AN: Ok so I have no self control, I got this idea and I had to post it. But don't worry I plan on updating this and my other DA fic as much as I can, I won't make you guys wait months. I also have another idea in the works that I should have up soon, the ideas just keep coming, it's bad I can't control it.

About this story, it sticks pretty much to the show with an original idea to it.

Disclaimer: I don't own the show, I own this idea and I own Alec (JA) even though he doesn't know it, don't you hate when that happens?

Summary: Alec suddenly gets sick, Max stick by his side even though it's causing problems for her and Logan. That soon becomes the lesser of her problems when White becomes hell bent on taking everything away from her. Could he be connected to Alec's sickness?

She'll never know love's true potential
Lost in the open wind
To his impatience
Never feeling they would fall apart
She let her feelings grow
To tears she'll never show now
Crossfade-Broken Like an Angel

Chapter 1

Max sat at Crash enjoying a beer with Original Cindy and the rest of the crew, Logan had came and joined them as well. The only one missing was Alec, she didn't know how he became part of the crew, he just showed up and that was it. Normally when he wasn't around she didn't even notice or care but something this time made her worry because he hadn't come to work either. She never knew him to skip out on work or any duty he assigned himself, Manticore training always at work.

"Hey." Logan said grabbing her attention. "What are you thinking about so hard? Me?"

Max laughed but his expression told her it wasn't meant to be funny. "I do think of you but not this time, I'm actually a little worried about Alec."

Logan nodded slowly. "Why?"

Max noticed he wasn't happy of their choice of subject. "If something happens to Alec that affects all of us, it puts me and Joshua at the risk for exposure if White's men get a hold of him again." She said to ease his concern although she didn't understand why it would upset him.

Logan nodded so it seemed like he understood. Before he could say a word Max's pager went off, she looked at the number and rose from her chair. Logan sighed as he took a guess at who it could be.

Max dialed Alec's cell phone number but was in for a surprise when Asha answered. "What's going on?" Max asked the other woman.

"I didn't know who else to call." Asha began. "It's Alec, we're at his apartment something is wrong with him."

Max didn't like the sound of that or the fact he didn't call her himself, how bad was it? "I'll be right over." She ended the call and let OC know where she was going before going to talk to Logan. "There's something I have to go take care of, I'll call you later." After the exchange they had over Alec she didn't want to tell him anything unless she had to.

She drove quickly to Alec's apartment, she didn't know what she expected but finding Alec in the condition he was tugged at her heart strings causing her to think of times she was a mess of her seizures.

He was laying on the sofa sweating and shaking with his eyes closed, she kneeled by his side. "How long has this been happening?" she asked him but he couldn't answer.

Asha did. "I came to talk to him this afternoon and found him like this, he didn't want anyone called but when he passed out I had to do something."

Max rose and pulled Asha to the side out of hearings length. "I'll take it from here, I'll tell Alec to call you." they took care of their own, having Asha around gave her an uneased feeling, the whole course of events did.

Asha nodded in agreement. "I hope he feels better."

Max locked the door and went back to Alec's side. "Hey." She softly said when she saw him moving. "Don't try and move." She placed her hand on his cheek, though he was sweating he was cold to the touch. "Has this happened before?"

"Once." He said with ragged breath. "At Manticore." He was able to say as the shaking started to ease.

Max wasn't sure she wanted to ask how they handled it. "Have you been like this all day?"

"Aww Maxie who knew you cared?"

Max smiled slightly glad to see he was getting a little better. "Well if you die whose ass am I going to rag on? You didn't answer my question."

Alec's hazel eyes grew serious. "Since last night, it comes and goes."

Max didn't like the sound of that, she had thought something went screwy in his head and he was having seizures not a big problem but his symptoms and what he was telling her sounded like a pretty big problem. "Did Manticore tell you what it was?"

"Yeah because they take pride in filling their little soldiers in."

"Still a smart ass."

"You'd be disappointed otherwise." Alec groaned and shut his eyes again. "I don't know what the hell is wrong with me."

"Alec we have to figure it out or you could die."

"Yeah a lot of people would be so upset. Look I'll be fine, she shouldn't have called you or even showed up. I want to be alone." Alec seriously explained as he tried to find a comfortable spot on the sofa.

"You should be in bed." Max said noticing his movements. "And too bad, I'm not leaving you alone."


Isabelle A.