Sighing, Sirius pushed away from the desk, his chair easily rolling across the hardwood floor until the wheels caught on a throw rug. Fingers moved to wearily massage a pale forehead at the sight of his overflowing trashcan. Dozens of wadded up pieces of parchment joined several sheets of muggle paper on the floor, Sirius's latest attempts at writing another chapter for his newest novel.

Laughter sounded downstairs, slipping underneath the study's closed door and ringing in Sirius's ear until he was sure one more chuckle would cause his head to split open. His headache was back with a vengeance. A drawer was opened and a bottle removed. The strongest pain-relieving potion in Britain made its way down his throat. It would only be a temporary respite, though. The pounding would be back.

Sirius stood, walking over to the pile of unopened mail lying on a random patch of floor. He scooped them up, flipping through the envelopes.

'Bill, fan-mail, fan-mail, junk-mail.'

The next letter caught his attention. Emerald-green ink on yellowish parchment, a handwriting he had memorized from one precious year of note passing in class clearly stating his name and address. What could possibly have happened to make Professor James Potter, world-renowned Defense Master, send him a letter?

'Only one way to find out.'

Once the envelope had been tossed in the general direction of the garbage, Sirius hastily scanned the brief note.


Unless your curiosity has drastically changed over the last few years, I'm sure you're wondering what in Merlin's name could have possibly made me write to you.

He snorted. 'I most certainly was not.'

By now I suppose you've heard of mine and Lily's divorce. She recently told me of a conversation she supposedly had with you in our seventh year at school. I've learned not to trust anything that comes out of her mouth, but I can't help but want this to be the one time she has told me the truth.

Could you come to Hogwarts this Saturday? Or let me come to 'The Pound'? Or possibly meet me in Hogsmeade or Diagon Ally? Please?

James Potter

P.S. If you agree, I'll be bringing Harry with me.

Sirius reread the note, slower this time. He chewed his lip, a habit he had picked up from his little brother's boyfriend, wondering if he should agree to meet James. Eventually, he picked up a spare quill and scrap of parchment, penning his response.


You and Harry can come here on Saturday around three.


Shaking his head, Sirius began to make his way to the den, sure Regulus's owl would be perched on the mantle above the fireplace.

"Sirius!" Regulus blushed and pried his lips away from Remus's.

He smirked. "I'll just be a minute, Reg. Don't mind me. Carry on."