One Tree Hill is not mine it belongs to The CW Network. Prison Break belongs to Fox and I'm not either of them so they don't belong to me.

Nathan is put on death row for a crime he didn't do. Can Lucas break him out before it's to late?


"We the jury sentence the defendant Nathan Scott to death by lethal injection sec. 15-A-

2000 of the North Carolina Penal code." The jury foreman sat down as Nathan looked over at his brother.

"Your honor could you poll the jury." Nathan's lawyer asked and the judge looked over at the D.A.

"No objections your honor." The D.A sat down and the judge turned to the jury.

"Was this decision of your own choice, and not forced by any other member of the jury or outside sources? Juror number one."

"Yes." And so it started and the other eleven jurors gave the same answer. Lucas had his head down just listening to the jurors when the last one hesitated he looked up at her. Her eyes told him she was lying to the judge, she was sweating and her legs never stayed still she was nervous and not hiding it well. He felt Haley take his hand inside of her hand looking over at her she had tears in her eyes. Nathan turned towards them.

"I didn't kill him please believe me Lucas." He was ready to say something to him when the guards walked over.

"Nathan Scott you will be handed over to the Department of Corrections and they will assign you to a state prison where you will wait on death row."

"Get your hands off me I didn't kill anyone." Nathan was trying to pull his arms away from the guards. It took three of them but they finally got him out of the courtroom.

Four years later

The needle was pushing into his skin never in a million years did he ever think that he was going to get a tattoo but her he was sitting in the chair. He has spent over hundred hours here with Snake they never talked to each other Snake would work and Lucas would look everything over to make sure it was right. He was scared of needles when he first started coming here, but now they didn't bother him at all.

Walking inside of his condo he started to rip everything off the walls, newspaper articles, year book photos, Army discharge papers, maps, any and everything on his walls were now in a trash can. He walked over to his computer, pulled the hard drive out, and carried it over to his fireplace. Taking the trash, can he put everything into the fireplace and light it watching years of info burn

Lucas was fixing his tie before he walked out of his penthouse for what was going to be the last time. Nathan was going too be executed in over a month from now and he had to stop that and he only knew one way to do that. He picked up two different guns and stuck them in the back of his paints. He fixed the sleeves of his jacket before walking out of his place.

"North Carolina police department how may I help you?"

"Yes Miller Savings and Loan is being robbed."

"How do you know that sir?"

"I'm doing it right now." Lucas had a gun pointed at the teller who was crying.

"Sir if you have a weapon put it down now." He fired two shoots into the air and hung the phone up.

"Press the alarm button." She looked up at him, and he pushed the gun into her face. "Please press the button." She nodded and reached under the counter. "Thank you."

"Sir why are you doing this for? You have half a million dollars." He just fired three more shoots into the air as he heard the sirens out in front of the building.

"Put down the gun." He reached into the back of his pants and pulled the second gun out. "Put down your weapons now and put your hands behind your head." He dropped the guns, put his hands on top of his head as the cops ran inside, and tackled him. "You have the right to remain silent. If you give up that right, anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney and to have an attorney present during questioning. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided to you at no cost. During any questioning, you may decide at any time to exercise these rights, not answer any questions, or make any statements. Do you understand your rights?" He didn't answer them and the cop closed the door


Haley walked into the jail cell and saw Lucas sitting in a cell looking at her.

"My I help you ma'ma?"

"I'm Haley James, Lucas Roe's lawyer. I want to see him now."

"Yes Ms. James one moment please." She saw them cuffing Lucas and walking out of the holding cell. She sat down in front of him. He never looked into her eyes.

"What the hell Lucas?'

"You shouldn't have come here Haley."

"I wanted to know why you done this for Lucas."

"Go home Haley. Officer we're done here." He walked over and walked Lucas back into the cell.

"When is his preliminary hearing?"

"Tomorrow ma'ma."

"Who is his lawyer?"

"No one he is going to rep himself."

"Thank you

"Case number 32069-5 The State of North Carolina vs. Lucas Roe the charges are attempted armored robbery and discharging a fire arm in public." Lucas was standing alone as he watched the D.A. looking at him. He saw she couldn't stand in one place and playing with her hands.

"Mr. Roe where is your lawyer at?" He opened his mouth but someone talked before he could.

"Right here your honor. Haley James." Lucas looked over at her, then back up at the judge.

"Okay Miss. James how does your client plead?"

"No contest." Haley looked over at Lucas who was still looking at the judge.

"Not guilty."

"Which one is it Mr. Roe?"

"No contest your honor."

"Can I have a minute with my client your honor?"

"Five minute recess and Mr. Roe listen to your lawyer." The gavial banged and they took him to a holding cell.

"What the hell Lucas no contest."

"Go home Haley you've done enough for me and my family."

"It's about Nathan. You're doing this for Nathan."

"Haley he has nothing to do with this." The guard walked up to them and Haley left.

"Mr. Roe since you pleaded no contest I'm inclined to give you probation, but since you fired a weapon I'm sentencing you to no more then five years in the state prison and no less then two. You have asked to be placed close to your home and I will agree with that requested you will be placed in Central state." The guard cuffed him and they walked out of the courtroom.


He was on a bus taking the long ride to the prison his hands and feet shackled together. The cuffs were the standard issued pair, which he had broken out of many times with a paper clip he had practiced it just in case he needed to get out of them. He saw the gates open and the bus pulled inside.

"On your feet." They all stood up as the door opened and the C.O. was the first off the bus. "Start ahead stop on the red line." He looked around and saw some of the inmates were watching him as the line stopped. "Walk inside and strip down to your underwear and sit down." As they walked inside the cuffs, shackles taken off, and they were handed a clipboard. "Name, prison number, and any medical info that is needed for the doc." Lucas filled out the paper work and walked over to the guard. They took pictures of the tattoos on his body then he was handed the prison clothes. After he had them on, he walked over to a desk.

"Roe, Lucas Eugene. One gold watch, one tape recorder, one black suite. You're positions will be returned to you after your stay with us sign here." Lucas signed the paper and was pointed to another C.O.

"Name and pack number."

"Roe, Lucas 32069."

"Type I Diabetes." Lucas looked over at the guard and just nodded. "Walk to the yellow line and wait." Lucas walked over, looked down at the ground, and saw a drainpipe looking over his shoulder he bent down to looked at the pipe. He took a pill out of his mouth and crushed it up then dropped it into the drain. "Roe on your feet now."

"Sorry boss shoe was untied." The door opened and he walked over to another C.O. who walked him into general population.

"Open on thirty." The door opened and Lucas saw someone sitting on the upper bunk reading a book. "Close on thirty." The gate was closing and he laid quickly got a piece of paper and held it up so the gate closed on it.

"What the hell are you doing?"


"I'm Skills."


"What are you in here for snow flake?"

"Attempted armed robbery."

"Grand theft."

"Where are they coming from?" He pointed down to the line of men walking inside. Skills jumped down of his bunk.

"That's P.I. they do all the shit jobs, the prison uses them so they don't have to spend money on real workers."

"How do you get into P.I?"

"You don't Junk hand picks the people. If you want P.I. then get on his good side."

"I'm looking for some medicine."

"Then go to the infirmary the doc will hook you up."

"I'm already going to the doc and the stuff I need stops the stuff she will be putting into me."

"Then Fergie is your man he can get anything inside these walls." He pointed over to one of the lower cells and Lucas nodded.

"Yard time boys one hour." Everyone stood back from the gates, as they swing open. Lucas took the paper and looked it over smiling. He slid the paper into his pocket and walked out.


Outside he saw the person he was looking for his brother was shooting basketball. Skills walked over to Lucas, but his eyes never left Nathan.

"How can I get to him?"

"You can't Nate is on death row he gets yard, and chapel that's it. Why do you want to talk to him for the man killed the president's son?"

"Because he's my brother." Skills looked over at Lucas with a surprised look on his face.

"Nathan Scott is your brother?" Lucas looked down at the drainpipe and saw blue water he then looked up at the infirmary and saw the power line right beside the window.

"Who's that?" He pointed over at the bleachers and Skills walked over beside him.

"That is Tim the dim he owns the bleachers. Once someone sat down and he bit them."

"How do I get to them?"

"Get him off of them." He looked around some more as Skills kept talking about different areas that belonged to different inmates. He then found one of the people who he was looking for and walked over to an older guy who was reading a book.

"Keith Lee."

"Do we know each other?"

"No I'm Lucas Roe your wife was a teacher of mine in high school."

"Yes Amy."

"You mean Cindy?"

"Cindy right ninth grade science at Middle town."

"Tenth grade math at 145." He smiled at Lucas before reaching his hand out to him.

"No more test promise."

"So I heard that you're S.B. Cohen the man who stole two million dollars right out from under the bank you were working for." Keith looked everywhere but his eyes.

"Every one seems to thank I'm him but I'm not." He finally looked him in the eyes but Lucas could tell something was off.

"The facts add up S.B Cohen was on his way to flee the country and enjoy the money he had saved up. You were on your way to an airport in New York the same place S.B. lived. After the an emergence landing here in North Carolina you knew the police were on to you and you got a car and you hit a woman in her late fifties and kill her in the accident. Making it to the Raleigh airport and buying a ticket an airline attendant calls the police around ten that night and says they have someone who looks like S.B. Cohen since your picture was all over the news. She said he was limping around the airport, which happened to be the same place you were at. The cops came, arrested you, and the FBI question you for hours on end. Finally, they give up and were going to let you go until they got back fingerprints off the car that killed that old woman which matched yours. They decided that if they could get the money out of you that you weren't going to be spending it inside of state pen."

"Nice story Lucas every new fish in here hears that I'm him, but I'm not him if I was I would have millions waiting for me on the outside."

"How about if I told you that I could get you outside of these walls before the month is over?"

"I would say what would an old man like me do outside these walls?"

"Maybe go see his sick son." Keith looked up at Lucas. "Just thank about it Keith. Rick would love to see his old man before he dies." Lucas walked away from Keith and walked right over to Fergie he was next on the list.

"Keep walking snow flake."

"I need something and was told you could get anything for me."

"Who told you that?" Fergie and three of his friends were in Lucas's face now.

"Skills told me that." He looked around and Skills nodded towards him.

"What do you need?"

"I need PUGNAc."

"Do I look like a doctor to you? I'm more like the person who hands out samples."

"It increases insulin resistance."

"Go to the pretty doc for that." Lucas smiled at this.

"The pretty doc is giving me insulin shots so I don't think she is going to give me the PUGNAc." His smiled turned intoa smirk on his face as Fergie looked at him.

"Tell me what you are doing up there and I will get you your stuff."

"Maybe another time. Do we have a deal?" Lucas was holding some money in his hands. Fergie took the money as Lucas walked away.


Lucas walked into the infirmary and sat down on the chair along the wall. He looked over at the drainpipe and at the door. He walked over to it, pulled another pill from his mouth, and crushed it before dropping it into the drain. He sat back down and saw the doctor walking inside. She had dark blond curly hair that was down to her shoulders.

"Hello I'm Dr. Sawyer."

"I'm Lucas Roe."

"I knew I read your file type I diabetes. When was the last time you were tested?"

"About a month ago at my doctors."

"Role up your sleeve." She looked down at the tattoos that were all over his arms. "They look fresh." He just nodded as she swabbed his arm.

"Are you related to the governor?"

"Why would you say that for?"

"Same last names."

"He's my father."

"Wow so what are you doing working here?" She stuck the needle into his arm and he winched some.

"Sorry." He looked up at her smiling face.

"Don't worry about it. Let me guess you're not going to give me a weeks worth so I'm out of your hair."

"No needles on the floor." She wrote something into the file. "I will see you tomorrow Mr. Roe."

"I can't wait." She looked him in the eyes and could tell he was serious not like most of the other inmates here.


Lucas walked over to another cell and the two guys looked at him.

"Can we help you fish?"

"I'm looking for Junk." One of the men walked over in front of him.

"You found him."

"I want to talk to you alone."

"Why would I want to talk to you for?"

"I might have something you want." Junk motioned for the guy to walk out of the cell. He handed him a business card.

"What is this?" Lucas just walked away from him. "Hey fish I'm not done with you yet."

Lucas was sitting in chapel looking at his brother. After their mothers death they promised too never leave each other behind. After the hour was over Nathan stood up and saw Lucas was standing their looking at him. Nathan knew what was going to happen Lucas has a crazy idea to save him from this. He just hopes his brother isn't killed inside of these walls.


Well this is chapter one of about thirteen. I'm looking for a beta so if you are intrested get a hold of me and we will sit something up. I know you have questions but I promase you all questions will be answered in do time. Let me know what you if you like it or hate it. The title is a song from Breaking Benjamin's album called We Are Not Alone great group and song.