Authors note- Sorry it has taken me so long to write a new chapter, so I am gunna go at it once more. Thanks you guys for your wonderful reviews you all rock!

Disclaimer- I do not own Pirates of the Carribean and I sadly do not own Jack Sparrow or Will… and none of the others either other then plot, and Meira and the queen yadda yadda yadda.

Chapter 25: The twist of fate

"I bet… you say that to all the girls," Meira tried to joke before coughing her wet hair clinging to the sides of her face. Jack just looked down at her swallowing nervously. He had never felt for anyone the way he did for her.

"No one but ye love. But I have always had the hearts of woman," he joked making her smile she rested in his lap while he looked up. She touched his face making him look back down at her.

"Your not so bad after all I guess I was wrong about you," she joked softly her voice breaking in and out, "you can add my heart to your collection of hearts."

"I threw me collection away the moment I met you, I was saving that spot for yer heart and yer's alone," he said smiling down at her, "ye be makin' me sound like a baby though, enough girly stuff ye be alright Meira. We are gunna have to be doin' this by ourselves I s'pose."

"Do you think we'll make it? Do you even know where we are going?" she coughed as he stood up pulling her to his side. Her arm wrapped around his neck and his around her waist before they trailed down the sandy beach leaving nothing but their foot prints.

"I'll be damned if we don't," Jack said pulling her up closer to his side.

"And damned ye'll be," a familiar voice said walking out of the jungle making Jack swallow and turn around slowly.

"Oh Davy Jones my ol' mate," Jack said trying to give off a charming smile. Meira swallowed nervously before gripping a handful of his wet sleeve as more and more of his crewmen walked out, "how be the weather?"

"Ye can try and talk yer way outta tis one, but I guarantee ye wont," Davy Jones said stepping forward, "Miss Meira how lovely to see ye up and moving. It seems to be the sunshine be doin' ye justice."

"I wouldn't be doin' that," Davy laughed as Jack reached for his sword realizing it wasn't there.

"Damn you Will," Jack said backing up slowly as Meira did to swallowing as he placed her behind him, "how about me for her."

"Sounds like a pretty fair trade perhaps," Davy said playing with his chin and the tentacle like things on his chin. Jack went to walk forward but Meira's hands gripped at his chest and pulled him back into hers. He turned around to look at her, her lips trembled and her blue eyes sang with fear. His hand fell to her face as he pushed some of her fire red hair from her face.

"Please don't," Meira said swallowing nervously. He just smiled at her as if everything would be alright before leaving the most gentle kiss a man could leave the one he loved.

"I've never loved anyone Meira, and ye gave me a feeling that I never wanted… and wish I always had. I would never have died for anyone and so now I make the biggest sacrifice of all… to live an eternity and more damned for the rest of my unnatural life so that the one I love can live life. The life of a pirate's mate is not one for ye, ye deserve the world… and being a queen means having ta world, who was I t' think taking ye from that would be better?" Jack said looking at her touching her face memorizing the feel of her skin.

"Who are you to say that giving me the world is what I want? I don't want a world that doesn't have you in it," Meira said gripping his shirt while looking up into his eyes, "I never wanted to be a queen, I never wanted to be the daughter of a pirate, I never wanted to love a man who could look me in the eyes and think that I'd live a better life without him. But sometimes that's how it goes I suppose, but that doesn't mean we can just walk away… I never thought that a pirate could be a great father, or a great lover. Jack Sparrow I swear I'd rather live no life with you then live life without you."

"Damn you woman," he said pulling her close into his arms. Her arms wrapped around his waist as his head rested on hers.

"Enough of the humanly emotions, I never thought Jack Sparrow to be such a girl," Davy Jones laughed before another one of his men walked out with a struggling woman.

"Mother," Meira gasped. The queen stopped moving when she saw Meira in the arms of Jack Sparrow, she was still alive, "let her go!"

"Now Meira what makes a bright girl like ye, be so stupid?" Davy Jones asked, "why would I release the one who did this to me?"

"Release 'er Davy," a familiar voice said walking up from behind.

"Will," Meira said still clinging to Jack's shirt.

"Barbossa," the queen said softly watching the man standing beside Will. Behind them was the rest of the crew. Without any warning Davy Jones clutched at his chest before looking at Barbossa. Barbossa lifted up his hands to show they were free of nothing. He looked over one and saw blood dripping at Will's feet, the source of the blood came from Will's father.

"That's for my father," Will said making Barbossa look to Will.

"That never be apart of thee plan," Barbossa said looking to the captain of the dead crew.

"It was apart of mine all along," Will said stabbing the heart with a knife once again. Davy Jones lifted his hand from his chest to find blood staining his clammy hands. Blood squirted out from a hole in his chest. Everyone backed up as the black blood turned to acid on the floor, Will dropped the heart gripping his hand as it bubbled. Davy Jones screamed grabbing the queen from his first mate's arms and looked at her. Everyone went to run to her rescue, but stopped when he just looked at her. A look of sadness and compassion rested in the queens eyes.

"You left me remember? I begged you not to leave," she said looking up into the watery eyes of the heartless creature. The heart that laid on the ground slowly began to stop beating.

"You could have waited," he murmured touching her face. Though the blood on his hand stung her face she only flinched, but did not pull away.

"You always had to be right. What made you think that you could just take someone's life and push it around? I let my heart right in your hands, and you stole my every dream and crushed my plans… I never even knew I had a choice, and what happened was what happens when the only one I knew was telling me I can't. And I found real love Dave… and it took me awhile to find out I could run and when I did I was gone. Can you really blame me?" she said a tear falling from each eye.

"I'm sorry," he said before falling to the floor his body turning to water and splashing upon the hot sandy floor. The queen stepped back as the water soiled the land darkening it. Barbossa ran to her pulling her into his arms. She pushed away from him looking at him with anger, she pushed pass him pulling her daughter from Jack and hugging her.

"Mother," Meira said softly as she gripped her mother, "I'm so sorry…"

"It's going to be alright now, I'm going to take you home," the queen said looking at Barbossa before he understood what she wanted.

"I don't want to go," Meira said struggling against her mother, "I want…"

"It doesn't matter we will talk about it later," the queen said walking past Barbossa with her arms around her daughter, "I must have a discussion with your father. Please take her back to the ship."

"Yes ma'm," one of the men said taking them to the hidden boat. In groups they all made their way back to the ship and made their way through the seas. Will knew his father would be fine now that Davy Jones was finally gone, they made their way to where the ship was slowly decaying and falling apart. Will quickly jumped aboard against Elizabeth's protests.

"Will!" Elizabeth screamed hanging onto the rail as Will disappeared into the ship running to the room his father laid torn and battered. Will's father looked up at his son who had busted through the door.

"Will?" he asked looking at his own battered humanly flesh.

"Yes, I'm here… I've come for you," Will said grabbing his father and helping him up. The two made their way up the stairs to find the ship half submerged beneath the surface of the ocean and water poured down the staircase nearly knocking them over. They made their way through and abandoned the ship trying to swim as fast and hard as possible the suction trying to drag them to into the depths of the ocean with the remains of the ghostly ship. Jack Sparrow and Gibbs climbed down into a small rowboat trying to meet the boys half way. Once they reached the Turner's they helped them into the boat and rowed back to the giant ship. Elizabeth ignoring her anger couldn't help but leap into her lovers arms. Will led his father bellow deck into a warm cozy room where he could be cared for.


"She be me daughter also," Barbossa argued with the queen who was drying her hair. The captain's cabin was lit with many candles sending an eerie glow.

"Only for a couple of months. Where were you for the last seventeen years of her life hmmm?" the queen asked still drying her hair with a towel.

"Thinkin' bout her… and ye," he said slamming his fist on the table, "but ye forget though I be a pirate I still have a heart."

"Then you had a funny way of showing it. You may have a heart 'captain' Barbossa, but it is cold and dark and you will hurt her and disappoint her," the queen said dropping her arms still holding the damped towel.

" Ye forget so do ye, that makes us two peas in a pod my dear," he said walking around the table so he could face her, "ye be as boneless as a jellied fish to afraid to stand up for what ye really want… and afraid to let yer daughter be like her father or worst her mother."

"How dare you," she said throwing the towel at him. He grabbed the towel from his shoulder and slammed it and his fist into the table.

"Too long have I been yearning for ye," he said touching her face. She pulled away and backed up, "too long had I wanted to know me own daughter. A life of a pirate is a long one, and I've finally gotten to know me daughter. She is an amazing young woman, and I love her like I love ye. We've had such an amazing time Bell."

"I haven't heard that nickname for a long time," the queen paused looking at the ground before looking up at him with such softness and seriousness, "let me take her home, let her remember you the way she does. Let her remember the love she had the way she had it, before you both disappoint her. You don't understand the heart ache you put me through Barbossa… and I can't watch her go through it. I wish you would have disappeared and left me with the memories she has now. Leave her this time because I ask you to so she can remember you as a good man. Let me have my daughter back, I don't want her back in pieces. Please… for me and all the pain you put me through, ease it with this one request."

"Yeah," he said after a soft mumble, "I'll take ye both back home. Your free to take her."

"Thank you," she said looking into his eyes before gently touching his face. She released her hand and walked past him, but the captain did not move… for the first time he had felt what it felt like to have a broken heart. He understood her pain. He sat down in a wooden chair staring out the window into the dark abandoned ocean. He grabbed the clear glass filled with wine and sipped it as the boat rocked to a melancholy song only his heart could hear. For the very first time a tiny tear fell from the mighty captains eye, he risked his life so he could once again live without his daughter.


"No!" Meira yelled pulling away from her mother, "I won't go back! I don't want to!"

"I'm your mother and you have to do what I say," the queen said as Meira shook her head no backing away slowly. She turned to run down the stairs to where Jack had been. The queen knew she would go to Jack, which is why she had a talk with Jack first.


"I will not tell her to go," Jack Sparrow said looking at the queen, "how could ye ask me to let go of the one I love? Are you daft?"

"No I'm not Jack this life is no life for a girl like her. She was raised with servants, to be treated as royalty, she is to be queen… how could you expect her to learn to live a different kind of life? She will get tired and regret it and you in the end for it Mr. Sparrow, and by then it will be too late for her. Do not take this from her. Do you not love her enough to let her go back to her way of life?" The queen asked fiddling with her dress.

"I love her," Jack said more to himself then to her, "I wouldn't deny letting her leave she's been free to leave, milady. I will not stop her."

"That is not the problem, she is going to want to stay with you," the queen said knowing this was going in her favor.

"Then let her stay," Jack said seriously, "let her make her own decision."

"I made my own decision when I was her age, and it brought me heart ache and regret. If only I had someone to take me away so I could have remembered him as a great man instead of the man who ruined me," the queen said looking at Jack, "let her remember this love of yours as what it is now. She will never forget it or you, and you can go on with your life. You must tell her to come with me Mr. Sparrow, you must let your love die the way it is so she can remember it and use it to make herself strong."

"I… can't," he said pacing thinking about what the woman was saying. He sat down in a chair looking at the back of his hands. He looked up into one of the many windows and saw a reflection of a scruffy dirty man with black hair and beads. It was that instant that he realized the queen was right all along, she belonged back where they had chandeliers, servants, grand meals, fancy wine, big dresses, beautiful gardens, lush green grass, and wealthy men, "alright."

"Thank you Mr. Sparrow it seems that you do have a heart," she said before turning and leaving to find her daughter.

-End of Flashback-

"Jack," she breathed opening the door to his room. He stood up at the sound of her voice.

"Meira," he said as she ran into his arms. His arms slowly wrapped around her as his chin rested on her head.

"My mother wants to take me away," she said softly into his chest. Her fingertips dug into his back a little.

"Maybe it's for the best," Jack said softly forcing himself to stay calm for her sake.

"But I don't want to go back," Meira said looking up at him her grip loosening a little.

"Sometimes what we want isn't always what is best for us," he said looking down at her, "you have the chance to be a queen, to have all the things any woman would dream of."

"But I wouldn't have you Jack," she said gripping his arms, "I don't want any of those things… I don't want to be queen."

"You don't know what your talking about Meira. Not to mention your being selfish Meira," he said pushing away from her looking at the ground as he faced the opposite direction of her.

"What are you talking about?" she said fast as she placed her hands on his arms laying her head on his chest. He just crossed his arms not looking at her reflection in the window.

"You have a chance to change the world," he said facing her, "that is more rewarding then some stupid random romance. Would you throw away your life for this?"

"Yes!" she yelled pushing him, "yes! Yes! YES!"

"Well I can't let you!" he yelled spinning around gripping her arms. She looked in shock as he peered down at her.

"Why?" she cried biting her lip before looking away from his eyes.

"Because with me there is nothing for you. You don't belong with me," he said touching her face.

"So… you don't love me anymore?" she cried slowly looking up at him. His heart nearly fell how did this happen to him? How did he ever fall in love? Just his luck he had many woman had been in his life and never had he fell in love, go figure the one girl he did was out of his reach and not meant to be his, "these lips no other girl will ever kiss, this heart will always feel like this. Only god could stop me loving you Meira. Only god could tell me not to, he brought you to me to make my life complete, and there is no girl who could take away my heart. God gave me a love strong enough to calm my heart and only he could stop me from loving. But sometimes when you love something you have to let it go."

"This isn't fair," she cried backing away, "I don't want… to be without you. But if your willing to let me go… then maybe its best."

"You should pack your things," he said walking out of the room. She sat on the bed before placing her head in her hands. She shook her head letting her long red hair glide over her shoulders catching her tears and absorbing them.

For days Meira would not come out of the room until they found land, they would make the rest of the way on land and cut through. The ship docked and the crew gathered to say their goodbyes, everyone that is except for Barbossa. Meira looked around and saw that the door to his room was open and knew he'd want to see her. She found her way to her fathers room where he stood by the window.

"Meira," he said softly before looking over at his daughter, "I'm very proud of ye. If anyone had told me that anyone would have a hold on me, I would say they were out of there minds. Speaking of crazy I be finding lately all I want all I need all the time is more of your love, I've never needed a fix like this before except from when I first me ye mother. To strong t' resist I don't know when t' quit, Ye be me daughter… and I just can't explain it. I guess I gotta be holdin' on easy as I let ye go, I'm goin' to tell ye how much I love ye though ye think ye already know. I never got to see ye when ye be a baby, but I loved ye from the moment I knew about you Meira. Yer beautiful from the outside in, go on take on tis whole world, but t' me ye always be me little girl. Your smile melted me heart of gold, and sometimes when ye be asleep I whisper I love ye at the moonlight by ye door. Chase yer dreams, but know that ye always have another home. Goodbye Meira."

"I love you too," she said giving him a big hug, "I'm going to miss me. Promise me you'll visit."

"I'll be around," he said releasing her when the queen appeared in the entrance way.

"Meira it's time," she said standing in the door frame. Meira walked out looking back at her father.

"Goodbye Barbossa," the queen said looking at him hesitating for a moment before shaking it off and shutting the door. The old man sighed before sitting into one of his chairs. Meira made her way down hugging all her friends. Anamaria had a hard time holding in her tears, and Elizabeth didn't do so well. Meira just squeezed Elizabeth's hands. Will gave her a hug so tight she thought she would faint. Last but not least was the famous captain Jack Sparrow.

"You say you don't want to hurt me don't want to see my tears, so why are you still standing here just watching me drown?" she asked after staring at each other for moments, "I guess there is nothing you can do or say since you'll break my heart any ways right? I guess I might as well take the pieces of me heart and be going."

"Not like this," he said grabbing her arm when she went to walk away, "it can't end like this."

"Why not?" she asked looking up at him, "your not making up your mind it's killing me and wasting time."

"I love you," he said softly but loud enough for her to hear it. She looked up at him, "I love ye, I do. But it has to be this way, it's better for you."

"Is that what you tell yourself to make you feel better?" she asked not letting herself cry in front of him, "to make the guilt disappear?"

"I have no reason to be feelin' guilty love, I'm be doin' what's best and right for ye," he said looking down at her with an emotionless stare, "but like I said before, when ye love somethin' ye should let it go."

"I don't understand," she said breaking her cool, "help me understand…"

"Welcome t' the real world we don't always understand," he said swallowing as she looked up at him with a hazy look in her eyes.

"Right," she said nodding a couple of times before looking at the ground.

"Why can't ye leave it the way it is?" he asked gripping her shoulders, "go and remember it for what it was."

"I don't know what it was anymore," she whispered as began tears threatening her eyes.

"Love Meira, it was love. There use to be a time I was alone on the sea and ye became the light on the dark side of me. The more I get of ye the stranger it feels Meira, and I haven't stopped loving you. There is so much a man can say, and yet ye remember my power, my pleasure, and me pain. Won't you tell me ye will let this be left the way it was. Let's remember the good times Meira, but do not leave with darkness shadowing what we had," he said his grip on her shoulders tightening. She bent up kissing him, he released her arms so she could touch his face.

"I'll always love you," she said a tear rolling down her cheek, "goodbye my lover."

"It maybe over but it won't stop there, I am here for ye… you touched my heart and soul, you changed me," he said before lowering his lips near her ears. She felt his breath on her neck and his nose nuzzling her hair, "close your eyes. When you close your eyes I will be with you. Always. Now go."

"Meira," the queen said making Meira open her eyes which had been shut. She nodded letting her hand fall from his face as she stumbled away her eyes pricking with a stinging sensation as she watched him over her shoulder. Jack Sparrow watched as she disappeared into the sea of people going along with their daily lives. No one moved as the carriage carted her away… far away.

"Goodbye my lover, my friend, you have been the one for me," Jack Sparrow said softly swallowing as his heart raced. No one said anything but slumped to their posts.


It had been weeks maybe a month and a half, and Meira sat in a garden full of singing birds. She had not smiled once since she had been home, she only thought of a love so painful. The queen watched her daughter from a window in the castle. Meira saw a man followed by a couple of men in uniform walk up. Meira stood and walked into the castle to get her mother. The queen glided down the stairs the way a queen did. She met Meira with a smile before placing her hand on her shoulders guiding her outside.

"Meira darling," the queen said smiling at her daughter.

"What is it mother?" Meira asked looking at her mother.

"You remember our laws right?" the queen said as the men walked up the stairs in a orderly fashion.

"Of course," Meira said looking at her mother curiously.

"Well then you remember that to become queen, you must be married to someone of some noble status," the queen said batting her eye lashes, "well… I've been planning a wedding for you. I know that this past month has been hard on you, all you've done is mope… so I thought I would wait until now to tell you. And that is your future husband."

"What? How could you!" Meira said looking from her mother to the men who walked through the doors stopping in front of them. A young man walked forth taking Meira's hand and kissed it. Meira looked at him then to her mother before turning and walking away. The queen sighed impatiently.

"Forgive my daughter she's been through a lot. Her father the king died, and then she was captured by pirates and made a slave… and much more," the queen said before turning her heels tapping against the cold marble floor. She made her way up stairs to where Meira lay on her bed, "Meira! Oh… Meira."

"I…" Meira's face was covered in tears as she sat up holding a necklace Jack had given her long ago.

"Oh Meira," her mother sighed before sitting down beside her daughter. She placed an arm around Meira and fell silent for a moment, "don't look back on the past my child, the past is meant to be in the past. Leave it bellow the depths honey, it wasn't meant to be."

"I know," Meira said wiping the tears away, "but I wanted it to be."

"I know how you feel. But at least it ended the way it did, now you can be who you were born to be," the queen said taking her daughters hand, "he is a gentle soul… just get to know him. He's the son of a well known very rich nobleman."

"Alright mother," Meira said taking a deep watery breath before stuffing the necklace under her pillow and standing up. The queen and Meira made their way down for tea in the garden. The young man was very polite, gentle, funny, and harmless. A real prince charming the guy Meira had dreamed of before she had met her dark and dangerous lover. Dinner that night was also pleasant, though she found him enjoyable she couldn't see herself marrying him.

For weeks it was the same way he would try to win her over, and she tried to let him. Invitations were sent out all over, the wedding ceremony would take place in the fall which was only a month and a half away. Meira became busy even though she wasn't always quite able to focus on the wedding details. Her heart cried out to be saved, but the rest of her muffled the screams.


Jack sat in a chair his feet on a table and a bottle of STRONG alcohol in his hand. He took another swig before tossing it at a wall. It had been two months almost two and a half. It sure hit him now that he realized she was really gone. The crew had split up Will and Elizabeth went back to Port Royal where they got married, Barbossa disappeared with his crew, and Jack traveled with Gibbs, Cotton, and Anamaria back to Tortuga where he spent his days sleeping alone, drinking, and looking for fights.

Jack stumbled down into the bar for another bottle. Gibbs watched his captain as he attempted to drown his sorrows. A man bumped into Jack making Jack throw the guy down. The man's friends jumped up grabbing their bottles before Anamaria rushed in between grabbing Jack off the guy and dragging him back into his room throwing him to the dank musty wooded floor.

"What be ye problem Jack! Get a hold of ye self!" Anamaria yelled slamming the door shut. He didn't say a word as he stumbled to get up. She handed him her bottle and he took a big drink, "we all miss her Jack, but she be gone and ter be no turnin' back. You told her to go, you did."

"I know that!" he yelled spinning around placing his hands to his head, "I know that."

"Then get to yer senses mate," she said softly, "stopping pretending to be alright when ye clearly aren't."

"I'm alone again I keep looking at her picture, and the way it was and could have been surrounds me. I will never get over watching her walk away. I've never been the kind to let me feelings show, I thought that being strong meant never losing my self control... but I guess I'm just drunk enough to let go of my pain," he said trying to hold back tears, "to hell with my pride tonight I wanna cry. I know it's going to hurt bad before it gets better. I've never… loved Ana. Never, and then there was her and in all my years, never… ever, have I cried."

"Jack," she said as a tear fell from his eye to his nose. She just nodded understanding, "it's goin' ter be alrigh."

"The only way to end this agonizing pain is to die," he said before looking up at her, "would ye kill me?"

"Never!" Anamaria said angrily before backing up.

"Ana Jack!" Gibbs said busting through the door, "Jack… be ye cryin'?"

"Shut it ol' man," Anamaria said before glaring at him, "what be yer reason for bargin' in like tat?"

"Come with me down stairs," he said excitedly. Anamaria helped Jack stumble down stairs to see a smiling Will and Elizabeth.

"Elizabeth! Will!" Anamaria said dropping the drunk Jack Sparrow.

"Hey," he said nearly falling to the ground, "what brings ye love birds all the way out here?"

"Second chances," Will said handing Jack something, "we have been talking about it, and by the looks of it, you want Meira back. Well we ran into Barbossa on our honey moon and Meira never got a real chance to decide. Now she has had a taste of her world again, let's go make a visit."

"She be better off where she at mate," Jack said unrolling the paper announcing the engagement of Meira and some royal guy. Jack's face went red.

"Jack…" Elizabeth began before she was interrupted.

"Let's go," Jack said to Anamaria, "we may make it in time if we leave now."

"Let's get moving," Elizabeth said to the rest of the crew before running they ran out the door. Barbossa sat waiting with the giant ship.

"Welcome back Mr. Sparrow," Barbossa said nodding to the drunk Jack Sparrow, "good to see ye be puttin' yer time to good use."

"Ai, well we all got ter be doin' somethin' we fancy," Jack said staggering a little, "mine is just a little woozier."

"And smellier," Elizabeth laughed walking past him.

"Easy for ye to say… rum killer," he mumbled before walking on board. Once fully ready they made their way off.


It was the day of the wedding and Meira sat in her room as people her mother paid dressed her up. They did her hair in the most beautiful way to match the beautiful white dress decorated with beautiful crystal sequins and her beautiful very large diamond necklace that covered most of her neck. She stared at herself in the mirror while the three woman were working on her. She could hear music bellow and the sound of people. They were probably mingling while talking of the bride and groom to be, what kind of queen she will be as they sip at expensive wine.

"You look beautiful princess I mean queen Meira," one of the ladies said as she applied some final touches to Meira's face, "you make an amazing bride and you will be…"

"An amazing queen," the groom said sitting in the door way making Meira jump. He was not the most handsome man, but he had attractive features.

"It is bad luck you know," she said not looking at him, "to see the… bride, before the wedding."

"We won't need luck Meira, luck is for those who don't know love," he said before turning and walking away. Meira bit her lip before looking down at her lap ignoring the folds and ruffles of her beautiful dress. The music began and got louder which was her sign to get out there.

Will stood by the door as the other snuck into seats. Elizabeth smiled making sure to lock all the doors other then the ones Meira was to come through, all the guards were out side. Jack wanted to make a dramatic entrance as usual, and after chugging a glass of wine he got into place. The music stopped and the trumpets began to play signifying that Meira was about to come out. The door opened very slowly as little girls with baskets tossed white and red pedals from beautifully woven basket. Beautiful maidens walked out slowly also getting everyone owing and awing. Then finally Meira in the magnificent dress, everyone gasped and grew silent as she walked down. There was no smile on the brides face, but no one noticed. The beautiful diamond crown held a silky vale that matched her dress and ten foot long train that followed behind her. Her heart beat wildly as she walked down the aisle, with each step her heart began to thump harder. Everyone gasped when she stopped for a moment clutching at her heart.

'It's going to burst out of me chest," Meira thought swallowing as she began breathing extremely hard. Meira stepped forward closing her eyes ignoring her hearts protest. Jack smiled though he could not see her face he saw her pause a moment and that was enough to give him hope again. Meira made her way to the alter and slowly peered up at her soon to be husband. Jack couldn't wait for the priest to start speaking, he burst through the doors.

"I do! I object! Right here!" Jack said standing there at the end of the walk way.

"Jack?" Meira asked softly before her friends stood up, "Will? Elizabeth? Gibbs and Anamaria?"

"We haven't even started yet," the old man said to Jack.

"No offense father but I don't give a rats belly," Jack said walking down the walk way, "I object, I protest, I say no, I…"

"Walked away," Meira said walking down the steps of the alter to meet Jack. Everyone gasped and the queen stood up in protest, "I'll be right back and then we'll get married."

"Meira," Jack said as she pushed him out the doors. Guards came running down the hall towards them.

"I could let them take you," Meira said glaring at him.

"You could," he said dipping his head in agreement, "Hey! I'm over here! Come get me…"

"Shut up!" she yelled a whisper before placing her hand over his mouth and plunging him through a door. She slammed the door shut before leaning against it breathing heavy.

"I woke up early this morning with the moon shining bright, I pulled the covers over me head and tried to get some sleep… but thoughts of us kept keeping me awake. And while ye found yourself in someone else's arms I've been trying my best to get along, but that's okay I guess there just isn't anything left to say right?" he said looking at down at her calmly.

"How dare you just walk into my life out of the blue when I am about to make something of myself, that something you told me to become. And… every night I try to sleep out all the ruins that my emotions left, but every time I closed my eyes I saw you. I guess I am feeling just a little tired of this and all the baggage that seems to still exist. It seems the only blessing I have left to my name is not knowing what we could have been, what we should have been," she said looking up at him trying to hold an angry face though her eyes held all the sadness in the world, "so take your freedom, take your space, and take your reasons but you will think of me. We have nothing left anymore, in fact… I feel a whole lot better, but you'll think of me."

"Someday I'm going to run across yer mind, but don't worry I'll be fine… I will be just alright," Jack said stepping forward making her back up.

"While your sleeping with your pride wishing I could hold you tight, I will be over you and on with my life," she said backing up as he stepped forward. He grabbed her hand putting a locket on her palm.

"Take yer memories I don't need them," he said turning to walk away before she spoke up making him freeze. It was pitch black in the room, the black curtains blocked any light from the outside world.

"You know I use to ask my self who is going to hold me each night, when I am feeling alone? Who is going to show me the light? Cause I need to know… with all the things we've got how could love just stop? I asked you to tell me, to help me understand. All our friends and all our memories tell me how do we sort them out? What's yours is yours and what is mine is mine… is that all that is left now? Somebody help me understand why am I not apart of his plan, and why you don't need me anymore? Help me understand why I still want to be where you are, even though I know in my heart that you don't hold me in yours anymore?" she said tears forming in her eyes as her hands flattened on the wall. Jack did not turn to face her he just stood there, "so tell me at least… why now? Tell me!"

"I don't know," he said getting ready to walk forward. He made it to the door before she said something.

"I was right there beside you all summer, and then I woke up to find it was gone. This month saw a month of tears and thanking god you weren't hear to see me like that. It's hard to not find it a little bitter sweet, looking back on all of that it's nice to believe that the ocean reminds you of me. I hoped when you thought of the ocean you thought of my favorite color, when you thought of happiness you thought of my head on your chest, thought of my hand in yours, and the necklace of yours I wear, and when you look at the ocean I hope you think of me," Meira said tears in her voice.

"Every minute," he said still not looking at her, "I thought of ye every minute… in-between drinks, in-between breaths, in-between hatin' myself, in-between hating… you."

"Why?" she asked bringing her hand to her mouth hoping to hide the sobs.

"I don't know," he said turning towards her. He walked to her, "I thought it was best for you Meira."

"You were wrong!" she yelled at him. He looked away again making her angry that he wasn't looking her in the eyes.

"No I wasn't," he said getting ready to turn around again.

"Look at me… look at me!" she yelled hitting him in the chest with her hands. He turned grabbing her and gently slammed her up against the wall. His heart was racing and he breathed fast as he looked her in the eyes. They seemed frozen a moment as he watched her eyes. His lips quickly found hers as her arms wrapped around his neck. His arms went around her waist as he pulled her off the wall landing on the floor. She pulled off the crown as he un did the back of her dress leaving trails of kisses down her neck. He slowly peeled the dress from skin. The dress landed beside them with a heavy plop as she unfastened his pants while he took off his shirt. The warmth of his skin on hers sent chills through her body, and the way he moved between her legs tremble. It felt like forever since they had been one. His hands held onto hers holding them above her head. She smiled as he kissed her neck some more, he released her hands to touch her body as he kissed down her stomach. When he stopped she looked at him curiously, "what's wrong?"

"I'm going to be here for ye, I'll be a man of me word… speak the language in a voice that ye have never heard. I want to sleep with ye forever, and I want to die in ye arms… in a cabin in a meadow where wild bees swarm. I want to honor yer mother, and I wanna learn from yer pa, I want to steal yer attention like a bad outlaw. I want to stand out in a crowd for ye, a man among men. I want to make your world better then it's ever been," he said touching her face.

"You already have," she said smiling up at him.

"We'll follow the rainbow where ever the four winds blow, and there'll be a new day comin' yer way," he said kissing her nose, "I'm going to be here for you from now on, you've been stretched to the limits but it's aright now. I am going to make you this promise, if there is life after this I am going to be there to meet you with a warm wet kiss. I'm going to love you like nobody loves you, and I'll earn your trust while making memories of us. Because I love you."

"I love you too," she said kissing him with such passion she thought she'd never go cold again.


"Where is my daughter?" the queen asked angrily. Barbossa just shrugged and gave a smug smile. This irritated the queen even more, "don't play games with me Barbossa. Incase you haven't noticed… she is supposed to be getting married."

"Oh I don't tink they'll be getting' married," Barbossa said leaning up against a door frame.

"What does that mean?" the queen asked in frustration, "that means they be in a room and haven't come out in awhile. They be doin' what people who are in love do. Do ye remember what that is like? To be in love?"

"I remember it was nothing but heart ache," the queen said giving him a bone chilling look.

"What be makin' ye so mad?" he said shutting the door behind him.

"The fact that you stole my daughter isn't enough for you? And now you have crashed her wedding, she cannot be queen unless she is to marry a man of noble status," the queen said clenching her fist and speaking with speed.

"And why be that?" Barbossa asked with sarcasm.

"Because it is custom, it is the rules," the queen said trying to figure out an answer.

"Rules are meant ter be broken me dear," Barbossa said smiling at her, "ye make the rules your royalty. Besides what ye really be mad about is ye and I. Ye were me only love, the only one for me. Do ye remember those days there was a fire down in our soul, the whole world had to stand still and turn around us cause that be the deal, and how those nights were blowing like the wind when I was all yer's and ye be all mine, and we were in love. I can still see ye when I sleep, I still remember ye with yer hair in the wind with that crazy grin, back when dreams were to young to die. We were in love, I know it sounds crazy, but lets find away to bring back the days when our hearts were forever young and we were in love."

"You tossed me off your ship after you got what you wanted," the queen said walking up to him with anger her hands clenching at her dress.

"I did it for ye," he said catching her off guard. She looked at him before he finally explained, "I did it to free ye. Ye can kill him by stabbing his heart, only if the one who made it tat way is there to once again bring it's armor down. Ye be the one to break his heart, so ye had to be there for him to once again be weak. Stabbing the heart alone would not do it. I do love thee."

"Why didn't you just tell me?" she said a tear falling down her cheek.

"Because the effect wouldn't be thee same," Barbossa said looking at her with passion and love, "I meant every word I said to ye. Letting ye do that was the hardest thing I ever had ter do. But I did it for ye, and our daughter."

"Why do you do this to me?" she cried placing a hand to her mouth.

"Don't cry," he said taking her hand and kissing it, "just dance with me. Just tell me ye love me."

"I can't…" she said before looking up at him, "I can't… say no. I do love you, I just am scared to. What about Meira and her wedding?"

"Why do ye have to leave position of queen? Ye still be the queen as long as ye feel alright to be, and ye've already been married and be a widow so marrying again is not against yer laws. Then we can change that law and Meira can marry Jack when yer ready to have a simple life with me," Barbossa said touching her face.

"Your right," she said looking up at him, "let's do it."

"Really ye mean it?" he asked his hand still on her face. She shook her head yes before taking his hand in hers. Together they went to unannounced the marriage. Jack and Meira found their way out of the room and Barbossa and the queen explained to them the plan. Everything was in order, and they were all ready to begin their new lives together. Meira traveled around with Jack for awhile, along with their crew of misfits until the day would come when they would take over and rule England.

Arg that be the end matey

Authors note- That be the end for now folks I am trying to finish all my stories up I've left them all unattended to. There has been a guy in my life distracting my attention since my horse has died, who was distracting me all the time as well. So I am back trying to finish things up, so at least I got this one finished it took me awhile. Sorry if the ending wasn't the greatest, I might make it longer in the future!