. Satoshi didn't even blink. Daisuke sighed and sat down next to him.

After several minutes, Satoshi blinked, awakening from his low blood pressure induced daze. Daisuke let out a sigh of relief.

"What happened?" asked Satoshi, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"Dark used a spell to transform you back," said Daisuke.

Satoshi looked at him sharply. "How?"

"I'm not sure. He said 'Obscurum perussi.' It's Latin. That's all I know," he said.

Satoshi looked heavenwards thoughtfully. "Darkness consumes…" he muttered quietly. "Well, Krad won't be in a great mood."

Daisuke cocked his head. "Darkness consumes? I don't get it."

Satoshi's face, for a moment, bore the ghost of a smile. "He's been locked away in a dome of darkness for the time being. I doubt he'll be too happy when he gets out," he said. Dark laughed in Daisuke's head.

))Serves the bastard right! I knew that would get to him!(( Dark laughed. Daisuke was unsure whether he should laugh or remain calm. He chose to suggest that they head home.

On the way, he tried to strike up a conversation with Satoshi. "So…did you learn Latin in high school?" he asked.

Satoshi looked at him. "Yes. I knew it would be useful for…things." Daisuke understood his discomfort and dropped the subject. They continued the rest of the way in silence, not an uncomfortable one, just friendly.

When they reached Daisuke's house he turned to Satoshi. "Will you be okay getting home?" he asked, concern evident in his gaze. Satoshi nodded emotionlessly. Daisuke nodded too, uncertainly. He then turned and ran up to his door. He turned and waved to Satoshi before opening the door and entering.

Daisuke sighed as the door shut. He ran down the, booby-trap free, hall to the kitchen. His mother all but smothered him at his arrival. He pried her off of him and pulled off his knapsack. His mother took everything out. "Hmm, the staff and the painting were all we needed. I suppose he wanted the spell book for himself," she said smiling. He nodded and grabbed the book.

In his room, Daisuke took the mirror that Dark could see from and turned it to face the book. He leafed through it until Dark pointed out a spell. "Ooh! 'Pennipotenti of obscurum!' What's that?" Daisuke trailed his finger down the page until he found the description and translation.

"It's called 'birds of darkness.' It's allows you to call forth beings of darkness in the shape of birds. They obey only the creator's orders," he said. Dark nodded in the mirror.

"That's sounds good. Let's keep going." Daisuke complied and continued turning the pages and reading descriptions. Yet another caught Dark's eye. "What's that one?"

"Hmm… Let me see… I think it's pronounced, 'terrenus subsisto of tractus.' Its name literally means, 'temporary stop of movement.' It momentarily paralyzes your opponent. Long enough for you to get away or land a blow or two," he explained. Dark grinned.

"Sounds good. All right. I can tell you're beat, so go on and go to bed," he said. Daisuke nodded in thanks and put the mirror in its place. He placed the spell book on his bedside table and curled up in bed

"Dai-chan! Time for school!" Daisuke woke to his mother's yelling. He sat up groggily and ruffled his hair. He climbed out of bed and walked to his bathroom to take a shower. When he had completed his hygienic tasks he left for school.

He ran through the streets saying hello to people on his way. When he reached the school he saw a weary looking Satoshi leaning against the dark, brick wall. Satoshi raised a hand in greeting and Daisuke ran up to him. "Hi, Hiwatari-kun!"

"Hello, Niwa-kun," he said monotonously.

"Is he okay?" Daisuke asked nervously. Satoshi looked down at him.

"You mean Krad? If yelling at me about Dark until one in the morning means okay, then yes, he's fine."

Daisuke frowned. "Maybe you should go to the infirmary and get some rest," he said.

Satoshi shook his head. "I'll be fine." Daisuke didn't look convinced. Satoshi sighed. "Don't worry. I'm fine." Daisuke nodded uncertainly. The bell rang before either could say anymore and they walked into the school.

Daisuke stared blankly at the blackboard covered in algebraic equations. Things such as 2x + x – 6 ((equals)) 0 and –(4 + x) ((is greater than)) 2(x – 5) were scattered across the green surface. He blinked. The numbers stared back at him ominously screaming, "You'll never solve us!" He blinked again and looked down at his blank paper. He sighed and looked up at the annoying equations.

))Let's see…you add the 2x and the x right? Okay, so that would make… 3x? You keep the x right? Okay, but then what about the 5? Wait! What 5? GAH! I'll never get this!(( Daisuke's thoughts swirled confusedly around inside his head.

))The answer is 2.(( Dark said, clearly bored.


))The answer to the first one is x ((equals)) 2.(( Dark said. Daisuke looked at the problem again. His eyes widened.

))How did you know that?(( he asked, shocked.

))It's not that hard.(( Daisuke sighed and slumped down in his seat. He just didn't understand Algebra. He looked around the classroom full of students copying the problems down. He turned in his chair to stare longingly at the clock. He groaned inwardly.

))Thirty minutes? How am I gonna survive this?(( he whined.

))Just draw or something. Now let me sleep.(( Dark said snappishly. Daisuke took out his pencil and began a sketch at random. He looked around the classroom for inspiration and saw Satoshi dozing at his desk with his chin on his fist. Daisuke found the lighting and pose of his friend perfect and quickly drew as outline.

Soon the drawing progressed from a rough outline of a circle to a feature filled face. He made sure to capture the expression of exhaustion on Satoshi's face. He managed to get in each curve of his nose and mouth along with every shadow. He finished shading and looked down at the picture proudly. The bell rang and Daisuke carefully placed the picture in his drawing portfolio.

Takeshi ran up to the red head and tackled him to the ground. He grabbed the portfolio and pulled out the sketch. "Saehara! No!" In vain, Daisuke attempted to stop his reporting-crazed friend.

"Whoa! This picture rocks!" he said. Daisuke tried to snatch it back but Takeshi held it high above him. "Hey! Hiwatari! Come check out Dai's drawing!" Satoshi turned at the sound of his name and walked over slowly. He took the picture from Takeshi and inspected it carefully.

"This is very good Niwa-kun," he said simply. With that he handed the paper back to the blushing Daisuke and walked away.

"So…" Takeshi started, "why Hiwatari?" Daisuke shrugged and put the paper away. "Whatever," Takeshi said, smirking. Daisuke got up and stumbled out of the classroom.

Dark quickly swiped up the golden amulet. He surveyed his catch while running. It had an aquamarine stone set in the middle with teal lines running out to the edges of the acorn shaped pendant. He saw his reflection shine in the opaque jewel center. He also caught sight of a wisp of blonde hair somewhere above him. He smirked. ))Krad…(( Dark said.

Daisuke groaned. Dark back flipped so that Krad flew a few feet ahead of him and whipped out a feather.

"Terrenus subsisto of tractus!" cried Dark. A dark liquid shot from the feather and covered the light angel. Krad's eyes held hate and venom as he watched Dark laugh.

))Dark! Remember! It's only temporary!(( Daisuke reminded the thief. Dark stopped laughing.

))Oh, right.(( he said. "Well, Kraddykins, I must bid you adieu for now," Dark said with a flourishing bow. He winked at Krad and turned around. Before he could call Wiz a pain shot through his body. He yelled and fell to the ground. He saw a grinning Krad looming over him. The blonde whipped out a white feather.

"Verbero of lux lucis," said the angel with venom. Light shone in Krad's hands. The trail of light led down to the ground where they pooled by his feet. Then there was a flash and Krad held two shining, white whips.

He raised one arm above his head and brought it down. Dark gritted his teeth as the light stained whip struck his back. He pulled himself up with only slight difficulty.

"Mucro of atrum!" he yelled. He was engulfed in darkness. When it faded away he held two swords. The blades of the swords were blood red with black handles. The tips looked sharp enough to fit into a tear duct without cutting it. Inscriptions ran along the blades. They read, 'pro nex of lux lucis.' Krad smirked and threw the whips into the air where they dissolved.

"Mucro of lux lucis!" he cried. He was engulfed in light. When it faded he gripped two swords, just as Dark had. These swords, however, had brilliant, white blades and golden handles. Along their blades were the words, 'pallor obscurum absentis.'

They stood glaring at each other from a distance for some time. After several minutes of a blink free glare, Dark lunged at Krad yelling wildly. Krad followed suit and soon the peaceful museum was full of the sounds of clashing swords and cries of pain or victory.

Finally after several minutes of fighting, Dark had Krad pinned down with his swords in a cross over the other's neck. Dark smirked down at the struggling angel below him. He rested his arms on the handles of the swords, with his chin other his arms. Quick as a flash, Dark had removed the swords, placed his hand on Krad's chest, and pressed his lips against his counterpart's roughly. Krad was shocked to say the least. His eyes widened to the size of saucers and his body grew frigid.

Dark pulled back, smirking and licking his lips. "Thanks for the present Kraddykins." With that last statement he jumped up and ran from the museum.

A/N: So? What did you think?! Tell me! That means review! PLEASE! I BEG of you! PLEASE! I hope everyone liked Chappy 1 of Angels and Tamers! This is only the beginning folks…


obscurum perussi : darkness consumes

pennipotenti of obscurum : birds of darkness

terrenus subsisto of tractus : temporary stop of movement

verbero of lux lucis : whips of light

mucro of atrum : swords of dark

pro nex of lux lucis : for death of light

mucro of lux lucis : swords of light

pallor obscurum absentis : fading darkness away

A/N: I'm taking Latin 1 this year along with Algebra 1 and 3 other Honors courses! (collapses) REALLY difficult… well, not really. The workload just pisses me off cuz I'm a procrastinator, except for my stories! I write A LOT! Hehe. YUP! Laterz and much love!
